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Health Buzz: Getting a Feel for Health

Health News from the web for November 3, 2011.

This episode of Health Buzz dives into the way our thoughts and feelings affect our bodies, and vice versa. Taking steps towards improving your health can improve you mood, just as changing your attitude can help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goals.

Why a Little Hunger Can Be Healthy

Moderating hunger is an important part of any weight loss journey. Feeling ravenous is not only uncomfortable, but it can lead to binging on whatever is at hand, and not necessarily what would be healthy. On the other hand, if you eating a healthy diet without ever feeling hungry, you may being doing yourself a disservice, because hunger is an important metabolic indicator.

Source: Shape

Three Reasons to Feel Good About Bad Runs

Painful runs can be very discouraging and make us question why we run at all. We want to be runners so that we can feel good, right? This story looks at some positive outcomes that can result from a bad run. It may sound corny, but these really are learning opportunities, teaching us the limits of our bodies and making us consider new ways to improve. Often, it's mind over matter when it comes to running, so a bad day helps you build up mental strength.

Source: Runner's World

Minimal Physical Activity Necessary to Improve Mental Health

A massive study using the Scottish Health Surveys and the General Health Questionnaire found that daily physical activity is correlated with a lower risk of mental problems. While it's not a big surprise that healthy, active people feel better more of the time than those who are sedentary, the great news that came out of this study is that very light physical activity can improve your psychological state. Activities such as housework, gardening and walking were all considered beneficial physical activity.

Source: DietsInReview.com

Six Healthy Foods to Help Fight Stress

When people think of eating to soothe stress, they usually thing of fattening comfort foods, like ice cream, mac and cheese, pizza or pasta. These foods may make us feel good as we eat them, but in the long term they're likely to do more damage than good. However, there are actually many healthy foods that interact with our hormones to combat stress and nourish our bodies. For example, foods high in vitamin C do more than boost the immune system. That's because vitamin C helps return your blood pressure and cortisol level to normal after a stressful situation.

Source: DietsInReview.com

Barbecued Salmon with Green Mango Salad

This week's recipe is for a delicious salmon recipe that you can cook over the stove or on the grill. Lime, rice vinegar and soy sauce flavor the fish, which is served over a crunchy bed of green mango and cucumber dressed with cilantro, mint and sesame seeds. You can make the salad ahead and store it in the fridge for up to four hours. This light and refreshing meal will really hit the spot.

Source: Food & Wine

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