Go Vegan With Hugh Jackman’s Diet

Rumors have spread quickly about Hugh Jackman, who played X-Men’s Wolverine, becoming a vegan. Could it be true that Wolverine isn’t eating animal products anymore? It certainly could be, but it’s not. Jackman recently wrote the foreword for Brendan Brazier’s book, Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life. In the foreword, Jackman acknowledges that he is not 100 percent vegan but that he might be, in the near future.

In the course of preparing for his upcoming film, X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2, Jackman will be working hard to beef up for his role. Going vegan isn’t always simple, especially if you need to keep up your ripped-Wolverine persona. Thankfully, Jackman has a strong support system in place. He will be coached by personal trainer, Don Scott and vegan-nutritionist, Brendan Brazier.

It’s come to my attention that all sorts of athletes have pursued vegan and vegetarian diets. Often times, they find great success and personal satisfaction from it. Among the reported are Mike Tyson, Tony Gonzalez and Mac Danzig. It seems that Jackman isn’t alone in his quest for an athlete-friendly vegan lifestyle.

In the past, Jackman reached his fitness goals by consuming large amounts of chicken products. He worries that by doing so, he has negatively impacted his health and the environment. Even if he doesn’t go full-vegan, I send mad props out to Hugh Jackman for trying. It’s true that excess amounts of meat can be very hazardous to your health. Perhaps the efforts of Wolverine will inspire others to trot down the vegan path as well.

Image via lasnark.com

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