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The Gracie Diet

The Gracie Diet

Can three meals per day with no snacks get your figure back?

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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The Gracie Diet is a diet which follows the method of eating that was compiled and used first-hand by Grand Master Carlos Gracie. Over a 65 year period of research and experimentation, this book was created to show others the methods of the diet. The Gracie Diet is broken into different parts including an introduction to the diet and how to use it. You will learn how to use the right food combinations to make the most of your health. The book talks about why the food industry isn’t interested in your health so you have to look out for yourself. Eating the proper food combinations is the key to the diet while the wrong combinations can be harmful. You can choose whether to implement all of the principles of The Gracie Diet at once or slowly implement them. You will see results in a couple of weeks as long as you keep an open mind. One of the benefits you’ll notice after implementing The Gracie Diet principles is an increase of energy and a decrease in stomachaches, headaches, heartburn and irregular bowel movements.

One of the first things you do when starting The Gracie Diet is establish a base point. You have to know where you are currently to track your results and set your goals. You assess your current eating and drinking habits through a brief survey. The results of this survey will give a dietary snapshot of how your eating habits may be affecting how you feel and what’s going on with your body. If you don’t like where you are currently, The Gracie Diet gives you a plan to make changes that are easy to follow. You start with small changes through different phases.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Teaches a way of eating that eliminates unhealthy foods
  • Reprograms your body and way of thinking about food
  • Eliminates mindless snacking
  • Reduces starch intake by allowing only one per meal
  • Eat three meals per day
  • Encourages drinking more water
  • Learn how to eat healthy when away from home
  • Program can be incredibly difficult for kids to adjust to; especially if they are used to eating lots of candy and cookies or if they are picky eaters
  • Some families may struggle with this new style of eating
  • Those prone to snacking may have trouble replacing snacks with just a glass of water

There are several different elements, but it is mainly focused on finding the right combinations of food to eat and eating them at the proper time. There are some tips on what to order at restaurants to maintain your healthy eating habits as well. One of the things you need to do while on this diet is space your meals at least four and a half hours apart. This is done to make sure you have fully digested one meal before eating another. The program suggests you eat only three meals per day and you should give up snacks completely. Spacing your meals is phase one. Once you have done this for a week, you can move to phase two. In phase two, you eliminate desserts and sodas. This phase is designed to wean you from desserts that combine fat with sugar.

You will use honey for desserts later in the program, but during this phase if you want fruit, you must eat it with a meal rather than a snack or dessert. After one week on phase two, you can proceed to phase three which involves not mixing starches in the same meal. Only one starch per meal is allowed. Throughout the book, there are some elements of the diet explained in an at-a-glance format. This allows you to have some quick tips that you can easily remember. Some of the recommended foods that are on The Gracie Diet include:

  • Artichokes
  • Arugula
  • Cilantro
  • Celery
  • Chicken
  • Crab
  • Crawfish
  • Red meat
  • Shellfish
  • Oysters
  • Olive oil
  • Cocoa
  • Walnuts
  • Wheat germ
  • Corn flour
  • Dry corn
  • Rye
  • Yams
  • Potatoes
  • Quinoa
  • Rice

There are also some recipes included in the book in case you have trouble thinking of items to eat. Some of those recipes include:

  • Onion quiche
  • Eggplant quiche
  • Cream of corn
  • Chayote squash soufflé
  • Baked salmon with rosemary
  • Shrimp and potato combo
  • Round roast
  • The Renergy sandwich

As with most weight loss and diet programs, exercise plays an important part in The Gracie Diet. You are encouraged to find the workout that works well for you and it is not necessary to adopt a rigorous routine to lose weight. You should find an activity you enjoy doing. You can start out with a 20 minute walk three days per week. From there you can progress to 30 minutes three times per week or 20 minutes four day per week. After that you can incorporate one new exercise every two weeks including push-ups or sit-ups. Just these simple workouts can go a long way in bumping up your weight loss without putting a lot of extra strain on your body, or burning yourself out.


Losing weight often takes a lot of hard work and finding a program that works for you. One possible program that some have tried and had success with is The Gracie Diet. This diet may not work for everyone, but it does offer some decent advice for eating in a healthy way that will help you lose weight. The diet does require giving up some things and eating only three meals per day. Snacking is eliminated from the diet and it encourages you to drink lots of water, which is a positive thing. The Gracie Diet was tested through years of experience and has become a way of life for those who do it. Eating in this manner and incorporating exercise can help you avoid diseases and improve your energy levels. It’s easy to follow and might be just the diet you need to change your health forever for the better.

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