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Why We Get Fat

Why We Get Fat

A breakthrough look on obesity that debunks the calories in-calories out belief.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Researcher and investigative journalist, Gary Taubes has done it again. The author of the bestselling Good Calories, Bad Calories has followed up with hit nutrition manifesto with Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It.

Riding on many of the ideas and concepts that Taubes put forth in Good Calories, Bad Calories, this follow-up book takes a hard look at the commonly-held belief that the reason why we gain weight is because we consume more calories than we expend and turns it upside down. By highlighting key research studies, many of which go back decades, and calling out faulty nutritional science for promulgating erroneous ideas about weight gain, Taubes debunks the calories in/calories theory and replaces it with a compelling evidence that is invaluable to our understanding of the obesity epidemic.

In addition, he addresses such key questions as to why some people get fat, while others remain lean? Just how much do exercise and genetics play in our risk of gaining weight? And exactly what should we be eating to stay trim and healthy? The book also highlights some things that are being ignored such as insulin’s regulation of our fat tissue.

Why We Get Fat is packed with eye-opening information and elucidating studies that make us rethink the pervasive prejudices we harbor towards people who are overweight or obese and instead replaces it with physiological and science-backed reasoning reasoning and understanding. The book concludes with an easy-to-follow eating plan that shows us how to work with biology rather than against it.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Casts a new light on why people gain weight
  • Concepts are strongly supported by science and research
  • Shows evidence to reverse the commonly-held beliefs that people are overweight because they lack discipline or eat too much
  • May help to further dialogue and research studies that are rooted in Taubes' assertions
  • Likely to be considered controversial by many health and fitness experts

Taubes takes a long hard look at the eating and exercise recommendations promoted by the mainstream health experts and by many of the nation's leading health agencies and institutes and calls them out for promoting an unscientific notion of calories in/calories out as the single reason for weight gain. Rather, he shows through study after study, that weight gain has much more to do with consuming more calories than we expend. He asserts that obesity does not come about because gluttony and laziness make it so, but rather only a change in the regulation of fat tissue, largely as a result of the genetics and insulin, makes a person lean or obese.

In essence, he endorses a low-carbohydrate diet, one that omits grains, fruits, sugars, flours, etc and instead relies on lean protein, leafy vegetables and modest amounts of natural fats to stay lean. He does not suggest that his diet is anything new, but he does provide the reader with more than enough information and data to support a low-carb diet for healthy living.


Taubes also takes the belief that exercise is essential for weight loss and turns it on his back. He instead shows that exercise plays a very small role in weight loss and weight loss maintenance and instead, causes the dieter to be hungrier and consequently consume more calories. But, he does not suggest that we all become couch potatoes, as he himself professes that he exercises because it makes him feel good. Instead, he encourages us to understand that the number of calories we expend has actually very little to do with how fat we are. And that if we want to exercise, to do so with this knowledge in mind and not rely on it as a necessity for weight loss.


If Why We Are Fat was read and put into action by the 130 Americans who are either overweight or obese, then the multi-billion diet industry would suffer a serious hit. And we might all become a lot thinner and healthier.

Investigative journalist and best-selling author, Gary Taubes takes pretty much everything we thought we know about weight loss and weight gain and reverses it. While this book is destined to be controversial and is likely to be refuted by many health experts, Taubes should at the very least receive a round of applause for attempting to reverse the negative opinions and prejudices most of us hold towards those who are overweight by showing us that being fat is a much more complex process than taking in more calories than we expend.

Why We Are Fat is an absolute must-read by anyone in the health field or anyone who has ever struggled with their inability to lose weight and keep it off.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

why we got fat and what to do about it, why we gets fat and what to do about it, why we are fat and what to do about it, once you get fat what to do about it, why were fat, why we're fat, why we become fat, why we git fat

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(Page 1 of 1, 3 total comments)


I've tried the methods described in the book and (a) feel better, (b) lost weight and am keeping it off and (c) finally found a way of eating that makes sense!

posted Oct 9th, 2011 12:04 pm


Wow! What an eye-opening book! I highly recommend it! I'm sure the multi-million dollar "weight loss" industry will unfortunately try and do everything they can to stifle and refute this book. The truth shall set you free!

posted Jun 23rd, 2011 1:58 pm

Dr. Jack

Finally a weight loss system that follows all I was taught in human biochemistry classes back in school!!

posted Feb 23rd, 2011 8:45 am


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