Diet and Nutrition

What is the 1,600 Calorie Diet?

Eating a 1,600 calorie diet is an effective way to lose weight if you stagger your meals throughout the day, choose highly nutritious foods and work in a treat or two so that you don’t feel deprived. Eating 1,600 calories a day is a good weight loss plan for men, those who are taller, those who have larger frames and for those who work out regularly at a moderate to high intensity. The key is to eat more in the morning and at lunch and make sure that you’re eating every three hours or so.

1,600-Calorie Diet Meal Plan

Breakfast: One whole-wheat bagel with one egg white, one ounce of low-fat cheddar cheese  and a tomato slice.


Top Health and Diet News of 2025

Here are the top ten most popular stories of 2025 on, as determined by our readers. This list reflects the weight loss successes, food trends and hot diets that you were reading about in for in 2025.

1. The 17 Day Diet as Seen on The Doctors
This popular diet hit in big at the end of 2025, when Dr. Mike Moreno introduced his new diet plan to many Americans on The Doctors. The 17 Day Diet promises you lasting weight loss thorough four 17-day cycles that will reset your metabolism.

2. In “Now Eat This,” Chef Rocco Dispirito Makes Over America’s Favorite Comfort Foods
You don’t have to give up your favorite food just because you want to cut calories. Just check out the recipes in this this great cookbook from the chef who frequently appears on The Biggest Loser. Now you can eat baked macaroni or mint chocolate chip frozen yogurt without guilt.


The Best Diet Tips You’ve Never Heard

You’ve probably heard them all: put your fork down in between bites, snack on fruit when you want something sweet, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Diet tips can start to sound monotonous after a while, and maybe even obvious. But if they were so obvious, wouldn’t we be more apt to follow them? We went in search of some of the best diet tips you’ve never heard before, and a few notable dietitians gave us some great material that we know will help you kick-off your healthy new year’s habits!

Tips for Hunger Pangs

  • “At your first hint of feeling full, place your napkin over your plate.” – Mary Hartley, RD, MPH and director of nutrition for Calorie Count
  • Wait for hunger to eat… hunger is the sign the body needs food. If you feel tempted to snack, but aren’t hungry, set a 20 minute timer and distract yourself.” Rebecca Scritchfield, MA, RD, ACSM

Tips for Portioning and Serving Sizes

  • Cut your sandwich into four pieces, it makes it easier to leave the last piece.” – Hartley
  • Use small serving spoons. Even four spoonfuls will still be a little.” – Hartley (more…)

6 Stress-Free Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle

John McGran, chief editor at Diet-to-Go, has been covering the fields of diet, fitness and health since 2000. He writes from the perspective of a dieter rather than a dietitian.

No more yo-yo dieting in the New Year. In 2025 we’re going to key in on developing a long-term healthy lifestyle, not a short-term trendy weight loss episode. Once you make healthy living your way of life… well, you really don’t need diets anymore.

There are only six steps to a healthier lifestyle:

Step 1: Make a commitment… and stick with it!

You want to lose weight and be healthier, right? Of course. So let’s resolve to do it for real this year. Grab a pen and a piece of paper and start writing… (more…)

Food Journals Key to Weight Loss

So, you want to lose weight this year? If you are one of the millions resolving to shed pounds in 2025, consider a food journal as a part of your strategy. Expert have long touted the power of journaling. This may be in the form of writing down your thoughts to get a deeper understanding of what makes you tick. But experts are particularly fond of the idea of keeping tack of what you eat and drink on a daily basis.

“Keeping a food diary is like exercise; it will always help you lose [weight] if you do it consistently,” says Dr. Christopher J. Mosunic, a weight management and diabetes specialist at Greenwich Hospital in Greenwich, Connecticut.

Experts have found that dieters who journal their food intake are more successful because it shows a willingness to acknowledge their eating habits. Being able to visualize the food and the accompanying calories really clears up any possible confusion over why a person is ether gaining weight or having trouble losing it. (more…)

Diet Tips from the Stars

Jennifer AnistonHow do celebrities stay looking so great all the time? Part of it is genetics, but part of it is just staying dedicated to healthy eating and regular workouts. Here are some great tips on losing weight from your favorite celebrities.

Jennifer Aniston

“I do some cardio for at least 20 minutes a day,” says Aniston. “Even that short burst  makes a difference.” She also says that white peaches are her favorite healthy snack.

Jennifer Lopez

J-Lo does an occasional cleanse. “I don’t recommend it all the time,” she says. “But if you do a balanced one…you can lose some poundage fast.”


17 Day Diet and School Lunch Reform Top List of Health Trends for 2025

2025 is here, and while last year was full of obesity epidemic warnings, statistics and awareness, 2025 will focus on long lasting, effective ways to reverse the trend. The population will be split, which isn’t a new development, between those who prefer a laid out, restrictive, step by step plan, and those who prefer gradual, yet effective, progress through behavioral changes for a lifestyle overhaul.

