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The No S Diet

The No S Diet

A simple diet that doesn't allow sweets, snacks or seconds.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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The No S Diet is a weight loss plan that cuts out seconds, sweets and snacking except on days that start with the letter S. The book, created by a software engineer who battled with fad diet after fad diet and lost 40 pounds following his own plan, is filled with tips, success stories, answers to the most commonly asked questions and an eating routine that is simple to implement.

The guide's main objective is to curb excess by replacing it with moderation, which as the author suggests numerous times throughout the book, is the main cause of our weight problem.

The No S Diet does not tell you what you can eat but rather when you can eat. It cycles between Non-S days (weekdays) where you follow the three simple rules of the No S Diet and weekends when you can indulge in the foods you avoid during the week.

This book is intended to give you the tools for a lifelong approach to healthy eating and living. It addresses such issues as emotional eating, food addiction, wrongful blame for dysfunctional eating behaviors and other key causes of eating problems.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Addresses psychological aspects of overeating
  • Focuses on moderation
  • No foods are entirely off limits
  • Plan is easy and simple to follow
  • You control what you eat
  • Endorses a moderate and practical exercise plan
  • Does not offer a day-to-day diet plan
  • Weekend plan may lead to binge eating

As the book's name implies, The No S Diet follows three simple rules:

  • No snacks in between meals
  • No sweets
  • No second helpings

These rules are meant to be followed during the week and on the weekends (the two days that begin with the letter S) these rules are meant to be broken.

The No S Diet on Non-S days allows for three square meals each day.

  • For breakfast, you might have scrambled eggs and two slices of turkey bacon.
  • For lunch, you could have the author's favorite, a bowl of whole (not instant) oats topped with nuts and dried fruit.
  • For dinner, enjoy a piece of roasted chicken, a serving of sweet mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables.

Focusing on moderation rather than excess and restricting food choices is meant to open the door for healthier eating habits. And since no foods are restricted completely, the compulsion to binge on the weekends is likely averted since you'll be eating to satisfaction during the week and can indulge in your favorite foods on the weekends.


Just like the rules of The No S Diet, you are encouraged to make similar rules for when you exercise. The author recommends exercising on Non-S days and taking off on your S days to keep your plan in a similar routine. You are encouraged then to adopt an exercise program that brings you enjoyment and that does not interrupt your lifestyle too much. Rather than focusing on heroic efforts in your exercise routine, consistency and moderation should be the goal of your fitness habits.


The No S Diet is a simple weight loss plan that is clearly articulated and can make for the basis for lifelong healthy living habits. Its inherent flexibility and its promotion of moderation and consistent exercise are integral components to any healthy living plan.

But if you're looking for a diet that spells out what you can eat, what you can't and how many calories you should consume, then The No S Diet's loosely-structured plan will probably not work for you.

All in all, this book addresses some very important issues and provides you with the tools and behaviors that you need to incorporate to lose weight and feel good about yourself.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

The Non S Diet, the no s deit, no-s diet, the no sweets no seconds and no snacking diet, weekend diet, weekday diet

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Lost 30 pounds on this "diet" and have been maintaining a healthy BMI of 20 for 4 years. I will never submit myself to the barbaric culture of fad dieting ever again. I have finally learnt peace with food and my body, and plan to sustain this way of enjoying food for life!

posted Mar 4th, 2016 3:25 am



I started the no SDiet a little while back, and it's felt like the healthiest thing I've done for a long while, both mentally and physically. I always felt like 'grazing was healthy but looking back my eating habits were quite disordered. I have lost weight previously by doing WW, but always put most of it back on as I couldn't stand counting points long term. Not having to count anything but the day of the week feels a lot more sane.

posted Jul 6th, 2015 8:12 am


its not a diet... its called SANITY!. thank you so much for this... I am a 26 year old female and this has truly solved not only diet issues... but my mental health :)

posted Dec 15th, 2011 8:14 pm


This one is the only one that works for me

posted Oct 25th, 2011 1:38 pm



My eyes were opened to the amount of snacking I was doing. Really liked Not having to count points, calories or carbs!

posted Jan 10th, 2011 4:58 pm


All my life I have thought of myself as being "fat" even when I was weighing 130 lbs @ 5'4". but now when I step on my Wii Fit and that annoying little voice says, "That's obese", I know now what "fat" is. I have been looking for an eating plan that I could, perhaps stick too. I am a lifetime member of weight watches, but alas, I have gained all the weight I lost there back, because I am an emotional eater and a family tragedy triggered a desire to turn to my drug of choice, which is food. I just cannot bring myself to go back to counting points and/or calories so I believe the No "S" diet just might work for me. I am at least going to give it a try.

posted Dec 22nd, 2010 5:51 pm

Robin Salsman


I have to admit that I didn't use the No-S diet because I read the book or read about it. I have been doing the very same things anytime I decided to lose weight for about 20 years. It just made sense to me. You have packaged it well and I hope you make a million on it because it works! I'm a man, 58 years old, 5' 8" tall. Last year I lost 15 lbs (from 195 to 180 and was very happy with that. As the year went on I gained 5 lbs back then finally decided to get serious about losing the last of my belly roll. I went back on my diet and took off another 15 lbs. I am now at 170 (and yes, I work out 3 times a week, but NEVER I lose weight with that alone). I feel great now and am the lightest I have been since I was in my 20's.

