Health Calculator

Calculate your BMI, Ideal Body Weight, and Basal Metabolic Rate

Instant Health Snapshot

Quickly learn how many calories you should be eating, your body mass index and your ideal body weight with this easy-to-use health calculator

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The Instant Health Snapshot is a free tool to help you take those first important steps toward regaining your health through weight loss or weight management. In seconds, this calculator will reveal three key numbers you need to know to help reach your goals in a healthy manner.

BMI - The Body Mass Index is a statistical measure of the weight of a person scaled according to their height. Your BMI will determine whether you're at a healthy weight, overweight, obese or even underweight. It's important to know and understand your BMI because if it is too high, you may be at risk of obesity related diseases.

BMR - The Basal Metabolic Rate determines just how many calories are necessary for your body to perform each day. Someone in a weight maintenance phase will require far more calories than someone trying to lose weight.

IBW - The Ideal Body Weight helps you to identify a healthy weight goal based on body type, gender, age and fitness level. You'll be given a weight range based on four formulas representing specific body types or gender.

It's important to take these new health numbers and review them with your doctor to ensure you're doing everything you can for safe, healthy and effective weight loss.

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