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The first non-invasive liposuction treatment.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Zerona is known as the first non-invasive body contouring procedure to remove excess fat. That means unlike gastric bypass surgery or the LAP-BAND procedure, Zerona is done completely externally. Patients who receive the Zerona procedure are allowed to remain active during their treatment.

Zerona is a non-surgical procedure that uses the Erchonia Laser Scanner, which has been cleared by the FDA, and can have results comparable to liposuction. Test subjects that underwent the Zerona procedure lost an average of more than three inches from their hips, waist and thighs. The Zerona treatment actually liquefies fat cells that are in your body and allows them to pass out of the body through normal digestion.

There has been a substantial amount of medical research and case studies done on patients of all sizes and measurements to test the success of Zerona. Zerona has also been featured on several news programs and medical shows because of the amazing effects of inches lost in a short amount of time. Unfortunately, there seems to be no specific advising of a diet or exercise to follow before or after a Zerona treatment. Some new sources even tout the treatment as the answer to getting slimmer without having to diet or exercise.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Non-invasive, so there’s no surgery recovery time
  • Proven to work
  • Endorsed by several doctors
  • Backed by research and case studies
  • Featured on several news programs around the country
  • Takes inches off the most problematic areas like the hips, thighs and waist
  • Completely painless
  • No down time
  • Some might see procedure as a way to avoid diet and exercise, but still achieve a loss in inches
  • As a new cosmetic procedure, Zerona treatments may be costly
  • Not available in many areas due to the recent introduction of the treatment
  • May not be covered by health insurance

Unfortunately, there is no information available that connects Zerona with any sort of diet. It is however recommended that you use Zerona if you are already using a diet plan and want to help that along. Another recommended use for the Zerona treatment is if you are planning on starting a diet and want to jump start it with this treatment.


Exercise is recommended with Zerona. It is emphasized that Zerona treatments will not have any effect on your current exercise program. The procedures are completely painless and will allow you to continue your workouts the same day as your visits.

Although exercise is recommended, there doesn’t seem to be any particular program in place. Exercise would definitely help keep those inches off that are lost through Zerona, and enable a further loss at a healthy pace.


Zerona is a very hot topic right now because it is a non-invasive procedure and has proven to be effective. The problem with treatments like this is that they get marketed as an instant solution to weight problems. Without more education to keep the weight and inches off, these types of treatments can be seen as a short-term weight loss fix rather than a long-term weight loss solution.

Discounts are also available for those who want to have several Zerona treatments to compound the inches they lose. This could be problematic for those who want to use Zerona to lose large amounts of weight rather than incorporating a diet and exercise program. Zerona can definitely be a great tool to help you lose inches, but using at the sole means to lose inches could result in those inches coming right back.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

zeronia, zeronda, cerona, serona, zerrona, zeronna, zerona treatment, zerona liposuction

How Does Zerona Compare?
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  • Zerona
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What a ripoff! NO results at all. Aside from the cost, it took a huge sacrifice in time, and requires major changes to your diet.

AFTERWARDS, they admitted that they see mixed results and it does not work on everyone. It only removes the "soft" fat that is located immediately under your skin - it does NOTHING for the harder, deeper down fat that most of us want to lose. But they do not tell you this upfront.

Also, they brag that the treatment is FDA-approved, but that is not exactly true. The LASER is FDA-approved, as all lasers must be. But the fat-loss treatment process is not something that was ever reviewed by the FDA.

And they try to sell you on the Curva supplements, but it turns out the supplements have been yanked from the shelf of all retailers, probably because it has not received regulatory approval. I did not try the supplement, and it is probably a scam as well.

posted Jun 1st, 2013 10:20 pm



was working very good for me. I lost 14.5 inches in 3 weeks and also 7 Lbs. I could fit again into my old pants. I am very happy with the results.

posted Jan 4th, 2013 8:15 pm

Jenene johnson

This procedure is a total farce, and is a ripof. I went to Sleek LLC in Denver, and paid them $1500 for 11 treatments, and I lost nothing in the targeted areas except the $1500. DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!

posted Dec 2nd, 2011 2:02 pm



Will Zerona affect the way my medication works

posted Nov 10th, 2011 5:40 pm



i am in the middle of zerona - my 3rd sesion and already see noticeable difference in stomach and upper arms - the only two places i asked to have lasered. i have not even being exercising as much as i should have but have religiously stuck to my water plan of .5 ounces for every pound of y body weight. as far as zerona being painful - i dont know how - it is the so relaxing!!! i am placed on my back on a heated massage table with zerona laser on my stomach for 20 min. then i flip over on my stomach for the same treament only laser on my back. then i get a 23 minute footbath....the relaxation alone is worth it - - -but the extra inches is "for real"!

posted Oct 27th, 2011 11:47 am



Don't do it! They give you a free session and take before and after measurements... Take your own measurements and don't listen to what they tell you!!! The place I went to tries to sell you different session packages. In my opinion, IT IS A SCAM!!!! I read some reviews on the internet that said it didn't work for them, but I thought if Dr. Oz and the Doctors had this on, it must work. In my opinion, IT DOESN'T. SAVE YOUR MONEY (over 1,800 dollars for 6 sessions)!!!! My measurements and theirs were different. I tried on a skin tight pair of pants before my first session. During this time I was going, they kept telling me I lost inches. Funny how my skin tight pair of pants were still skin tight.... My measurements weren't the same as theirs. If they tell you to do a detox or a cleanse which is also reducing your calorie intake, just do that at home. Look up on the internet (lemons, maple syrup, water, etc.....that's what this place recommended - don't forget their supplement which they want you to pay for). If you lose 10 pounds shouldn't you lose inches? Save your money and reduce your calories

posted Aug 17th, 2011 9:58 pm



Does Zerona really work?

posted Apr 13th, 2011 12:10 pm


I had a medical facility take my measurements prior to Zeltiq to make sure I had it documented to see if there were truly any changes. I didnt feel a picture would be sufficient to determine a loss since we all know how the camera can work. I had absolutely no results and have had a considerable amount of increased GI troubles. I am currently trying to get some feedback from Zeltiq in regards to my concerns but havent heard a thing back yet.

posted Mar 28th, 2011 7:57 pm



this procedure cost me over $2,000 and i am having a lot of problems with my legs now,it hurts when you get the treatments and very uncomforaable! i see no difference and neither does my daughter!

posted Mar 2nd, 2011 9:50 pm



I lost very little total inches. Not worth the money.

posted May 7th, 2010 8:24 pm



The Zerona is an AMAZING treatment and i was first shocked by how effective it really was on people, i would probably say we have about 90% success rate with it which means 90% of the people are happy and lost 5+ inches.

I do feel though, that all the "bad" reviews out there are the results of either lack of knowledge by the practitioner or by lack of treatments.

From my experience, even though some people might see results after 6 sessions, 9-12 sessions are needed to see good results.

posted Mar 9th, 2010 12:38 am

April 2660


Zerona did not work for me. Received 6 treatments from Midwest Medical Aesthetics in Overland Park, Kansas. A total waste of money, I cannot recommend it.

posted Feb 22nd, 2010 8:36 pm


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