Ok, maybe I obsessed a little about wanting to lose that belly, but the point is, if you will really use this diet, it will work. I have, in the past, lost 20 lbs without much exercise at all. Now, this is no longer a diet. This is the way I live.

Good luck to you. And enjoy your meals. that's what they are for.


posted Jun 23rd, 2010 5:34 pm



I just started this - so I can't say I'm a success story just yet. I knew in advance of starting this that I wasn't going to magically drop 5lbs in a week - your body cannot sustain such losses.

However, I feel pretty good - I've cheated slightly in the sweets category, however I was feeling lightheaded from heat so I had half a soda and some Gatorade to prevent passing out ("sick" is also an S!). I feel less compelled to eat sweets and snack a lot, or even it seconds, and I haven't even been on the diet for a week yet. I can forsee this working for me, unlike anything else I've tried (which granted, was not much). The biggest issue I have with other diets besides losing my will to neurotically count calories or stop eating a certain food, is the fact that this works with my lifelong vegetarian diet. No diet recipe book or plan has options for vegetarians (well, I heard Nutrisystem does... but I won't pay for that), yet this one due to the nature of it allows for any type of religious/cultural/ethical eating habits.

Needless to say, I am quite pleased and I recommend trying it for a month or two to see how it works, chances are (from what I hear and how I feel) I will stay on it for life.

posted Jun 22nd, 2010 8:43 pm



This is very simple, very basic. No special foods, no special supplements, just eat, three meals a day.

posted Feb 1st, 2010 3:38 pm

Cam Fraser


Terrific, easy to follow, and effective for gradual weight loss and maintenance. No forbidden foods, no calculations!

posted Aug 25th, 2009 11:47 am



The NoS Diet is the most simple and normal weightloss plan out there... and I should know, I've been a diet pro for 27 years. What I can't believe is that one of the "con"s was that it does not offer a day-to-day diet plan... as if we were all robots needing to be told what we like to eat. Eat what you want and still loose weight. No S teaches us to eat like people used to eat before we all were obese. Go ask Great Grandma! It's working for me!!! Visit the bulletin board and see all of the real-people success!

posted Aug 24th, 2009 10:20 am

Steve S


I follow the No S Diet. I've lost weight, but equally important, this has changed my whole relationship with food! I now KNOW how to maintain a healthy weight... for life!

posted Aug 23rd, 2009 6:25 pm



The first diet I've encountered that really seemed like something I could sustain indefinitely. A sensible balance between incentive, motivation, and reward. Worth a try!

posted Aug 23rd, 2009 5:36 pm



No S is a way to get off the diet rollercoaster. Once I made it past the first week, the need to snack dropped off and I felt wonderful. No counting calories or fat or carbs. No eating fake food just because it is "healthy" or "low fat". I stopped being obsessed with what I ate and guilty for cheating. Anything is OK if you postpone it to the S days and by then the appeal has faded.
It is all about habits, just like he says. I've lost a couple of pounds but it is slower than regular diets but much better. I'm throwing out all my diet cookbooks and diet books and joining life.

It just makes so much sense.

posted Aug 23rd, 2009 4:44 pm



I'm trying this at the moment. It's no quick fix, which can be frustrating- but it does reeducate you and if, like me, you have lousy eating habits and yo yo dieting mentality, this is a very sane way to go. It takes time though if you only have a small weight issue, the pounds will come off though in the end if you trust it!

posted Aug 23rd, 2009 3:37 pm



After years of counting calories and points I'm eating real food on No-S and loving it. It didn't take my body long to adjust to the plan and I now see myself happily eating this sane and healthy way for the rest of my life.

posted Aug 22nd, 2009 8:32 pm



The No S Diet is a very common sense approach to moderate eating. It is very similiar to "intuitive eating"concepts, except one doesn't have to continually wonder IF one is hungry. After following the arbitrary 3 meal-1 plate plan for some time, one's body adjusts to simply become hungry at mealtime three times a day.

posted Aug 21st, 2009 8:24 pm



Have been following the No S plan for quite a while, successfully reaching my goal weight and easily maintaining.

Returning to the way our parents and grandparents ate makes sense to me and is so freeing. As an adult, I don't need a daily food plan so that is not a negative to me.


posted Aug 21st, 2009 6:14 pm



It's not really a diet, but a sensible way of eating.

posted Aug 21st, 2009 4:15 pm

Julie Ellis


I love the No S diet. I'm eating like a normally thin person would eat, naturally and without pressure. This is the best diet in the world!

posted Aug 21st, 2009 2:43 pm


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