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The Menace of Obesity

The Menace of Obesity

Learn exactly what obesity is in both children and adults and how to overcome it in this book.

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  • Established: 2011
  • Founder: Oliver Greene
  • Accessibility: Book
  • Diet Type: Calorie-counting, clean eating
  • Gender: Male, female and kids

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The Menace of Obesity is a book written by Oliver Greene that chronicles exactly what obesity is and how to overcome it. This book is easy to understand and offers Greene’s personal story of overcoming obesity as well. There are different sections of the book dealing with how to beat obesity safely, the menace of childhood obesity and the healthy solution to obesity. Each section is divided into several chapters which cover proper nutrition, exercise and ways to prevent obesity. This book can be a great tool for parents as well because it has an entire section on childhood obesity.

This book can be used by those that want to lose weight, those that want to prevent obesity or those that just get a better understanding of health and nutrition. Author Oliver Greene battled his weight for over 15 years and used the principles in this book to lose 85 pounds. There really isn’t any new information, but all of it is useful for helping you achieve a healthier body.

  • Contains sound advice for weight loss and getting healthy
  • Features an entire section on childhood obesity
  • Deals with causes of obesity in a very basic fashion
  • Encourages proper nutrition and exercise
  • Book is short and to the point
  • Educates about different types of fat and carbohydrates
  • None to speak of

The Menace of Obesity includes several simple strategies for eating that can help solve obesity. Many of the strategies in this book allow you get started right away and there isn’t a strict diet that forces you to eat certain foods. One of the basic things you will learn is that the amount of food you eat is just as important as the types of food you eat. You need to control your portions as well. You will find that you can enjoy any food that you want if you are able to control your portion. You don’t have to remove everything that you enjoy from your diet, but some must be eaten in very small amounts.

As long as the portions are small, you don’t have to eliminate anything from your diet completely. Some other pointers for eating are increase your protein, choose complex carbohydrates and set goals. There is a suggested list of foods to choose from if you find yourself very hungry. This is so that you can take the edge from your hunger with low calorie foods rather than bingeing on unhealthy foods. Those suggested foods include:

  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Celery
  • Red or green onions
  • Mushrooms
  • Radishes
  • Unsweetened pickles
  • Sparkling water or calorie free drinks
  • Cucumber
  • Bouillon or fat free broth
  • Plain coffee or tea
  • Herbal teas
  • Greens: escarole, mustard, collard or dandelion

It is recommended that you use certain condiments to add flavor to these foods. They will fill you up without adding weight to your body. Some condiments you might try are mustard, horseradish, Worcestershire sauce or soy sauce.


Exercise is an important part of reversing obesity with The Menace of Obesity. If you are not already active, the book recommends that you get started right away. The recommended daily activity level is 30 minutes of moderate activity each day for good health. For those that are obese, it may be difficult to start exercising. The longer you have been inactive, the tougher it will be to get started. Getting started is a step-by-step process. The Menace of Obesityrecommends that you start with a 10 minute walk and build from there.

The book also addresses the couch potato syndrome which is very common among those that are obese. Some of the things you can do to stop this behavior are get out of the house, limit your TV and computer time and of course, exercise. The recommended form of exercise to burn calories, lose weight and keep your heart healthy is cardio training. This can be done in several ways. Some of the recommendations given in The Menace of Obesity include:

  • Running
  • Walking
  • Rowing machine
  • Stationary bike
  • Treadmill
  • Stair climber

The Menace of Obesity offers sound advice that can be used by everyone to prevent or overcome obesity in both adults and children. The fact that the information is so simple and concise makes this an attractive book for those that are busy and looking for sound advice. This book also deals with the important topic of childhood obesity and can be a great tool for parents that might be dealing with it or wanting to prevent it.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

the menice of obesity, the menace of obesity, the menaced of obesity, the obesty menace

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