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Health Buzz: Not Just Your Mama's Wisdom

Health news from around the web for July 27, 2011.

Our host Jamie Yuenger shares news from our team and from the health-minded experts at Fitness Magazine, Care2, Men's Health, and a savory recipe from Cooking Naked after 40.

Workout in the Park

There's no better way to shake up a boring or montonous workout than to change your scenery. Fitness Magazine shares some great ideas for using outdoor props like a park bench to give you a great workout that's anything but ordinary.

Source: FitnessMagazine.com

Two New Eating Disorders

At Care2 you'll learn about the psychology behind defining medically-diagnosed eating disorders, and about two lesser known disorders that are getting more attention. First, Adult Selective Eating, with links to OCD, and Orthorexia, when healthy eating habits are taken way too far.

Source: Care2.com

The Best Processed Organic Foods

Even with an organic label, not all processed foods are created equal. Men's Health created a list of the organic packaged foods that are worth your money, with things like cereal, eggs, milk, and coffee mentioned.

Source: MensHealth.com

Study Finds Breakfast Incomplete Without Protein

A study out of the University of Missouri confirms that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. They also release evidence that breakfast is only at its best when it includes protein, which can help alleviate snacking throughout the day by providing satiety.

Source: DietsInReview.com

Zumba Gold Keeps Older Adults Fit

There's a growing trend amongst active seniors in the U.S., and it's the latin dance fitness craze Zumba! Aerobics, strength conditioning, and even socialization are just a few things older adults will enjoy at specially designed Zumba Gold classes.

Source: DietsInReview.com

Recipe: Eggplant Ratatouille

You're just three simple ingredients away from a hearty, simple dinner that's perfect for summer. Fresh eggplant, tomatoes, and a little olive oil, and you've got a vegetarian dish that easily tops pasta, leafy greens, or even as a dip for celery sticks.

Source: CookingNakedAfter40.com

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