Diet and Nutrition

Michelle Obama and Paula Deen Square Off in Food Fight

There is rumor of a food fight going on between Michelle Obama and famed southern cook Paula Deen. Paula Deen is known for her indulgent recipes and fondness for butter, among other ingredients that aren’t so healthy. Paula is touring and promoting her latest cookbook Paula Deen’s Southern Cooking Bible which encourages purchasing a deep fryer.

On the other side of the food spectrum, First Lady Michelle Obama is promoting her new cookbook  American Grown, which advocates eating home grown vegetables. The feud is rumored to revolve around Michelle’s appearance on the show Paula’s Party in 2024 before President Obama was elected, and before Michelle launched her healthy eating initiative. Supposedly, Paula has been pointing out Michelle’s unhealthy eating habits in interviews while on her book tour, which has many people calling foul.

In one interview, Paula is quoted saying, “She’s no different than the rest of us. She probably ate more than any guest I ever had on the show! She kept eating even during the commercials. Know what (the Obamas’) favorite foods are? Hot wings. Y’know – those kinds of foods that aren’t necessarily top-of-the-list healthy foods.”


Chicago McDonald’s to Test Healthier Happy Meals

McDonald’s has never really been known as a place to go for a healthy meal. Now they are trying to change their image, and are hoping consumers will respond positively.

McDonald’s is attempting to create healthier Happy Meals and the first area to test the new menu is Chicago. In this new Happy Meal, kids will get less fries, some apple slices and milk instead of the standard Happy Meal components. McDonald’s has offered fruit as a substitution to fries for many years in the Happy Meal, but it had to be requested until now.

The default for Happy Meals has always been French fries and the drink of your choice alongside a hamburger, cheeseburger or chicken nuggets. The new healthier option will be the first time that the Happy Meals will default to a fruit in an effort to address the challenges kids face in meeting the recommended daily consumption of produce. McDonald’s has plans to roll this Happy Meal out to all of their locations by March.


10 Surprising Sources of MSG

By Michelle Schoffro Cook for

Considering that monosodium glutamate, or MSG as it is more commonly known, is linked to many serious health conditions, including: hormonal imbalances, weight gain, brain damage, obesity, headaches, and more, you may be shocked to learn how prevalent it is. MSG is almost always found in processed, prepared, and packaged foods. But, here are some lesser-known food sources of this harmful chemical.

1. Soup—Most soups, even most homemade soup, contains MSG, even if the cook swears it doesn’t. That’s because most soup bases, commercial stocks, and bouillon powder and cubes contain MSG.

2. Spice Mixtures—Love that cajun seasoning, TexMex rub, or other spice mixture? Most spice mixtures contain MSG—frequently as autolyzed yeast or yeast extract.

3. Infant Formula—As terrible as it sounds, some infant formula actually contains MSG in one of its myriad disguises.


Now Eat This Truck Takes Rocco Dispirito’s Message to the Streets

Rocco DiSpirito Serves Lunch from the Now Eat This TruckWhen we heard that Chef Rocco DiSpirito has a Now Eat This food truck making its way around the West Village earlier this week, we knew that we had to try it for ourselves. When I arrived, I was surprised to see Chef Rocco himself taking orders and dishing out healthy meals.

Despite the lunch crowd, Chef Rocco answered my questions between orders with good cheer. “I want to change how people eat, by showing them how good healthy food can taste,” said Rocco. The truck serves up a selection of dishes featured in Rocco’s Now Eat This! cookbook, all of which are less than 350 calories.

I was told to come hungry, and I wasn’t disappointed. I devoured the Mama’s meatballs over kamut pasta. For dessert, Rocco offered up a gluten-free chocolate brownie cupcake, which is made with black beans. The kamut pasta didn’t have the too-chewy texture that most whole wheat pastas are guilty of, while the cupcake was amazingly moist and fluffy for a gluten-free product. The whole meal contained just 454 calories. The day’s menu also included chicken soup with Shirataki noodles and cheesy turkey or vegetarian enchiladas.


What Do a McRib and Your Yoga Mat Have in Common?

These two items seem as far removed as the people who eat the sandwich and those who actually use a yoga mat, but they share something in common that is wildly alarming and worth having a look.

Azodicarbonamide, ammonium sulfate and polysorbate 80 are just three of the 70 ingredients that make up the famed McDonald’s BBQ McRib pork sandwich. Even though these nasty ingredients are in small enough quantities that may not otherwise be harmful to your health, it is worth noting how and where else these chemicals are being used just to put it into perspective.

The biggest one that will get some of you squirming in your seat is azodicarbonamide, a flour-bleaching agent found in the McRib bun. This chemical, in addition to giving your BBQ bun that fresh, white appearance, is also used to manufacture shoes, foam plastics, materials such as gym flooring and believe it or not, yoga mats.


