What is it?
Transitions Lifestyle System is a comprehensive weight loss plan offering shakes, diet pills, a detox system, and tools for keeping track of weight. It claims to be customizable and based on legitimate science to help provide weight loss benefits.
It emphasizes eating low glycemic foods, proper supplementation with pills, and learningnutrition and wellness education. There are severaldifferent approaches one can take with this system depending on one’s personal goals. Unique diet plans are available which promote weight loss depending on how quickly one wants to lose weight. Our experts have reviewed many different weight loss diets, and the most effective was found to be the 18Shake Diet. It offers both a meal replacement for hours of appetite suppression and a fat burning metabolism boosting diet pill. They contain only naturalingredients with no stimulants or cheap additives. For more information about the benefits of the 18Shake Diet, read more here.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
Transitions Lifestyle System Ingredients and Side Effects
Here are some select ingredients from their supplements:
Bacopa Monniera Leaf
Rhodiola Rosea Root Extract
Guarana Seed Extract
Advantra Z
Green Tea Leaf Extract
Yerba Mate Extract
Dimethylaminoethanol DMAE
Svetol Green Coffee Bean Extract
Cellulose Gum
Guar Gum
Blue Green Algae
Bacopa Monniera Leaf: Known as an adaptogen which has long beenusedin Indian medicine, it’s used to improve memory and reduce stress. It can potentially cause side effects such as:
• Stomach cramps, nausea, and more bowel movements.
• Fatigue, dry mouth, and headache.
Rhodiola Rosea: Plant used to help improve both memory and learning. It's also claimed to help protect cell damage and cardiovascular function. Web MD adds however:
“none of these effects have been studied in humans:
There is no information about its potential side effects either.
Guarana Seed Extract: This extract contains stimulants like theobromineand caffeine. It stimulates the central nervous system and it can potentially lead to side effects such as:
• Rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, and irregular heartbeat.
• Painful urination, headache, and anxiety.
• Delirium, rapid breathingand tremors.
• Insomnia, restlessness, and agitation.
Our experts have crafted a list of the highest rated weight loss diets made readable here.
Advantra Z: A patented form of the stimulant bitter orange. It is used to help raise metabolism and burn fat. Due to its potent effects, it can cause numerous side effects:
• Tremors, difficulty breathing, and anxiety.
• Rapid heart rate, headaches, and insomnia.
• Restlessness, fatigue, and digestive issues.
This ingredient has also been reviewed by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, and they found:
“There is not enough scientific evidence to support the use of bitter orange for health purposes”
They also express caution over possible side effects:
“There have been reports of fainting, heart attack, and stroke in healthy people after taking bitter orange supplements”
Web MD also states:
“bitter orange is POSSIBLE UNSAFE when taken as a supplement for a medical purpose such as weight loss”
Due to all these potential issues, it’s recommended to watch out for intake of this ingredient. When mixed with other stimulants it can further increase the risk of side effects.
Dimethylaminoethanol DMAE: It is used to help create choline which the body uses to help with normal nervoussystem and brain function.
It can lead to side effects including:
• Constipation, raised blood pressure, and mental issues.
• Confusion, vivid dreams, and insomnia.
Transitions Lifestyle System also offers meal plans such as the:
• 7-Day Detox: Used to promote the best use of this diet plan. It claims it can reduce cravings for fatty, sweet, and salty foods in just 7 days.
• Fat Shredder: Promises 10 pounds of weight loss in 2 weeks. There is no alcohol, grains, starches, dairy, and one must exercise 5 to 6 times a week. Water must be drunk at a minimum of 8 cups a day alongside journaling of food.
• Rapid Results: 2-3 pounds of weight loss are suggested every week. Exercise is required 3 to 5 times a week, no alcohol is allowed for 21 days and it’s advised to detox.
• Sure &Steady: This is the easiest of the diets. It requires the same kinds of effort as rapid results, but there is more allowance for foods.
See which weight loss diets were ranked the highest by reading our expert created best of list.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.
Transitions Lifestyle System Quality of Ingredients
Many of the ingredients which are used in the supplements have potential side effects. They are also common additives you’ll find in the labels of standard weight loss products.
The diet itself can be challenging depending on which one is chosen. Overall, there is an emphasis on eating whole foods, exercising, drinking lots of water, and keeping a journal. While all these tips are good, there’s nothing unique about this plan. Much of what’s suggested is already common sense exercise tips.
