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Where Did All the Fat Go

Where Did All the Fat Go

Lose weight and gain muscle with Biggest Loser's Dr. Huizenga.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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One weight loss reality show that has had extremely great success is The Biggest Loser. This show takes contestants from all over the country that have large amounts of weight to lose and sends them to a ranch with personal trainers. Contestants are on a strict diet and do massive amounts of exercise. Well if you’re a fan of the show, one thing you might wonder about is who created the diet the contestants go on, or who’s the brains behind what they’re doing.

Dr. Rob Huizenga is actually the head physician that monitors all of the contestants on the show and is the creator of the weight loss methods on the show. Dr. Huizenga has compiled all of the information behind his weight loss plan into a book titled Where Did the Fat Go? : The WOW! Prescription to Reach Your Ideal Weight – and Stay There! : Lose Fat – Gain Muscle! This book is designed so that those who can’t be on the reality television show can achieve the same results, even though they don’t have access to personal trainers or a fancy ranch. This book includes all of Dr. Huizenga’s plans and showcases how some at-home viewers had great success following the plan on their own.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Book written by a medical doctor
  • Dr. Huizenga is the architect behind the Biggest Loser contestants’ plan
  • Proven success from reality show contestants as well as those that tried the plan on their own
  • All information is available for the cost of a book
  • Where Did All the Fat Go is priced comparably to other diet books
  • Program was designed for those that are obese
  • Program follows calories consumed versus calories burned approach
  • Program can be done without a personal trainer
  • Exercise requirements might be somewhat unrealistic for those that are morbidly obese

The diet portion of the Where Did All the Fat Go? is based on a healthy low-fat diet. The diet is designed to be something you can stick with for the long term so that you can maintain once you reach your goal weight. The diet also incorporates everything you need for your daily nutrition requirements.


Exercise is pivotal with Where Did All the Fat Go? Dr. Huizenga requests that you exercise for two hours each day for six months. Keep in mind that this plan was written for the morbidly obese, so these guidelines would give very dramatic results in a very short amount of time.


If you want to lose a large amount of weight in a short time the healthy way, *Where Did All the Fat Go? is going to be a great plan for you to follow. You might find it difficult to fit in two hours of exercise per day, but Dr. Huizenga’s plan basically gives you the analogy of following this plan with the daily exercise, or spending that same amount of time in a hospital for treatment of obesity related diseases in the future.

All of the information that you need is contained within the book. Seeing the huge numbers that contestants on the Biggest Loser achieve each week can be an inspiration to those sitting at home wanting to change their lives. Now you know there is a way you can have those same results even though you might not have access to a personal trainer, or a fancy gym. Just think, in six months you could be a completely different person, and find yourself wondering Where Did All the Fat Go?

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Where did the fat go, where did the fit go, biggest loser doctor diet, biggest loser diet, dr. huzenga, huizenga diet, where's the fat

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Perhaps you may need to update this review. Biggest loser is now off the air. Many contestants complained of abuse on the show, including use of diet pills and various other 'reality show" problems. Reality really wasn't reality at all. Many contestants gained their weight back and also had metabolism problems. WOW-RX proves the adage that it takes work to lose weight. it requires discipline. it requires consistency.

posted Oct 29th, 2017 9:17 pm

Jerry Ryan


So the only "con" is you have to do exercise?

And if you're morbidly obese, how unreasonable is every other factor in life . . . from tying your own shoes, so sitting in chairs designed for someone half your body weight?

The real people documented in the book were all dangerously, morbidly obese. They trained through pain, injury, childcare/messy homes . . .

But they did it.

posted Sep 20th, 2011 3:54 pm


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