Diet and Nutrition

Lily Allen Admits to Eating Disorder

British pop star Lily Allen has gone public with her battle with an eating disorder. In a new documentary titled “Lily Allen: Riches to Rags,” she discusses her struggles with multiple miscarriages and reveals that she fought with a serious eating disorder, purging after her meals.

Last fall, Allen made headlines when she was hospitalized with a potentially lethal blood-poisoning condition called septicaemia. The sum of these multiple physical and emotional struggles really took their toll.

“It was a really long battle, and I think that kind of thing changes a person,” says Allen.


Get the Truth About What You Eat at

FoodFacts websiteA simple trip to the grocery store requires you to make many decisions when you want to eat healthy. Organic or natural? What food additives should you avoid? What products are the best sources of protein? Or vitamins?

To help you navigate all these questions, has created the Food Facts Health Score. This score takes into consideration the nutrition facts on the label plus the quality of the ingredients and boils all that information down to one number, from one to 100.


Low Calorie Irish Beers for St. Patrick’s Day on a Diet

St. Patrick’s Day has very little (in fact, nothing) to do with drinking. According to legend, St. Patrick was responsible for ridding Ireland of bothersome snakes. One can’t believe everything one hears, but St. Patrick is in fact the patron saint of Ireland. His feast day, March 17th, has been celebrated by the Irish for centuries but the first St. Patrick’s Day parade took place in New York City during the year 1762.

Even though the origins of the holiday have little to do with the U.S., it’s nice to celebrate the rich culture of the Irish and in the process, have a few Irish drinks. Porters and stouts, while they pack a lot of flavor, contain large amounts of calories. The very nature of Irish beer is the exact opposite of light. Irish style drinks are delicious, and certainly essential to your St. Patrick’s Day festivities, but watch out. Alcohol has a way of packing on the pounds so indulge carefully and as always, drink responsibly.


Apples May Add Years to Your Life

Wow, we’ve all heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but new research may make that claim seem quaint in comparison. If the findings in a new animal study proves to be true for humans as well, an antioxidant found in apples could extend your life by as much as 10 percent.

The current findings involved fruit flies – don’t laugh, they are used in hundreds of studies every year – and they help bolster similar findings when used with other test animals.

The fight to extend our life starts with the “bad guys” known as free radicals, which cause negative changes in our body related to the aging process and some diseases. The good news is that antioxidants help combat the effects of free radicals. Fruits and vegetables, particularly colorful foods like apples, tomatoes, broccoli, and blueberries are superb sources of antioxidants. (more…)

Hiding Veggies Can Help You Shed Pounds

Adding “hidden” vegetables in meals has been a popular tactic for parents in getting their kids to eat the food they often turn up their noses to. Cookbooks like Jessica Seinfeld’s cookbook “Deceptively Delicious” and Missy Chase Lapine’s “The Sneaky Chef” espoused the benefits of doing so.

Now, researchers are suggesting that adults can stand to benefit from hiding vegetables as well. According to researchers at Pennsylvania State University, if you hide veggies by pureeing them and adding them to your entrees, it reduces the number of calories in the meal without sacrificing texture or taste.

An added benefit found in the study was that participants got more than double their fiber intake of veggies without even knowing it. You see, the participants in the study were unaware of what was being added to the foods they were eating. The cooks were adding vegetables that had been steamed and then pureed. (more…)

Subway Overtakes McDonald’s: What It Means for Health

Subway logoThis morning, the internet is buzzing with the news that Subway now has more restaurants globally than McDonald’s, which has long been the largest restaurant chain in the world. The Wall Street Journal reports that Subway now has 33,749 restaurants worldwide, compared to McDonald’s 32,737. As many discuss the two companies strategies for expansion overseas, I found myself wondering what this means for global food culture.

Subway has worked hard to promote the idea that its sandwiches are a healthier option, from their slogan of “Eat Fresh” to their promotional campaign featuring Jared Fogle. Yet there is much to consider before you bite into a footlong sandwich.


Slim Down Your Cocktails for Fat Tuesday

One of the key components to any Mardi Gras celebration is a great cocktail. Whether you’re celebrating in the Big Easy or not, you can keep the beverages flowing like wine – and you don’t even have to spend a day’s calories to do so.

In order to slim down your cocktails, avoid using bottled or powdered mixes, which tend to pack artificial ingredients, excess sugar and calories. Also, use fruit as a garnish whenever possible to sneak a few nutrients into your cocktail.


Healthy Recipes for Your Mardi Gras Celebrations

New Orleans might be the hub for Mardi Gras parades and celebrations on Tuesday, March 8, but you can easily get into the spirit of  this holiday no matter where you are. Mardi Gras, also called Carnival in some countries, is celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday in the Christian faith.

The kickoff of Mardi Gras is known as “Fat Tuesday,” which for some, might imply that it’s hard to celebrate without loosening your belt or spending some extra hours at the gym. Instead of overindulging, recreate some of your favorite Cajun and Louisiana recipes for Mardi Gras this year — but with a healthier twist. (more…)

Antioxidants on Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz Medical ShowTune in to Dr. Oz Wednesday, March 9 for Ultimate Checklist: Antioxidants. This nutrient is present in many green leafy vegetables, but many people underestimate its importance in their daily diets. Antioxidants can help you body fight disease, cancer and even help you look younger.

How do antioxidants keep us from getting sick? By fighting unstable molecules, known as free radicals, that can cause cell damage. Find out why you should add broccoli, kale and Brussel sprouts to your shopping list, plus learn about a great drink that’s also chock-full of antioxidants.


Ruby Faces Relationship Issues and Weight Gain in Season 4 Premier

The new season of Ruby began with a spray tanning session. Ruby, confident with every pound of herself, stood naked in the kitchen while Georgia sprayed her. Seemingly happy with her overall looks, but in utter despair over the weight that she gained back, Ruby said “We gotta finish this. I gotta finish this, once and for all.”

She decided, for the first time in 12 weeks, to host a Women’s Fat Night. Ruby’s friend, Julie, commented on the struggles of dieting while on vacation. Ruby spoke out about her own traveling troubles. While on the road, she slid back into her old habits. The girls reminded her to take one day at a time, one meal at a time, even one minute at a time. She claimed that the girls couldn’t possibly know what they were talking about because none of them had ever been as big as her. Women’s Fat Night ended with these words from Ruby, “The truth is, even if I lose all the weight in the world, I think I’m gonna be alone the rest of my life… I’m never gonna be perfect to any guy.”


Good Guilty Pleasures on The Doctors

The DoctorsTune in to The Doctors Tuesday, March 8 to learn about guilty pleasures that are actually good for you. Things that taste and feel good aren’t always bad for you, so The Doctors will take a look at telling the good from the bad. The teaser says that even pork rinds and shopping sprees can be good for you, but you’ll have to catch the show to find out why.

Not all of the topics discussed are food related, but at DietsInReview, we know that diets that make you feel deprived are bound to fail. That’s why we’re interested in this episode, because healthy indulgences are key to long term weight-loss success and an overall healthy lifestyle.

Check your local listings for show times.