The foods recommended are healthy, but the ingredients in the supplements aren’t wholesome since they can promote several side effects. For a comprehensive list of the best weight loss diets, click the link here.
The Price and Quality of Transitions Lifestyle System
A 21 day kit is offered which comprises of a multivitamin, detox formula, meal replacement, and tools for weight loss. It’s sold for $149.95 from the official website.
This is pricy considering that many of the ingredients are standard in other weight loss products. There’s nothing unique to these supplements. Some of these additives lack any evidence that they are safe and effective.
For only 21 days of supplements there is no explanation as to how much weight loss is truly possible. There are also no returns allowed for opened products.
Business of Transitions Lifestyle System
The name of the business is Market America, Inc. Their contact information is listed as:
Phone Number: (866) 420-1709
Address: 1302 Pleasant Ridge Rd
Greensboro, North Carolina 27409
Email: [email protected]
Returns are only allowed as the website mentions for:
“Most items”
This is only for sealed and new products, still in the same shrink wrap and package with no handling. They also have a total of 23 complaints on their Better Business Bureau page. 13 of the 23 complaints have to do with issues related to the company’s products and service. Featured here are reviews about the business:
“told I would receive a full refund, a couple of weeks later still nothing”
“Market America is a LEGAL PYRAMID SCHEME”
“Do NOT believe Market America”
The company was also charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission due to alleged violations of federal law. They run a multilevel marketing business, which often has aggressive employees who look to recruit others into selling their products. This makes it so the company does not have to put much effort into advertising their own brands.
Click the link here to see a comprehensive list of the highest rated weight loss diets.
EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.
Customer Opinions of Transitions Lifestyle System
Here are some select quotes from customer reviews:
“Some things about it are completely useless”
“If you want to spend a ton of money for few results”
“huge waste of money”
“Gave me stomach aches daily”
People often complained that they didn’t feel like they lost weight using this system. There were some who did mention they experienced rapid changes, but this is often the result of water weight and not actual fat. Reducing starches and grains as the diet requires will often result in a loss of water weight.
There was also concern from users who said that some of the supplements promoted side effects. This includedheadaches nausea, ill feelings, and other symptoms.
For a comprehensive list of the top rated diet plans, click the link here.
Conclusion - Does Transitions Lifestyle System Work?
Transitions Lifestyle System offers a comprehensive approach to weight loss. There are numerous optional diets offered depending on one’s goals offering practical but challenging advice. One has to exercise, write in a food journal, take numerous supplements, and avoid eating certain foods. While the whole food approach is good for weight loss, it’s fairly basic advice you can find online for free. Many of the ingredients in the supplements are cheap and found in many other brands. These kinds of additives can potentially promote side effects, since there’s a use of many stimulant additives. Several users have also complained about the company, with people having issues with the products and with service.
In reviewing many kinds of diets, our experts have found that the overall most effective for weight loss is the 18Shake Diet. It has a combination of a meal replacement and a stimulant free diet pill. The meal replacement suppresses appetite for hours while the diet pill burns additional calories. This can help promote increased weight loss benefits, and customer testimonials also mention how they’ve lost weight.
The 18Shake Diet is also backed by a full 30 day money back return policy. This allows for a risk free guarantee with no questions asked. To learn more about the benefits of the 18Shake Diet, click the link here.
User Feedback
(Page 2 of 3, 46 total comments)Jewel
Obesity causes hypertension, diabetes,heart disease, sleep apnea, excessive pressure on the knees, back pain, social unacceptance, depression, poor self image and numberous other problems. Stick to this program and you will become healthy without a doubt. No suppliments needed. Just stick to the plan and you will live longer.
posted Nov 13th, 2011 9:54 pmJewel
I started this program 2years ago and have maintain my goal weight. This Program should create a magazine that contains Low Glycemic Index recipies. Outstanding, healthy and sucessful plan.I am a health care professional and I believe that this way of eating is a must for all americans. We would no longer be known as the OBESE nation of the world. Also, healthcare costs would take a nosedive.
posted Nov 13th, 2011 9:40 pmCindi
+1st 7 months and had 69 pounds off. Dr. wanted me to test and see if I could keep the weight off for 1 year....I DID! Now I'm back to losing - so far my total is 85 - hoping to hit 100 lbs off by Jan 1, 2012 wish me luck! Love the program, never took supplements, exercise 3-4 days a week and do yard work, eat "real" food and plenty of it. I am never hungry between meals.
posted Nov 5th, 2011 4:32 amUrban Mama
I am currently on this program, starting week 2. My main concerns are many discrepencies in the literature.
posted Jul 27th, 2011 10:01 amDuring my detox phase of the diet I was told I could eat carrots, then almost four days into it, I read that carrots are a higher gi and should not be eaten during the detox week. That is just one example of many.
