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Health Buzz: Hottest Diet and Fitness Trends
Health news from around the web for December 8th, 2011.
As 2011 comes to a close, we take a look at the biggest trends in diet and fitness of the past year. We're talking about triathlons, understanding cravings and high intensity interval training. Plus, don't miss a recipe that suits both paleo and gluten-free requirements.
Why Celiac Disease May Be on the Rise
Gluten is a mixture of two proteins that's found in wheat and other grains, and is present in foods such as bread, pasta, cereals, many alcoholic beverages and some commercial dairy products. Gluten allergies have become a major topic of discussion in the past several years in health and nutrition news, but it's really hit the mainstream this year as more and more foods tout "gluten-free" labels. This story takes a look at some of the possible causes of this rise in celiacs disease.
Source: FoodFacts.com
Ask Mary
Ask Mary is a new weekly feature of Health Buzz, with registered dietitian Mary Hartley is answering a reader question each episode. This week, she answers the question, "What causes salt cravings?"
The answer may surprise you, and the best way to banish that craving definitely isn't chips. Mary says that sometimes salt cravings are a result of a medical condition, but most of the time they're a product of dehydration.
If you have a question for Mary, please visit our the Question section.
Iron Kids Rule
We hear a lot about childhood obesity these days, but this story has a more uplifting story to tell. It's about kids getting involved in triathlons. These Iron Kids are learning the benefits of exercise early by running, swimming and biking towards the finish line. Tris are a good alternative to team sports, and some kids are even competing in these races to raise money for charity.
Source: Care2.com
Understanding High Intensity Interval Training
Fitness expert Liz Neporent explains the benefit of high intensity interval training, also know has HIITS. If you're pressed for time, HIITS is a great way to make the most out of your workout. HIITS is a good thing to try if you've hit a workout rut and can also help you over a weight loss plateau, because it has positive benefits for your metabolism. It's a method of training that involves short bursts of intense exercise, which is then followed by a short recovery period where you either stop altogether or keep moving at an easy pace.
Source: DietsInReview.com
Herbed Chicken Skewers
This week's recipe comes from a blog that's all about eating primal. The paleo diet has grown in popularity this year, as more and more people choose to cut processed foods out of their diets and look to the past for help them decided what to eat. Whether you've gone paleo or not, these herbed chicken skewers make a healthy dish for anyone on a gluten-free diet or who just wants a good source of protein.
Source: The Food Lover's Primal Palate Blog
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