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The Salt Solution

The Salt Solution

Learn how to reduce the sodium in your diet to help you lose weight.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Those struggling with their weight may want to take a closer look at their sodium intake. Although your body needs some sodium to maintain good health, the typical amount of sodium most people consume is two to three times the recommended daily amount. The Salt Solution by registered dietician Heather K. Jones offers a plan that will help you raise your energy, keep disease away and shake off weight. High consumption of sodium is linked to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, dementia and cancer. The Salt Solutionis a six week program that will help you reset your taste buds, boost your metabolism, increase your energy and learn to avoid hidden sodium when you are grocery shopping or eating out. One of the first things you will learn in this book is how to understand sodium and the effects it has on the body.

There are recipes included along with a two-week cleanse and a four week meal plan that will help you get rid of your dependency on salt. You will also learn the salt content in some basic foods that you don’t typically think of as high in sodium content. To see where you are starting, The Salt Solution gives you a survey to fill out so that you can gauge your current sodium habits. During the two week cleanse you will have three meals of 300 calories each and a juice smoothie. Exercise is optional when you get to the heart of the program. During the four week portion of the plan, you can enjoy four 300 calorie meals and a juice concoction each day.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Includes a two week cleanse
  • Plan works closely to reduce sodium intake and dependency
  • Program starts by explaining sodium and examining your current levels
  • Exercise is optional
  • Follows a reduced calorie diet
  • Reducing sodium can help stave off diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and dementia
  • Program created by a registered dietician
  • Features success stories
  • Cleanse requires that you follow a more restrictive diet that may be difficult for some

The diet portion of The Salt Solution is broken into two segments. The first part of the diet is for two weeks, and involves a complete cleansing of the body along with a lower calorie intake. During the two week cleanse, you will have several cleanse meals to choose from. You should stick with the meals that are recommended during this time so that you can maximize your results. All of the foods you eat during the cleanse are natural and contain no artificial ingredients. After the two week cleanse you will go to a slightly higher calorie diet that involves four 300 calorie meals each day. This stage lasts four weeks. It’s important to continue the low-sodium lifestyle even after completing the six week program. Below are some samples of a possible menu day during the cleanse and a menu day during the four week program.

One day menu during the two week cleanse (three meals per day along with the Mineral Juice Boost)

  • Breakfast: Yogurt parfait with berries
  • Lunch: Cinnamon sweet potato
  • Dinner: Fish taco
  • Mineral Boost Juice
  • Dessert: Orange-yogurt pops

One day menu during the four week program (four meals per day along with Mineral Juice Boost)

  • Breakfast: Sweet potato pancakes
  • Lunch: Tuna steak sandwich with lemon-basil mayo
  • Dinner: Tomato-topped turkey meat loaf
  • Snack: Spinach pesto dip
  • Dessert: Pumpkin-maple cheesecake

Exercise is optional on The Salt Solution but it is recommended to help you speed up your results. Including exercise in your plan can also give you more protection against high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and other diseases that come with a diet that is high in sodium. Walking is the workout of choice when it comes to The Salt Solution. There are various types of walking that you rotate through for this program. Each week the amount of time you spend walking increases slightly. There is a complete outline for all six weeks on the program so all you have to do is start walking. Below is an outline of the program for week one.

  • Monday: Interval walk – walk for a total of 35 minutes including warm up and cool down. During this workout you will vary your intensity several times.
  • Tuesday: Steady-state walk for a total of 40 minutes including warm up and cool down. During this workout you walk at the same pace for the length of the workout.
  • Wednesday: Interval walk – walk for a total of 35 minutes including warm up and cool down.
  • Thursday: Power walk – walk for a total of 30 minutes including warm up and cool down. During this workout you walk at a high intensity for the duration of the workout.
  • Friday: Interval walk – walk for 35 minutes including warm up and cool down.
  • Saturday: Recuperative walk – walk for 50 minutes including warm up and cool down. During this workout, you will walk at a comfortable and moderate pace.

Those who have used the The Salt Solution have found great results during the six weeks they lowered their sodium intake. Most people had great weight loss results as well as lowered their blood pressure and chances for other diseases. This book is great for those that want to lose weight and those that want to take charge of their health. The Salt Solution can teach you about the sodium content in your favorite foods and teach you how to naturally lower how much sodium you are putting in your body.


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the salty solution, the salt sollution, the satls solution, the salt salution

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i like it about salt free diet to

posted Mar 19th, 2015 5:51 pm

Melanie Cardell


I was one of the test subjects for this book and I can tell you that this diet does work. In fact I was amazed at how quickly it worked.

posted Sep 21st, 2011 11:47 pm


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