Diet and Nutrition

Healthiest Menu Choices at Starbucks

We’ve already showcased some of the worst drinks at Starbucks, so today we thought that we’d take a look at the rest of the Starbucks’ menu — the food. About a year and a half ago, this popular coffee-shop chain added more waist-friendly and nutritious options than just scones and muffins to go along with those lattes.

While the food item offerings are healthier in that they don’t include high fructose corn syrup and artificial ingredients, we wondered how they would stack up to the recommendations of our registered dietitian Rebecca Scritchfield who says that meals should have less than 500 calories and less than 500 milligrams of sodium, according to the the new daily sodium recommendations. So, we took a look!


Quick Chicken Recipes from Prevention on Today

TODAYTune into the Today show this morning, March 21 for some great 30-minutes chicken recipes from Prevention magazine. These quick and healthy recipes are bound to become family favorites.

Prevention is one of the oldest and most trusted health and wellness magazines. Not only does it cover the latest developments in medicine and personal care, it also provides readers with a range of advice on fitness, cooking, aging and weight-loss.


Salt is a Silent Killer on The Doctors

the doctorsTune in Friday, March 25 to The Doctors for a look at the dangers of salt. Most Americans eat far more salt than the recommended daily intake, but what are the real consequences? The Doctors describes salt at the “four-letter silent killer” and argue that it has become as dangerous as nicotine.

Learn what you can do to cut back on the amount of sodium in your diet and reduce your risk for several serious health problems.


Eat Right With Color: Blue and Purple Fruits and Veggies

Jane Schwartz Harrison is a registered dietitian and lifestyle writer for She is also the editor of their Nutrition and Healthy Weight, Healthy Kids hubs, and provides nutrition expertise through writing articles, developing menu plans and recipes, and supporting a nutrition column. Working in the nutrition field for the past 20 years, Jane has maintained a successful private practice and lectures regionally.

Feeling blue? In nutrition circles, this would be considered a good thing! Blue and purple fruits and veggies are colored by natural plant pigments called “anthocyanins.” Anthocyanins, part of the flavonoid family, are powerful antioxidants.

A recent survey found that adults who eat purple and blue fruits and vegetables have reduced risk for both high blood pressure and low HDL cholesterol (the “good” kind); they are also less likely to be overweight.


Learning Moderation Puts an End to the Dieting Cycle

Heather is the author of Not a DIY Life, where she shares her journey of healthy living, parenting, faith and everything in between. After all, life is not a Do-It-Yourself project.

I’m not really a professional dieter, but I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life. I’ve tried several different “diets,” including a low-fat diet, Atkins, and South Beach. Even though I am losing weight currently, I am not on a diet in the same sense. I am on a journey of healthy living, and that includes learning moderation in all things.

When I was in college, I lost 50 lbs on a low-fat diet with lots of activity and exercise. During that time, I gave up bacon. Oh, how I missed bacon. But it wasn’t “low fat” so I thought that I “couldn’t” eat it. I did not eat bacon for SIX years.


Potassium Iodine Sells Out in Radiation Fears

With fears and tension at an all-time high in Japan as they deal with the worst natural tragedy in the country’s history, they are also dealing with a bigger and much less natural threat: nuclear radiation.

In the wake of this frightening threat, citizens have taken to buying up supplies of potassium iodine, which helps combat the effects of radiation exposure.

The interest in the supplement isn’t just restricted to Japan. There are reports of people scooping up bottles of potassium iodine on the West Coast of the U.S. and they are being sold at a rapid pace online. Troy Jones, owner of says he gets an order every 30 seconds and has already sold more than 50,000 doses of pills and liquid since the earthquake in Japan.

