What is it?
Weight Watchers Diet is a diet plan based off a point system, where each food has a value, and you’re allowed only a certain amount of points a day. You can eat any foods you want, as long as you don’t pass the allowed points for the day.
The points offered are called SmartPoints, and the amount allowed is based off one one’s own body and individual weight loss goals. Healthy and low calorie foods have much less value, so it naturally steers people into eating more wholesome foods instead of eating high amounts of junk food. In this review you’ll hear customer reviews, the science behind Weight Watchers, and whether or not it can promote weight loss. The highest rated diet plan of 2025 was found to be the 18 Shake Diet. It’s a combination of a natural metabolism booster and high protein meal replacement. Learn more about the 18Shake diet plan by following the link provided here.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
Weight Watchers Diet Ingredients and Side Effects

No pre-packaged foods are required, it’s advised to cook one’s own meals at home. An app and guide is offered with over 287,000 different foods which have a stated number value.
High fiber, non-processed, and sugar free foods have a much lower point number. Processed foods and highly saturated foods tend to be the highest in points. So the diet focuses on introducing more healthy foods, which is already known as a practical way to lose weight.
There are also 4,000 recipes offered as well as optional support for meetings, online coaching, and dietary tips. Mobile apps are also offered to help people calculate their total points.
There isn’t much information provided by the company to showcase exactly how their approach is scientific, or how they choose specific foods to have higher points than others. The top 10 list found here offers the best diet plans that our experts have reviewed.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.
Weight Watchers Diet Quality of Ingredients
The quality of the ingredients can vary on what’s purchased, since no foods are off limits, what one purchases will determine the overall quality. The high points that processed foods have will force people to be more conservative in their food options.
No proof is provided by the makers of Weight Watchers to show why this diet has been formulated in the point system it offers.

It’s clear that by eating less processed foods and focusing on quality meats, high fiber, and filling foods that naturally weight loss is possible. However, no evidence is provided as to why their coaching system would be any better than not paying for this system and simply eating healthier,
One study by the Annals of Internal Medicine found that:
“Weight Watchers participants achieved at last 2.6% greater weight loss than those assigned to control/education”
This was in a 12 month period, and there were only slight increases in weight loss in comparison to people who were allowed to diet without control.
2.6% for someone weighing 200 pounds would be 5.2 additional pounds. This means that every month, a person can expect an additional 0.43 extra pounds of weight loss more than those who dieted on their own and made their own decisions without a points system.
This is a very poor amount of weight loss considering the amount it costs to pay for the online support. A list of the very best diet plans has bene reviewed by our experts.
Another major issue with the plan was that no official information is provided to show the points system before one buys into the plan. This makes it impossible to calculate if one is even capable of keeping up with this plan. Certain foods are not preferential for people, and it might require extreme changes in dieting in some.
Even with online support, there’s no guarantee that the advice offered will help one lose weight safely and effectively.

The Price and Quality of Weight Watchers Diet
There are different plans offered such as:
OnlinePlus: $4.30 per week when a 3 month long plan is offered. This amounts to $64.50 for the total 3 months.
Meetings + OnlinePlus: A 3 month plan is offered for $8.30 a week. This amounts to $124.50 for the full 3 months.
Coaching + OnlinePlus: Like the other plans, if 3 months is selected, the full price is $10.15. A full 3 months is $152.25.
These prices can vary, as it depends on what one chooses as their meals and how much support they want. No information is provided on what kind of background the people who give advice are, and whether or not they are certified diet or nutrition experts. Since they fail to mention this, it’s important to be cautious of the support offered.
A $20 fee is mandatory for every first time member. Web MD discusses the pricing of this diet by stating:
“Be prepared to spend some cash to get the full benefits”
Many customers also agree it’s incredibly pricy to keep the online support available. As you’ll see in the “Customer Opinions of Weight Watchers Diet”, many felt it wasn’t worth the price.
The top 10 list featured in the link here has the best diet plans.
Business of Weight Watchers Diet
Weight Watchers International is the official company name. Their contact information is as follows:
Phone Number: (800) 651-6000
Further contact information is provided to those who subscribe to the online system. There are currently 339 negative reviews on their Consumer Affairs page. Here are some direct quotes from customers:
“thought I was signing with a reputable company… Weight Watchers continued to withdraw money from my bank account for 3 months”
“I have been requesting my account to be closed for the past 3 months”
“No one is ever there when you need them”
“Weight watchers are total thieves. I cancelled my account 3 years ago and they have billed my credit card”
Hundreds of people claim that they continue to be charged by the company even after they’ve cancelled the online support, and no longer logging into to their profiles.