17 Day Diet: Featured on almost every health-based TV show there is, Dr. Moreno’s 17 Day Diet is formulated to change every 17 days to keep your metabolism revved and guessing. Comprised of 4 main cycles, each one focuses on different aspects of healthy living, including sparking your metabolism, creating healthy habits and working back in treats. The diet is so popular because it not only helps dieters drop weight, it actually teaches the dieter to eat properly on their own and is easily integrated into everyday life.

School Lunch Reform: The government has finally stepped in and made changes in the nutrition offered to our children in public schools to try and combat the growing childhood obesity epidemic. 2025 will continue to show further improvements and reform, while allowing the new programs, which cut junk food and add more fruits and vegetables, to produce results- hopefully positive ones that will improve the health and life span of today’s children.


Tasty Atkins-Friendly Breakfast Ideas

If you’re trying the Atkins Diet this year as part of your weight loss goals or New Years Resolutions, then you’re probably going to start missing carbohydrates pretty soon. As an admitted carb-addict, I could never go for more than a few hours without a tasty piece of bread or something like that, especially in the morning. Bacon and eggs for breakfast once a week sounds nice; bacon and eggs for breakfast every day of the week does not sound like such a good idea to me. Here are some different breakfast ideas that are still Atkins friendly and won’t send your blood sugar levels soaring.

Breakfast #1

Who would have thought it was possible? Pancakes and waffles without all the carbs? Score! Try these Low Carb Pancakes or Low Carb Waffles to see for yourself how tasty low-carb can be. And, of course, you’re going to want to top those pancakes and waffles off with some Low Carb Maple Syrup, aren’t you?


9 Heart-Healthy Foods You Should be Eating

February is American Heart Month, but that doesn’t mean you should only worry about having a healthy heart for 28 days out of the year. Heart health is incredibly important; if you take care of your heart, you’ll be less likely to suffer from heart disease and stroke, the most common killer in the USA.

The foods that you eat can have a great impact on your heart’s health. Think of your heart as a high performance sports car: if you put super-premium fuel in, you’ll get better results. Here are nine super-premium foods to keep your ticker in tip-top shape:

Oatmeal Oatmeal is good for your heart because it contains omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, potassium, and folate. The fiber in oatmeal is very beneficial for your heart because it can lower levels of your bad cholesterol (LDL), which can clear up your arteries.

Avocados Like oatmeal, avocados will help lower your LDL cholesterol levels; they will also raise the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) in your body. They also make it easier for your body to absorb other nutrients that are good for your heart, such as beta-carotene and lycopene.


How To Break Up With Your Diet

Every New Year’s, millions of people say “Enough!” and pledge to lose weight. They begin Atkins, Weight Watchers, The Zone, the Grapefruit Diet, The Cabbage Soup diet, or Slim Fast. We’ve seen it time and again- they follow all of the rules, lose their weight, reach their goal and quit the diet. They return to their regular life and many times, they gain the weight right back. Why does this happen?

It’s simple. It’s because they undertook a “diet” and not a lifestyle change. The word “diet” indicates an action that has a beginning and an end.  “Diet” to most of us equals deprivation and lots of  sweat. You often hear people say, “I’ve begun a diet” or “I’m off the diet – it wasn’t working for me!” That’s because if you diet, you don’t really change any of your firmly entrenched habits long term, and those habits return. The key to a true and lasting weight loss is to get off the traditional diet path and get on with living a healthy lifestyle.

Instead of making gigantic changes in your daily life, pick one area and make a change. When you’ve made one change a part of your daily routine, make another. Those small, incremental differences really add up.  Before you know it, you’ve seamlessly transformed your entire life – and those lost pounds will stay away!


Ricky Gervais Slims Down with Help from His Girlfriend

Comedian Ricky Gervais and girlfriendMany male comedians slimmed down this year, including Drew Carey, Jason Alexander and John Goodman. The trend even spread to the U.K., where Ricky Gervais is looking trimmer. The comedian, actor and radio host credits his long-time girlfriend Jane Fallon with helping him lose 20 to 22 pounds. “It wasn’t so much about the weight. It was more that I was a fat, lazy, out of shape slob, to be honest,” Gervais told People magazine in October.

Gervias credits most of his weight loss to more exercise, having taken up running around their neighborhood in Hampstead Heath, London. “I stick to the paths,” he added. The couple runs about three or four miles.

Fallon has also lost weight, and between herself and Gervais they have lost about 40 pounds. “I was trying to lose weight as well,” she said. “So I was cooking healthier versions of what we were eating. He didn’t realize that I was probably feeding him less calories at the same time he was running.” Gervais says he didn’t change his diet dramatically, but he did stop eating snacks late at night.