I also find it difficult to remember to take the supplements before each meal and end up taking them half way through my meal. I don't know how much of an impact that makes on the effectiveness of the supplement.
If you do decide to start this program, be sure you love vegetables, because you are encouraged to eat at least 4 cups of raw or lightly steamed veggies a day.
In summary, this is a solid plan, just be sure to review the materials thoroughly and ask your consultant for clarification when you come across discrepencies.
Beginning week 2 and I'm already down 3 pounds without feeling deprived. On a side not, My husband has noticed the change and can't keep his hands off me. Best of luck!
I an personally teaching the TLS class to my patients and have many success stories. Great way to help patients take care of chronic in many cases life style related diseases like type 2 diabetes. Patients are able to get off their diabetic medications with weight loss.
posted Jan 15th, 2011 2:15 amTania Quinones Personal Trainer & Weight Loss Coach
+Transitions Lifestyle Health and Weight Loss "Diet" Program IS customizable to the individual based on their needs.
posted Dec 31st, 2010 8:52 pmWe also focus on educating our clients about the importance of eating whole foods which are nutritionally dense. We believe that when you truly understand what goes on within your body when you choose and eat foods, that you will make the right decisions and find freedom with food.
You learn how to grocery shop, how to read labels and understand them, how to clean out your kitchen, prepare meals and eat out while maintaining the lifestyle by following simple tricks and principles of nutrient balance to help keep your metabolism burning fat and the weight falling off.
Our 'On-the-Go' line is was adopted to eliminate any excuses due to a busy schedule. We teach you how to set your self up for success by being prepared and maybe even having your breakfast ideas prepped the night before. This is part of our behavior modification technique to teach you ways to be successful within your life as it is today.
Life happens everyday, Transitions teaches you how to be successful despite what goes on and sets you up for success for those 'just-in-case' you get stuck in traffic, or 'oh no! My meeting is running overtime' moments that would otherwise throw you off track.
During the greatest weight-gaining season of the year, our clients are still losing 15-30lbs!!! If you want a real approach to acheiving better health AND losing weight, then talk to a Transitions Lifestyle Health and Weight Loss Certified Coach. Support group classes are offered in-person and over the telephone.
Tania Quinones Certified Transitions Health and Weight Loss Lifestyle Coach Personal Trainer br /> Get Fit...Do Life! LLC
Matthew Lai
I've joined this program last 12 weeks and it makes me loss 25 pounds totally. It not only provide me healthy food information, but also let me have the nutrition knowledge to share with my friends. Transitions lifestyle really great!!
posted Nov 5th, 2010 3:33 pmluvmytransitionslife
I can't say enough about this program. Reading the posts to date I have a few things to add. It can be costly if you take all of the supplements, but to that I would say what is your health worth to you? I also have had one person that went on the program wanting to do it without supplementation but wholly on her own and she was successful as well as the others that were on the supplement. The difference, was she did not loose as much or as quickly, so the program is customizable. I ran a group in my home with mixed results, the success came from those that followed the program including the detox week and also for the next 5 weeks we eliminated gluten. This all kicks your metabolism into gear to work as it should; most have been abusing our bodies for years and our metabolism just is not working right.
posted Nov 5th, 2010 1:40 pmMy family has a history of diabetes, I am in my late 50's with a son in college and knew I had to make lifestyle changes. Diets do not work, this is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change. After all, I learned a poor lifestyle over a number of years and it was going to take effort to make this change. It is worth it, it will get your body working effectively. Working to change the obesity epidemic one life at a time.
