Diet and Nutrition

Dr. Oz’s 2-Day Detox Diet in PEOPLE is More Proof He’s Sold Out

Dr. Oz may be “America’s Doctor,” according to Oprah, but he’s not my doctor. If my heart were breaking down and truly needed saving, I might look him up and try to be one of the 200 cardiothoracic surgeries he personally performs every year. However, I don’t know that I’d follow any other medical advice he was prescribing.

Calling him a sell-out may sound harsh, but that’s how I’m starting to feel. His TV show is wildly popular, and puts health front and center in this country like never before. He has prime real estate to give Americans sound medical advice that could actually change their lives. Instead, he fills his airwaves with diet pill jokes like raspberry ketones, forskolin, and two-day wonder cleanses. How is any of this helpful?

Our resident dietitian, Mary Hartley, RD, spoke out after Dr. Oz’s raspberry ketone episode aired. “And so, did Dr. Oz lead us astray on the raspberry ketone claim? He did if you believe he has a medical obligation to the viewer. Call me jaded, but I believe Dr. Oz’s only obligation is to his network.”

I believe he is medically obligated to the viewer, and I also agree that his obligation has been prioritized to the media.

This week, PEOPLE called him the Healthiest Man Alive, and the good doctor appears on the cover alongside Matthew McConaughey’s wedding photo. Under a photo of “Summer’s Hottest Bodies” appears the headline “Bonus: Dr. Oz’s 2-Day Diet.”

I just have to ask why? (more…)

How to Cook with Coconut

I used to be terrified of coconut. True story. As a child, if I was handed an Almond Joy at Halloween, I’d chuck it out immediately like it was diseased. If a cake was covered in the snow-like flakes, I’d turn and sprint the other direction. Putting coconut on something was the fastest way to make me hate it.

But as with almonds, I grew to like it along with the many other foods my juvenile palette didn’t appreciate.

What is coconut? Coconut is simply the fruit of palm trees that grow in tropical climates. Shredded coconut is the broken down kernel of the coconut fruit, known as the copra. Despite what some may think, dried coconut still contains all of the fiber and nutrients found in its raw and fresh form, and is typically much easier to cook with. (more…)

Empty Calories Comic: Don’t Cry Over Grilled Veggies

See more Empty Calories right here in the blog and look for new episodes each month.

Also Read:

Pack a Healthy Father’s Day Picnic

6 Foods You Aren’t Grilling but Should

Simple Summer Burger Guide for Healthier Grilling

When It Comes to Kid’s Menus, Tell Your Kid to Grow Up

I intend on my son growing up to be a man. Height-wise, he’s nearly there and he’s only eight. With every passing stage I mourn a little for the little baby I once had. I refuse to let him grow up too fast.

He still mispronounces a few things and I won’t correct him because sometimes, the fact that he calls it a “mow-lawner” is the only connection I have to the tiny baby boy he once was. We won’t let him watch many television shows, we don’t allow the word “butt” in our house, and there’s serious controls on our Internet. Mature life will come soon enough, he needs to be a child for as long as possible. However, there is one aspect of being a kid I have never permitted with my son. When it comes to his diet, I refuse to treat my son like a child.

As I read the latest report about the nutrition content found in the so-called “healthy” kids meals I rolled my eyes. One restaurant’s hamburger was higher in fat than than three of another fast food joint’s chicken nuggets. And ‘fast-food place A’ serves a grilled cheese with way more sodium than “fast-food place B’s” corn dog. So it seems, in our tireless effort to get our kids healthy, we’re splitting hairs over whose junk food may have tweaked the recipe enough to be slightly lower in fat or cholesterol to earn the title as a “healthier option.” (more…)

Celebrate Dad with a Healthy Father’s Day Brunch

Father’s Day is this Sunday; are you ready to celebrate? If not, don’t fret because we’ve got you covered – food, drinks and all.

Instead of taking dad out to a restaurant this year and enduring long waits and noisy crowds, make a healthy, filling brunch at home to show him how much you care. After all, it takes a lot more planning and effort to prepare something yourself than to just cover the bill at a restaurant.

I don’t know about you but breakfast and brunch have always been special meals in our household. Growing up, we treated late-morning meals on the weekends as if were a sacred practice, taking the time to prepare homemade sausage, egg and cheese bagel sandwiches or carefully-crafted pancakes alongside mounds of fresh fruit and lots of warm maple syrup. And coffee? Always a must, especially in my sister and I’s older years. (more…)

Charles Poliquin’s BioSignature Method Claims to Spot-Reduce Fat

Have you ever looked in the mirror and seen one area of your body you wish you could improve? I have, but I’ve come to accept my imperfections under the idea that you can’t spot-train certain areas of the body to change the way they look.

Well, if you told that to Charles Poliquin, creator of Poliquin Performance and the BioSignature Method, he’d likely slap you across the face and proceed to tell you, ‘Yes, you can spot-treat the body.’ And he’d probably follow that by dispelling the ideas that you can’t ‘cleanse the body’ or rid it of toxins either.

