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The Obesity Epidemic

The Obesity Epidemic

See the correlation between changes in diet advice and the rise in obesity.

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Obesity is a problem that has been growing quickly and jeopardizing the health of millions of people worldwide. One book written by Zoe Harcombe takes an inside look at obesity. The Obesity Epidemic takes a look at what caused it and how we can stop it. This book tracks the trends of when obesity started to drastically rise all over the world and delves into the problem behind this trend. Basically, changes in diet advice are what have led to the climb in obesity. There are documents and studies that led to those changes in advice and the author explores those. Some of the major changes mentioned were switching out butter with man-made spreads and focusing meals on starchy foods. The Obesity Epidemicoffers a lot of research and information on the food industry and its correlation to obesity. Some of the things you’ve always thought to be true concerning food and weight loss are challenged within this book with sources to back up the information presented.

Those who have read The Obesity Epidemic do suggest you read the book with an open mind. Harcombe actually found that everything she believed was challenged once she did the research for herself and this book has been the end result of that research. Some of the most common diseases associated with obesity like heart disease, cancer and diabetes are discussed when looking at the turning points in the history of public health advice.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Discusses and disproves a lot of popular diet myths based on scientific research
  • Takes a look at the turning points in history when obesity started its rapid rise
  • Written by an author credible on the subject
  • Information within book is properly sourced and researched
  • Exposes a conflict of interest between food and obesity industries
  • Offers a different point of view based on scientific method
  • No need to count calories
  • Some may find it difficult to believe what the book cites as diet myths
  • Some may doubt the evidence presented
  • No real diet or exercise suggestions given; only highlights what information is incorrect

The Obesity Epidemic gives you a lot of information on foods that used to be highly consumed and the foods that are consumed now and have been deemed unhealthy. Several myths are exposed that deal with current eating habits and possible weight loss methods. Most of the diet advice that has been previously ingrained in our minds is actually the cause of obesity according to Harcombe. She refutes the calorie theory of having a 3,500 calorie deficit being equal to losing one pound. She also talks about how dieting advice changed from carbs being fattening to adding carbs into your meals and eliminating saturated fat.

The way you will be eating with this book completely goes against the calorie theory of calories in versus calories out. This way of eating is based on the philosophy that nature knows best. You will be eating real food that is in the form that nature intended. Processed foods are eliminated and your body will have no reason to store fat. You don’t have to eliminate carbs or fats and you can eat them in whatever quantities you like, provided they are not eaten in the same meal. For the most part you are allowed to eat as much as you need to in order to be satisfied. You are also encouraged to try and get your body used to eating three meals per day of breakfast, lunch and dinner. A day of meals might look similar to this:

  • Breakfast – Bacon and eggs
  • Lunch – Salmon steak, vegetables, large salad and natural live yogurt
  • Dinner – Brown rice and stir-fry vegetables cooked in olive oil

There’s not a lot of focus on exercise with The Obesity Epidemic. The book does speak specifically about the role of exercise in correlation to obesity and the myth of doing more to lose weight.


The Obesity Epidemic is a book that some might see as controversial because it counts everything we’ve been hearing for so long as diet myths. The focus of this book is to look at the research behind what diet advice we’ve been given, the point in history when that advice changed and how obesity numbers started rapidly rising after that. This is a book that must be read with an open mind, but the scientific support that comes with each claim made will definitely make you think. There is a diet formulated from this research, but that is only generally covered in this book. Reading this book will at least give you a perspective of the type of eating that will truly get you at a healthy weight and help you stay there.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

the opesity epidemic, the opbesity epidemic, the obesitee epidemic, the obesity eppidemic

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