+Great lifestyle to live by. I am 47 years old and in relatively good health. I did need to lose some wieght as the pounds were creeping up on me. My goal was about 30 pounds. I am at 45 pounds in 7 months. I only used the supplements for 30 days. I work out daily, and have built muscle. The inner strenght and overall wellness that I feel is incredible. There is nothing fancy or hard about this lifestyle. You just have to plan and have healthy food on hand. Low glycemic food makes all the difference. Worth living life to its fullest.
posted Oct 26th, 2010 12:48 pmML
+First 12 weeks, lost 36 pounds....3 months later, weight loss totaled 72 pounds.
posted Aug 10th, 2010 8:37 amThe concept is great. I did not follow their menu/recipes online because it did not support their videos and included pasta and other types of unnecessary carbs that the program recommends weeding out , though it was included in moderation. I probably would have lost this weight anyway. I will say that people at our gym followed the lifestyle and lost the weight without th supplements, but they exercise avidly. I failed miserably with the exercise, and so do not look as good as I might have.
I found this program to be great I lost 40+lbs in 12 weeks WITHOUT TAKING THE SUPPLEMENTS the coach and learning how to eat and the whys are key to this system you just learn how to eat which may surprise you is or may not be what you were taught. If you really want to be healthy and keep the weight off this plan is tor you This ts not a diet or a fad and does not provide shortcuts so you can look good next weekend. it's a lifestyle and once you lose it this way you never want to go back
posted Jul 24th, 2010 12:30 pmRosemary
+I did the Transitions program and between May 12 and July 15 I lost 20 lbs and 17 inches. My results are not typical, most of the class actually lost more weight. One young woman who was not overweight but had crummy eating habits actually gained 2 lbs., but her body composition changed drastically and she went down two sizes and was carrying 20 more pounds of muscle than before the program. Remember ... she only gained 2 lbs. Transitions is different in that it's not about weight loss, but it's about fat loss. If I had been more compliant with the suggested exercise (which really wasn't that hard) I would have done better, but even so I was thrilled with the results. Just changing to a low glycemic way of eating alone got me results I despaired of ever having, since I had tried every diet imaginable.
posted Jul 23rd, 2010 10:01 amKatherine
+This is a wonderful way to live, if you are "too busy" to take care of your meals and supplements, you may want to loosen up your schedule for whats important. A little thought and planning ahead is really not so difficult considering the high stakes. In comparison to Dr visits, drugs & their side effects, and feeling run down, this lifestyle is cheap...I dont know about you, but I place a very high value on my health!
posted Jun 14th, 2010 3:25 pmCherie Lyle
Actually, the diet is completely customizable, with supplements adjusted to each individual's specific weight challeneges and tailored to accelerate success. It has a highly systemized plan, and the MOST important component, a trained, certified weight management coach to provide on-going support and education on healthful eating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It fits well into my hectic schedule because I have made the decision to change the habits that got me where I am now like being to busy to plan my meals, make good food choices, living stressed out, etc. Transitions works, when you decide to work it! Immediate and lasting results don't lie!!!
posted Apr 29th, 2010 10:42 amCherie Lyle
+Actually, the diet is completely customizable, with supplements adjusted to each individual's specific weight challeneges, has a sytemized plan, and the MOST important component, a trained, certified weight management coach to provide on-going support and education on healthful eating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
posted Apr 29th, 2010 1:10 amLaWaun
+I lost 22 lbs. in 2 weeks with this. I appied it strictly and ate low glycemic only during that time. i have kept it off for 2 years now. I plan to loose another 15lbs.
posted Feb 12th, 2010 9:56 pmerinmorgan80
I just finished doing Transitions a few weeks ago and I'm am ecstatic not just with the weight loss but my overall change in the way I feel - I'm no longer tired all the time anymore, which is amazing to me. Having tried Weight Watchers in the past, this truly teaches you how to get off processed foods and change your habits, which is key not to just losing weight, but getting healthy overall.
posted Jan 31st, 2010 12:17 amLaura
I have only been doing this for seven days. I just finished the week-long detox with the supplements and have already lost 11 pounds!! I am excited to add more foods back into my diet slowly and keep losing weight. The detox week was difficult, but this diet is truly a lifestyle change and really works so far.
posted Nov 7th, 2009 5:35 pmsurekha
+I am doing this Transitions Lifestyle System. i spent 12 weeks program and i lost all most 30 lbs and i am still taking supplements lose more weight and i am doing too and i am planning to run program in my office. if any one who like to lose weight and like to get more infor mation please don't wait to long call or email. thank you
posted Oct 6th, 2009 11:54 am