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Zone 123

Zone 123

A simplified version of this popular low-carb diet.

Top Rated Diet Shakes of 2025
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Dr. Sears, the mastermind behind the Zone Diet, believes that silent inflammation is at the root cause of our obesity and overweight problems. But taking control of your health and well-being has never been easier with the Zone 1-2-3 Program.

An essential component of the Zone 1-2-3 Program is the use of omega-3 concentrates such as Omega|Rx®. Omega|Rx® acts as a safety net to dilute toxic fat, which is the primary driver of silent inflammation.

Another key aspect of Zone 1-2-3 Program is the Zone Polyphenols supplement that can inhibit the activation of the genetic master switch that turns on silent inflammation at the cellular level.

The idea behind the plan is that as you eat the right balance macronutrients, you restore the balance of insulin and hormone levels in your body. In turn, your body has no need for the excess weight and simply melts it off.

There is no shortage of information to help guide you along your Zone plan for weight loss. From books to Zone snacks and meals to the Zone website, which features scores of easy, 123 recipes and information articles, The Zone 1-2-3 diet can be just as to follow as it sounds.

Do You Know the Best Diet Shakes of 2025?

  • Offers an easier way to eat in The Zone
  • Promotes a healthy diet
  • Abundance of resources make it easy to follow
  • Will help you lose weight
  • Can be a long-term eating plan
  • Avoids trans fats, sugars and refined carbohydrates
  • Named #6 in the Best Commercial Diets by US News, 2011
  • Lacks a strong exercise component
  • Avoidance of simple carbs may take some time to get used to
  • Omits certain starchy vegetables and limits fruit consumption

The Zone 1-2-3 Program was developed as the quickest and easiest way to reduce silent inflammation caused by the current American diet. Silent inflammation induced by the diet is becoming recognized as a primary factor in the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Zone 1-2-3 Program consists of three key components:

  • Patented Zone Foods: Using a new patented technology, it is now possible to make bread, pizza, and pasta that eliminate hunger instead of increasing it. This is possible with their ability to enhance the release of hormones from digestive system that go directly to the brain to signal the stoppage of eating.
  • The use of omega-3 concentrates, such as OmegaRx®: Omega-3 fatty acids in high concentrations reduce the inflammation caused by the diet. OmegaRx® has the highest potency and purity available.
  • Zone Polyphenols: Inhibits the activation of the genetic master switch that turns on Silent Inflammation at the cellular level. These components serve as a powerful anti-inflammatory diet plan to help you achieve your personal weight-loss and long-term health goals.

Here are the basic rules of the Zone plan:

  1. On 1/3rd of your plate, put a piece of lean protein the size and thickness of your palm. Examples: skinless chicken, fish, egg whites, tofu.
  2. Fill the remaining 2/3rds of your plate with fruits and/or vegetables. Most fruits and vegetables are fine, but avoid things like corn and bananas.
  3. Add a dash of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. Examples: Olive Oil, Almonds, Avocado. Avoid trans-fats.

Included in the Zone plan, is an easy way to find out just how well your favorite packaged foods adhere to the Zone balance. Therefore with the simple calculation of for every three grams of carbohydrates there should be two grams of protein and one gram of fat, you can safely nosh on a microwavable meal during your office lunch hour and still adhere to your plan.

Included on the Zone website are scores of easy recipes as well as a complete online grocery store of Zone meals, snacks, bars and supplements.


Exercise is strongly encouraged as a way to lose and maintain weight loss. Excessive exercise is not recommended since it can fuel hunger and break down the body's muscle.


The Zone 1-2-3 is a simplified approach to weight loss and health that intends to attack weight gain at its root cause: inflammation

Through a three-pronged approach of diet, omega fatty acids and polyphenols, a kind of antioxidant, weight loss and well being are as easy as 1-2-3.

When all three are combined, they provide a powerful synergistic anti-inflammatory dietary plan to help you achieve whatever your personal goals with the least amount of effort on your part. Equally importantly, you can enjoy the “forbidden foods” like bread, pasta, pizza, and even desserts the have caused silent inflammation in the past.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

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  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
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