There are also 279 complaints on their Better Business Bureau site, mostly for the same reasons. People complained often about being constantly billed even after months or even years of no longer using their accounts. Customers were frustrated since they were told their account was cancelled, only to see billing from Weight Watchers appearing on their credit card statements.
People also said that when their accounts were active, that there wasn’t much support offered. To see a list of the top 10 diet plans click on the link offered here.
EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.
Customer Opinions of Weight Watchers Diet
Here is what some users had to say:
“just got de-motivated as I could see this wouldn’t work for me anymore”
“I tried it, but I didn’t have too much luck”
“helped me at first but I failed later on”
“it did not work… felt the meetings were very one sided, and it was like a chat”
People said that the offered meetings and support weren’t really helpful, and that it didn’t cater to people’s needs. It was more just general advice people were given such as obvious weight loss advice.
Another major issue was that people often said that they couldn’t keep up with the diet, and that many common foods had too many high points where they couldn’t eat comfortably.
Users had issues as well with the foods with fewer points, as its common sense what foods are allowed and which aren’t. The top 10 list features the best diet plans out now, click on this link to learn more.
Conclusion - Does Weight Watchers Diet Work?
When making a decision on a diet plan like Weight Watchers, it’s important to examine customer reviews, what’s offered, and whether or not weight loss is likely. The plan offers a point system which is meant to make dieting easier. However, hundreds of people have complained about a lack of food options, as well as being forced to limit many common foods. There were also hundreds that complained the company continues to charge them long after they’ve cancelled. Both on Consumer Reports and the Better Business Bureau people mention they continue to be billed.
The 2025 diet plan of the year was found to be the 18Shake Diet. It offers a high protein, appetite suppression meal replacement alongside a metabolism booster made with natural extracts with no added stimulants. There are no artificial additives, colors, binders, fillers, or harsh ingredients. Many customers have left testimonials and review showcasing their own weight loss results. People have said that the meal replacement can help suppress appetite for hours, and that it mixes well and has a pleasant taste.
The 18Shake Diet offers a diet pill and meal replacement that are both backed by full 30 day money back guarantee. Returns are offered with no questions asked, risk free. To discover more information about the 18Shake Diet, click on the link provided here.
User Feedback
(Page 9 of 41, 805 total comments)Anne Preston Rose
This plan is really incredible. I have lost 85 pounds and reached goal weight last week having begun the program 12-18-10.
posted Apr 27th, 2012 7:02 pmWhat needs to be emphasized is that WW is not just a diet and not just a food plan but is a whole new lifestyle. You can find so much help, especially if you do the monthly pass which give you both meeting and the online e-tools. In my area a monthly pass is about 40 dollars and with that comes an amazing amount of information and support. I cannot sing the programs praise enough. If I stay on maintenance for six weeks I will have a lifetime membership and would only have to pay if I deviate more than two pounds from goal. I look younger, have more energy, and even have gotten a few whistles! Most importantly my health has improved dramatically. With the counter online and on my phone tracking and planning are really very easy. And unlimited fruit!,,
I highly recommend WW!
On my 3rd week on WW. My company paid for 1 year if associate will join. From 145 to 137. My goal is 128. WW encourages me to walk/run 20-30 min (1 to 1.5 mile) DAILY. I changed my eating habit, by adding more fruits nad vegetables. Never get hungry. The portion control and preparing healthy food, especially snacks work best for me.
posted Mar 23rd, 2012 5:46 pmdonna
50+ pounds and still going!
posted Mar 22nd, 2012 10:57 pmChar Stuto
+My leader told the group for one week to count fruits and vegetables as they are NOT really Free... The way WW makes it sound you can eat as much fruit as you want and lose weight .. Obviously this isn't true... They have admitted that they throw their customers into the program and don't really explain it to them.. I am disscouraged because yes it has only been a week that I have been on the program but I have counted EVERY POINT I have put in my mouth and have lost nothing
posted Mar 9th, 2012 6:07 amChar Stuto
+I like it but I agree with some who say EVERYTHING should count.. You can't sit there are eat fruit all day or not eat your points because it is counter productive. I am supposed to eat 47 points and if I eat a lot of fruit I am fine with 26 points which is what most of the leaders are eating to maintain.. It is only my second week but I expected to lose and lost NOTHING but gained NOTHING.. Everything should count
posted Mar 9th, 2012 5:46 amMelissa
?Reply to Diana @Diana ... Veggies and Fruit are very low in calories. Example: 1 strawberry has 6 calories so when you consume it, you actually burn more calories chewing and digesting it than are in it. So that is probably why they don't count veggies and fruit.