Poliquin doesn’t agree with the majority of ‘sensible’ health experts who say you can’t spot treat your body like you do your laundry. For this reason, he’s developed a fitness program that he claims is able to spot-reduce fat, rid the body of toxins, and cleanse it entirely through a special diet and training regimen. (more…)

Vending Machine Pizza Delivered to the U.S. by Let’s Pizza

Have you ever wanted fresh pizza but didn’t want to pay the hefty price tag or wait for the 30-minute delivery? Well an innovative European-based food company is fixing that problem with its Let’s Pizza vending machines that produce a made-from-scratch pizza in less than three minutes.

The vending machine, which was developed by Claudio Torghel, comes from A1 Concepts – a company based in the Netherlands. Let’s Pizza has become quite popular throughout Europe, which is why the company has decided to plant a U.S. headquarters in Atlanta later this year.

The process of installing the vending machines is expected to be swift, and A1 hopes their tasty convenience pies will be met with open arms in the states.

If you’re wondering how the pizza is made, it’s a rather simple process.When a customer approaches the machine, they first make their flavor selection from one of four options. In Europe, those selections included Margherita, Salami, Prosciutto, and Speck. But stateside options may be more American-friendly. (more…)

McDonald’s Chef Coudreaut Can’t Be Serious That He Sees Nothing Unhealthy on That Menu

One of my biggest food vices is McDonald’s. I own that. Those French fries have me in a trance just like everyone else. I didn’t used to care. I ate it rarely enough that when I did I figured the difference was made with workouts and healthy meals.

About two years ago, I literally had to wean myself away. I’d drive by and mentally debate myself over whether to pull in or keep going. I usually convinced myself to keep going when I’d conjure up the memory of the unrelenting headache I’d get within a few bites of my combo. Up until about two months ago, I hadn’t eaten there in six months.

One day, I’d failed to eat breakfast or anything else. I found myself running errands at about 2 in the afternoon when the shakes and a blinding hunger struck. The only thing in my vicinity was a McDonald’s. I didn’t have a choice. I inhaled the food, and sure enough, the headache hit me like a brick wall. When I returned to my office, I had to leave a short time later. I was so wrecked with nausea, shakes, and sweating that it wasn’t doing any of us any good for me to stick around. I’ll never eat there again.

There’s something very wrong with that food. I have a really hard time even calling it food because it’s what Jillian Michaels would refer to as a Frankenfood. It’s so pumped full of chemicals, so processed, and so far from resembling what that same food would look like if you prepared it yourself you have to wonder how it’s even legal.

I always wonder how culinary professionals who train for such a delicious career end up as the chief chef at fast food companies. I also wonder how people, like the senior director of culinary innovation at McDonald’s, sleep at night. For the fast food giant, that would be Chef Daniel Coudreaut.

He recently made this bold statement that has my head spinning as badly as it did from the sodium-buffet-in-a-bag I fed myself earlier this spring.

“I don’t see anything on that menu that’s unhealthy,” he said, according to Lisa Abraham in her article at


He can’t be serious, right? (more…)

Pack a Healthy Father’s Day Picnic for Dad this Weekend

Father’s Day is just around the corner and we’re getting ready to celebrate our dads the best way we know how – with food; and the healthier it is the better.

While most Americans will be grilling dad a burger or steak or taking him out to eat, we’re opting for a more original, creative and nature-centered meal: a picnic.

Picnics are great for many reasons: they’re low maintenance, casual, portable, leave room for creativity and can be incredibly healthy. Not to mention you get to eat in the great outdoors without a distraction – or cranky waitress – in sight. This scenario sounds kind of perfect to us, which is why we’re planning a healthy picnic for our own dad’s this upcoming Father’s Day weekend. (more…)

Obese Children Perform Worse in School, Studies Show

Here is what we know about children and proper nutrition so far in our age of advanced health.

  • A proper breakfast helps them focus at school.
  • A balanced diet encourages healthy growth and normal weight.
  • Feeding them junk food, especially processed, high-fat and high-sugar foods, will cause them to develop a palette for unhealthy foods.

A new fact to add to this list? Obesity can cause kids to perform worse at school. At least that’s what new research is proposing.

Recent studies have shown that obese children tend to have lower test scores than their peers, and that obese girls score even lower than boys. In addition to poor test scores, obese children are also more likely to be held back in school, and are less likely to attend college. (more…)

Leave Baby Food to the Babies – Not Your Diet

Baby food is for babies? Not exclusively. Hollywood A-listers are eating baby food now. The Baby Food Diet, made famous by Tracy Anderson, is for those who want to control their food portions and curb cravings with pureed fruits and veggies. The diet works for celebrities, but for those who would rather not revert back to their infant days it isn’t an ideal diet.

I asked our resident dietitian Mary Hartley, RD if the serving size of a baby’s jar would satisfy grown adults? She tells us, “No. A little four-ounce jar of pureed baby food ranges from 40 to 80 calories, and so an adult would need many, many little jars if the diet consisted only of baby food.”

The jars of baby food might make reasonable replacements for snacks during the day, but frankly, just eating the whole fresh fruit or vegetable is going to be far more satisfying, as many if not less calories, and none of the preservatives or other additives common to jarred baby food. (more…)