Scientists and nuclear experts are saying that stockpiling potassium iodine is not necessary, since there is no expectation of radiation reaching the U.S. (more…)

We Love Organic O.N.E. Coconut Water

ONE Coconut Water BoxThe savvy consumer knows that coconut water claiming to be “100 percent natural” doesn’t mean much, because the “natural” label is in no way regulated or standardized. But O.N.E. Coconut Water is raising the bar by becoming the first major brand of coconut water to become certified USDA organic. The ingredient list is short and sweet: coconut water. Not added sugars, acids or flavors. “Becoming 100% certified organic was a goal we were excited to move towards and now achieve,” said the company’s founder and CEO Rodrigo Veloso in a press release.

Coconut water has been recently touted as a healthier alternative to sports drinks, particularly as a source of electrolytes. So, I put O.N.E to a taste test and it proved to be a lightly sweet yet refreshing drink. I’ve tried Zico coconut water before and found it less enjoyable, but I have to confess I expected it to taste more like coconut milk, which is something many people experience when trying coconut water for the first time.


Healthiest Menu Choices at Arby’s

We’ve been doing these fast-food healthiest meal listings based on our registered dietitian Rebecca Scritchfield’s healthy guidelines of having less than 500 calories and less than 500 milligrams of sodium per meal, according to the the new daily sodium recommendations. And, generally, we’ve been able to find a few options at all of the fast-food chains thus far. Today is a challenge though. We’re looking at Arby’s, and while there are a number of options that fit the calorie requirement, the sodium is just ridiculous. Having just a sandwich or a salad will put you at more than half of what you’re supposed to get in a day. For real. So with some creativity (because we really can’t tell you to eat a Jr. Shake for lunch just because it’s low in salt), we’ve come up with the following healthiest items.

Healthiest Meals at Arby’s

1. Half of a Roast Chicken Sandwich with Half of a Chopped Side Salad. This protein-filled pairing has 270 calories and 485 milligrams of sodium. Told you we had to get creative!


Seth Rogen Gains Weight Back

Seth Rogen’s weight loss has become just as much a part of the comic star’s persona as his everyman appeal on the big screen. While he’s made news for his valiant efforts to slim down, this time around, it may not be good news.

A few years back, Rogen got down to business and lost a bunch of weight in preparation for a role for the lead in The Green Hornet. It was a success, and he slimmed down to the almost unrecognizable person that we’ve finally gotten used to seeing now. However, he may now be going in the wrong direction.

“I’m slowly outgrowing all the clothes I bought last year,” he says. “It’s a sad thing. I gave away all my fat clothes, thinking ‘I won’t need these anymore,’ but I do!” (more…)

Healthy Seafood Recipes For Lent

During the Lent season, or the period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday, many people who observe these holidays abstain from eating meat on Fridays. While this might sound tedious to dedicated carnivores,  Friday doesn’t always have to be a pizza night. If you’re already tired of spaghetti and scrambled eggs, think about incorporating seafood into your breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

If you observe Lent, keep your meals interesting on Fridays throughout the season with these spectacular seafood recipes that are filling, healthy – and even family-friendly.


Eat Orange to Prevent Cancer and Boost Immunity

Cheryl Forberg, R.D., is a James Beard Award-winning chef, the nutritionist for NBC’s The Biggest Loser and a New York Times best-selling author. Her Pumpkin Polenta recipe is reprinted from Positively Ageless: A 28-Day Plan for a Younger, Slimmer, Sexier You (Rodale, 2025). Follow her on at or twitter at cherylforbergrd

To maintain a healthy balance in your diet, make sure you eat something orange every day. From the burnt orange richness of carrots, yams and pumpkin to the ocher shades of apricots and nectarines, these colorful foods are packed with nutrients and compounds that our bodies need to function properly and stave off disease.

Orange foods take their hue from beta-carotene, a plant substance converted by the human body into Vitamin A, essential for normal growth and development, immune system function, and skin and vision health. Beta-carotene is also a powerful antioxidant shown to help fight cancer and heart-disease. Most people don’t get enough beta-carotene in their diet so it’s important to add orange to the menu daily.