posted Mar 8th, 2012 9:54 pmcollette
+I tried in the past without success, but the new system works. Thank you Weight Watchers!!
posted Mar 8th, 2012 2:11 amDiana
-Not counting fruits and veggies makes no sense to me. Everything you put in your mouth has a calorie value so you could over eat and not loose weight
posted Mar 4th, 2012 12:52 amDiana
I lost 7 pounds in 5 weeks on my own and then I decided to try points plus. Sounded good. After one week on only eating the 26 points allowed me and without the extra fruit I gained 3.5 pounds. I can only imagine if I used the extra weekly points and ate fruit! This plan does not make any sense. I counted up the calories for the 26 points and then it made total sense why I gained. If you look around on the web you will see my story played out over and over.
posted Mar 1st, 2012 3:08 amPersonally I think they changed it because they realized that they bulk of their money comes from people who first sign up not the ones that stick (which is proabably a very small part of their profit) so it makes sense to make it look like "Oh you can eat all this food including all the fruit you want and still lose weight" and get them to sign up for 3 months. Because that's where the profits come from.
+i like weight watchers it really works, but the points plus i feel like im not eating. so i went back to the old plan now im still losing weight and i feel like im eating!
posted Feb 29th, 2012 12:13 pmDawn
?Can someone with celiac's disease do Weight Watchers? I am a celiac and want to know if I could get a weight loss plan from weight watchers? I am a Celiac and have to have food that is Gluten free. Could I go on a wieght loss diet if I joined weight watchers. please e mail me at [email protected]
+I've lost 30 lbs so far in 5 months. I love Weight Watchers and am sticking to it! I'm about halfway there and excited to achieve my goal. If you follow the program you will be successful, it is as simple as that.
posted Feb 21st, 2012 8:20 pmIsabella
-I have lost weight on MOMENTUM and not on Points Plus, too. It's partly me-- I get confused by all the pieces of paper and new rules they keep giving us. eTools doesn't always work. I'm not able to always stick with tracking and if I do, it doesn't always work as well anyway. I lost 34 lb on Momentum... nothing on PP so far. I'd like out but I dont' want to hurt their feelings.
posted Feb 16th, 2012 2:44 pmcasey
+I think ww is the best plan out there. My daughters and I have been going for a year now and we have lost 190 pounds between the 3 of us. It works you have to give it time. I was one that would lose in small amounts, I have only 33 more pounds to go and I will be at goal. Thank you WW
posted Feb 11th, 2012 3:46 pmshirley eason
?Where can I find a Weight Watcher recipe from 10 or 12 years ago? I am a lifetime member & have lost my cheese soup recipe from about 10 or so yrs. It had potatoes,onions,cabbage,velveeta cheese, butter buds and chicken boulion & 7 cups of water. Where can I find it? Or could you send it by e-mail. Or what cookbook would it be in.
-I gained twenty pounds on weight watchers. IT SUCKS I did everything that they said to, but it didn't work.
posted Feb 7th, 2012 6:44 pmLin
-BE CAUTIOUS on the 3 month trial! Even after it ended and I could not access my account - they kept billing my credit card. I emailed them as soon as I realized it and I was told I had to wait another month (and pay the monthly fee again) because that is their policy. WHAT? I tried and tried to have it reversed as I hadn't been able to access the site for months, and they would NOT reverse it. I was trapped!
posted Feb 7th, 2012 12:19 amNancy
?Will I gain weight if I go off high protein diet and go on Weight Watchers? im on high protein diet & have been 4 8yrs maybe & so what wuld happen if i go off that diet & go on ww. i'm thinking i'll gain weight
posted Feb 2nd, 2012 6:23 pmjack
+Best diet program hands down for men or women. nuff said...
posted Feb 1st, 2012 4:09 pmChristine
I liked the old plan where you can purchase the meals based on a menu plan. I lost so much weight on that. It was called Personal Cuisine. Counting points drives me nuts! Meetings became more expensive. I would like to go and order menus again and just follow a workout program.
posted Jan 30th, 2012 7:00 pm