The Best Healthy Holidays Tips from Shape Magazine

In a live video chat yesterday, Shape magazine’s senior associate health editor Bahar Takhtehchian shared her best tips for beating the bulge during this holiday season. The chat was sponsored Fiber One, which is launching a new line of high-fiber brownies. Aside from all the tempting holiday foods, Takhtehchian says it’s easy to gain weight this time of year because “a lot of people associate eating with relaxation.”girl exercising while wearing a santa hat

Takhtehchian says that by planning to make smart meal choices, you can avoid unwanted weight gain despite the many temptations of the holiday season. Her first big tip is always eat a filling breakfast, even if you know you’ll be eating something rich later in the day. Starting the day with a meal that has plenty of protein and whole grain, which can keep you fuller throughout the day and less tempted to eat something you shouldn’t. In the afternoon, Takhtehchian recommends eating a lighter lunch and a snack. “Snacking will rev up your metabolism,” she explains, as long as you pick foods with plenty of fiber, like a handful of almonds or a piece of fruit. For those with a sweet tooth, she also suggested the Fiber One brownie. “One of the benefits of fiber is that it does keep you full,” she says.

The health editor also offered tips for navigating holiday parties. Takhtehchian advises against ever going to a party feeling hungry. “When you show up starving, you know what happens,” she says. “You eat everything in sight.” Instead, eat a filling meal before arriving. Cocktails are another healthy diet downfall, not only because they’re loaded with calories but also because one drink too many will lower your guard against unhealthy foods. Pick cocktails that are low in sugar, and swap soda water for tonic. “Vodka soda is one of my favorites,” she says, adding that you can give this drink a kick with a wedge of lemon or lime. Another good strategy to avoid extra calories is to drink a glass of water in between each alcoholic beverage.


Foodily Unveils Condition-Specific Recipe Search to Support Food Lovers in Maintaining Good Health

As social networking continues to grow in popularity, food blogs, websites, Facebook groups and other online forums have become important destinations for people dealing with chronic health conditions.

Foodily, the social recipe network that lets you find and share recipes from all corners of the web, is the latest to join the trend. The company recently launched a new site function that allows people to search for and filter recipes that correlate with a specific medical condition, such as diabetes, gout and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, also known as GERD.

“It’s tough enough dealing with a health issue as complicated as diabetes or GERD on a daily basis, but why should that mean that you can’t have a range of healthy recipe options at your fingertips?” said Andrea Cutright, CEO of Foodily. “All of us at Foodily are dedicated to encouraging people to be both healthy and happy with the food on their table.”


Foods That Benefit Your Thyroid

By Delia Quigley for

Located above your windpipe is a small gland that affects virtually every organ system in your body. This includes your brain, heart, intestines, and the quality of your skin. Your thyroid gland and the hormone it produces, is the energy source that runs your body. When your thyroid gland is compromised your metabolism slows, you feel fatigued and cold, your concentration is off, your hair thins, you gain weight, and your skin becomes dry. It may be a small gland, but when it does not get the nutrients it needs there can be powerful repercussions.

Medical research has confirmed that iodine is responsible for the formation of the thyroid hormones T1, T2, T3, and T4. Without sufficient iodine, the thyroid can produce only limited amounts of these hormones. The best way to support your thyroid is to eat a balanced whole foods diet, one that includes iodine, which can be found in foods harvested from the sea: fish, shell fish and sea salt; but the best source of iodine are the sea vegetables, kelp, dulse, arame, and hijiki to name a few. Earl Mindell recommends using kelp in his book, Vitamin Bible for the Twenty-First Century. He writes that, “Kelp has a normalizing effect on the thyroid gland. In other words, thin people with thyroid trouble can gain weight by using kelp, and obese people can lose weight with it.”


Ellen Degeneres Announces Plans to Open a Vegan Restaurant

One of the funniest women comics around thinks that her new restaurant is the breath of fresh air the restaurant industry needs.

Ellen DeGeneres and her wife Portia De Rossi have teamed up with Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders and film producer Steve Bing to open a vegan restaurant. The unnamed eatery will be located on Ventura Boulevard in San Fernando Valley, California. The menu will be designed by Tal Ronnen, who is best known for catering the wedding of DeGeneres and Rossi. Ronnen was also the chef responsible for the food for Oprah’s Vegan Cleanse and cooked the first vegan meal for the U.S. Senate.

Vegans do not ingest any animal products. They avoid all forms of dairy, meat, honey, and eggs, as well as fur, leather, wool, down, and cosmetics or chemical products tested on animals.


People Don’t Read Food Labels as Much as They Claim

When making an attempt to eat healthy, you may feel bogged down with all the “rules” that are involved in improving the way you eat. This bogged down feeling may get even worse when you are forced to put your knew found nutrition knowledge to the test the next time you go to the grocery store.

Although food labels have been placed on the majority of  foods you may find there, they aren’t necessarily the most helpful. After all, you have to take additional time to flip the package around, scan the label for the information you are looking for, and then compare and contrast each individual nutrient with similar products around to make sure you are making the right food choice for you and your family.

Perhaps that’s why so many people forgo the nutrition facts label all together. According to a recent study by the University of Massachusetts, people don’t really look at the label as much as they say they do. In fact, of the 33% of individuals who stated that they almost always looked at the total calorie content, only 9% actually did based on eye-tracking data pulled from the study. Additionally, only 1% of study participants took the time to look at the rest of the label despite claiming that they did so much more frequently.


Low-Fat, High-Fiber Childhood Diet Prevents Adult Health Problems

While it’s never too late to turn your health around, it’s also never too early to make a difference. One of the scariest parts of childhood obesity is that it can have health repercussions later in adulthood.

Take a recent study, for example. It says that if parents were to feed there children a diet lower in total fat and saturated fat and more fiber, it would help ensure lower glucose levels and lower blood pressure in adulthood. A high fat diet is associated with an increased risk of the metabolic syndrome. (more…)