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Weight Watchers Online

Weight Watchers Online

This reputable healthy weight loss plan is conveniently available entirely online.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Weight Watchers Online is no longer a stand-alone product.

  • Established: 1963

  • Founder: Jean Nidetch

  • Headquarters: New York City

  • Stock Symbol: WTW

  • Accessibility: Meetings, Online, Books, Apps

  • Diet Type: Low-Calorie, Low-Fat

  • Gender: Male and Female

  • Celebrity Endorsements: Jessica Simpson

  • Corporate Site: WeightWatchers.com

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?


You've heard about Weight Watchers. It's the weight loss program that started 50 years ago. The idea was to gather a group of women, educate them about eating and nutrition, provide counseling, and hold them accountable with weekly weigh-ins. The Weight Watchers 360 program assigns a value to a food based on its nutritional content, making it easier for dieters to identify healthy food options against unhealthy. You are encouraged to make more nutrient-dense food choices, which not only help you lose weight but also helps to keep you feeling satisfied.

Weight Watchers Online subscribers can log in to a secure online account and access all of the education still found in meetings. It doesn't interfere with schedules, provides privacy and anonymity, and grants access to your Weight Watchers program from anywhere.

You'll still follow the Weight Watchers 360 program, and if abide by their proven approach, you should see the positive weight loss you've been working for.

DietsInReview.com is an advertising partner of Weight Watchers. This review is strictly our opinion.

  • Allows for privacy and anonymity
  • Convenient
  • Access to a wealth of tools and resources, many not available to meeting attendees
  • Available for men
  • Communicate with other dieters via message boards
  • Access fitness resources
  • Use the online recipes library
  • Teaches moderation and balance
  • Named #1 in the Best Commercial Diets by US News, 2011
  • Makes it possible to sustain lifelong weight loss
  • Removes the social and counselor relationships found at meetings
  • Counting Points values can be time consuming

In this regard, Weight Watchers Online is identical to its meeting counterpart. You'll use the online resources and learn to use the Weight Watchers program. The more nutritionally dense a food is, the lower a food's PointsPlus value. So baby carrots, low-fat cheese sticks, whole grain bread and fish are all low values, whereas fast-food burgers, potato chips, ice cream and soda are all higher values. You'll learn proper portions and how to create balanced, wholesome meals.

One thing that makes Weight Watchers so popular is its flexibility. When you keep your point values in range, and continue to eat healthy foods, you'll be able to satisfy cravings with foods that might be restricted on other diets.

The Weight Watchers website features thousands of recipes for all occasions. If you're a Weight Watchers Online or Weight Watchers eTools subscriber, you can use the calculator tool to find the values of restaurant foods, and you can also consult the Eating Out Guide. Weight Watchers Meetings Members can also use the A-Z food list found in the Pocket Guide, or purchase the Complete Food Companion, and the Dining Out Companion to help them plan for their night out.

On Weight Watchers you can eat anything you like as long as you stick to a daily point goal, and there's plenty of room for treats and extras.


Weight Watchers supports the benefits of exercise, but doesn't require a regimen. As an online subscriber you'll have access to fitness guidance through videos and articles.


For men and women who want the education and success that comes from Weight Watchers, but lack the time or interest in attending meetings, Weight Watchers Online is the program for you. In fact, there are many resources available to online subscribers that aren't for meeting attendees. You'll be able to log-in to your Weight Watchers account anytime and anywhere you have Internet access. Weight Watchers is often touted as one of the most successful names in weight loss, and their online program makes it even more accessible for our increasingly busy population.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Weight Watchers, WeightWatchers.com, Online Weight Watchers, Wieght Watchers Online, Weight Watchers On-Line, Weight Watchers On Line, Weight Watchers Diet



How Does Weight Watchers Online Compare?
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  • Easy to follow
  • Cheap Price
  • Fast Results
  • Weight Watchers Online
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(Page 4 of 4, 68 total comments)



I lost my motivation after about a week.

posted Apr 6th, 2009 12:00 am



I really like being able to check off my water, vegetables, milk, etc. I especially like seeing my activity points add up. It is very motivating to "see" my accomplishments online. It also helps that I have friends who are also using the online version of the diet and even some who attend meetings.

posted Mar 28th, 2009 10:43 am

Anna Bockis


I don't like the fact that you are asking me to shut down my firewall each time I log on therefore I will not as I fear it will put my computer at risk. Now really....WW is bigger than that...get it together people. Also, on line should be free if you are a participating member going to meetings. Come on, end the greed.

posted Mar 18th, 2009 2:59 pm


I lost 30 pounds on WW. I don't like diets that tell me exactly what to eat each day. One reason is that 'm on the go a lot and can't cook or heat anything up when I'm not at home. The other reason is that those diets' shopping lists tend to get expensive. WW lets me pick the food. It is the only thing that ever worked for me.

posted Feb 18th, 2009 6:44 am

Terri Fuqua


It does take determination, especially with no monitor, but the loss of weight is what keeps me inspired. Not to mention, I no longer suffer from GERD on this program.

posted Feb 6th, 2009 12:17 pm



i love weight watchers especially the core plan.i wish i could stay on it until i lose all my fat

posted Feb 6th, 2009 12:42 am



Everyone always says that this is such a great plan- however I lost motivation after 1-2 weeks on the points system. While it is a good program, it offers no personal one on one support for sticking with it and keeping motivated.

posted Jan 22nd, 2009 7:57 pm

Lisa Caulder


this give very good information on weight watcher

posted Jan 22nd, 2009 1:03 pm


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