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The Weston Price Diet is based on the findings of Cleveland dentist Weston A. Price. Over the period of ten years, Price discovered that his adult patients with severe dental problems also had other problems throughout their body such as arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, intestinal problems and chronic fatigue.
Price also noticed that his younger patients were suffering from dental problems such as crooked teeth, overbites and pinched nostrils. These children also suffered from problems of infections, allergies, asthma, poor vision and behavioral problems.
As Price made these discoveries, he also came up with an idea. He set out on a global trek to examine other primitive societies and their health conditions and teeth. He found that those in other cultures had diets that were at least four times higher in minerals and vitamin C and B complex than the diets of Americans. Many of the healthy groups of people that Price studied ate special foods like cod liver oil, fish, eggs, organ meats, cream and butter and raw unpasteurized whole milk from grass-fed cows.
Price then formulated his findings into the Weston Price Diet. This diet goes against 20th and 21st century popular diet recommendations, which emphasize a low-fat diet. Instead, the Weston Price Diet, and through the funding efforts of the Weston A. Price Foundation, advocate for an eating style that is nutrient-dense, natural and unprocessed.
Some of the tenets the Weston Price Diet maintains are:
- Animal fats do not cause heart disease, cancer and obesity but actually protect us against these conditions.
- Modern soy foods contribute to thyroid problems, digestive disorders and endocrine disruption.
- Low-fat diets can lead to many health problems, including emotional instability.
- Vegetarians do not live longer; vegan diets do not protect against cancer and heart disease.
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- Promotes getting nutrients naturally from animals and foods that are unprocessed
- Dental health can be linked to overall health
- Diet recommendations are clear and straightforward
- Recommends eliminating processed and refined foods
- Eliminates white flour, refined sweeteners and vegetable oil
- High fat content will enhance satiety
- Backed by some scientific studies
- Considered a controversial diet because of its promotion of raw milk and high fat, albeit natural foods
- Requires a tremendous amount of diligence since diet prohibits eating processed foods as well as many grains
- Not vegan- or vegetarian-friendly
The Weston Price Diet espouses that the modern diet is the reason for chronic disease as well as the surge in overweight and obesity trends. The program encourages a diet that is generally low-carbohydrate with the basis of calories coming from natural and animal-based food sources.
The following foods are allowed on the Weston Price Diet:
- Butter, cream and whole raw milk
- Organ meats, such as liver
- Pasture-fed meats, dairy and eggs
- Wild fish, shellfish and fish roe
- Organic vegetables and fruits
- Traditional lacto-fermented foods
- Healthy lacto-fermented soft drinks
- Homemade bone broths
- Properly prepared whole grains and traditional sourdough breads
- Unrefined salt
Foods to avoid are:
- Modern soy foods
- Pasteurized, homogenized dairy
- Margarine and trans fats
- Processed vegetable oils
- Dry breakfast cereals
- Artificial sweeteners and additives
- Fast foods and sodas
- Refined sweeteners and fruit juices
- White flour products
- Factory-raised meats and farm-raised fish
The diet also encourages eating locally when possible as well as choosing foods that are raised without pesticides, antibiotics, hormones and fertilizers.
There is no specific exercise plan that accompanies the Weston Price Diet, but engaging in regular daily physical activity is encouraged in order to maintain optimal health.
The Weston Price Diet may be a controversial program but its basic message deserves a listen to, namely that fat is not to be feared as long as a whole-foods and nature-based diet is steadily consumed.
While vegetarians and vegans won't find much comfort in this lifestyle eating plan, its promotion of a general low-carbohydrate, nutrient-dense, unprocessed diet as way to maintain health and stave off disease has shown some promise in scientific research studies.
But its avoidance of most foods found in the Western Diet make it an eating plan applicable to only the very well disciplined and strong-willed.

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Weston Price Diet
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User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 9 total comments)steve
For the person who referred to Step hen Barr ett, it's my opinion, he's a frustrated and angry medical "professional", who couldn't hack it as a real doctor. In his case, he's a psychiatrist, which usually means he couldn't hack it as a real doctor and that was all left for him. Most doctors have less than five hours of nutritional classes. To date, I have not seen any credentials which makes him qualified to provide any professional opinion on nutrition. I've also noted he has yet to attack the pharmaceutical industry, which is where he would be more qualified.
posted Apr 17th, 2018 11:48 pmZorba
This is a question in response to the comment by Cp and also to everyone in general. From what I read, the diet recommended by Dr. Price makes sense. However, I have read in many places, including your comment that meat heavy diet is propagated by the Weston Price Foundation, with which Dr. Price doesn't have any affiliation. Does that mean that the organization also meddled with the original book by Dr. Price and are selling an edited ("adulterated") version? Cos to me, the best way to find out what Dr. Price recommends is to read his book and not refer to the Foundation's stuff. BUT, if the original writing of Dr. Price has been meddled with, then there is no point in reading the book for the truth.
posted Sep 5th, 2017 11:33 amRavenna
This diet is very expensive and time consuming. All the raw milk and grassfed stuff did was make me constipated. I've had much better results just cutting out table sugar and eating more legumes.
posted Apr 24th, 2017 6:18 amCp
This is the diet that the Weston A Price Foundation promotes, not what Weston Price himself promoted. He didn't promote fermented foods or particular bread recipes. His advise to his children was a diet consisting of whole grains, vegetables, a lot of dairy, and fish. He said that a healthy diet included at least one of the following: Organ meats, seafood, dairy, or eggs. Easily adapted for a vegetarian (but not a vegan). His diet was plant-based, not meat-based or "Paleo" like the WAPF's propaganda.
posted Sep 16th, 2016 7:31 pmDavid
?Research on Western Price I searched pubmed for research on the diet but nothing came up. What are the research articles that you mentioned?
Carl Davis
+I generally agree with his diet except that he included grain breads even though sourdough it still will be converted to sugar in the digestive process and spike insulin.
posted Jan 17th, 2015 3:25 pmTaahananza
By contrast Stephen Barrett, writing on the Quackwatch website, dismissed holistic dentistry and much of Price's research, writing "Price made a whirlwind tour of primitive areas, examined the natives superficially, and jumped to simplistic conclusions. While extolling their health, he ignored their short life expectancy and high rates of infant mortality, endemic diseases, and malnutrition. While praising their diets for not producing cavities, he ignored the fact that malnourished people don't usually get many cavities." Barrett asserted that dental problems experienced by native peoples resulted from "abuse" of sweet, fatty, and salty food, exposure to new germs, inactivity, and alcoholism, and described Price's studies on bacterial leakage from root canals as "poorly designed
posted Mar 6th, 2012 11:28 amBob
Perfect diet for anyone that is worried about their health and future well-being.
posted May 4th, 2011 4:13 pmCheri Bednarik
+This is a way of life.
posted Mar 25th, 2010 12:47 pm