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Medical expert and journalist Dr. Nancy Snyderman has developed a lifestyle eating plan called the Treat Yourself Diet in her book, Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat. This simple, sensible and practical un-diet allows you to eat the foods you love while also safeguarding your health and weight.
Dr. Snyderman has long been recognized for her scientifically-backed but accessible health information, advice and insights. In treating your body like a debit card where food is a credit and exercise are debit points, you learn how to balance the foods you love with a healthful eating and exercise plan in the Treat Yourself Diet. You can not only expect to lose weight while following this plan, but you can also keep it off too.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Combines scientific premises with practical and healthy eating
- Not built on deprivation
- Endorses regular exercise and regular indulgence in the foods you love
- Promotes eating for health as well as for enjoyment
- Author is a respected expert in the field
- Not a quick solution to weight loss
Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat is chock-full of solid and eye-opening information on what is the best way to stay trim and healthy for life. In addition to the debunked diet myths and 101 diet truths, the book also outlines the Treat Yourself Diet, a low-fat and modest-calorie eating plan that has you eating three meals and two snacks a day. Then one day each week you are allowed a "treat meal" where you get to eat your favorite foods without stuffing yourself.
The Treat Yourself Diet includes 30 breakfasts, 30 lunches, 30 dinners and 30 snacks that you customize based upon your own preferences. Each day, you''ll choose one meal or snack from each category. Each day's worth of food contains 1,200 to 1,400 calories. Recipes are easy to prepare and most of the meals and snacks take a mere few minutes to prepare.
A typical day might look like this:
One half of a whole-grain bagel, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 piece of fresh fruit and a 1/2 grapefruit for breakfast.
A vegetarian sandwich made with avocado, Swiss cheese and vegetables and one cup of blueberries for lunch.
Dinner might be a turkey burger and 1/2 cup of coleslaw.
Throughout the day, you might munch on two fig bars and 12 roasted almonds.
Your once-a-week Treat Meal might be a 6-8 ounce steak, baked potato with butter and sour cream, a salad, glass of wine and slice of cheesecake for dessert.
The Treat Yourself Diet can help you lose 8 -10 pounds in one month.
Just as healthful eating is a regular part of the Treat Yourself Diet, so is exercise. Dr. Snyderman encourages you to be physically active every day so that you can not only reap the myriad of benefits of exercise, but that you can enjoy the foods you love (in moderation) without the guilt.
On days that you can't make it to the gym, you should try to sneak in more physical movement such as taking the stairs, parking far away from your office door, or standing while doing daily activities like talking on the phone.
The Treat Yourself Diet outlined in Dr. Nancy Snyderman's book, Diet Myths that Keep Us Fat, is a sensible, practical and liberating lifestyle eating plan that allows you to finally find peace in your relationship with food. Focusing on fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, portion control and regular exercise, the Treat Yourself Diet teaches you how to balance what you want to eat with your energy needs.
Treat Yourself Deit, Treet Yourself Diet, Treat Youself diet, Treating Yourself Diet, Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat, Nancy Synderman Diet
Treat Yourself Diet
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