Diet and Nutrition

Teen Tries to Lose 70 Pounds by Prom on the Rachael Ray Show

Tune in this Friday, September 24 to the Rachael Ray Show and meet, Christina, an overweight teenager who is on an inspirational mission to lose 70 pounds by prom of this school year.

Over the course of the show’s season, Rachael Ray will chronicle Christina’s efforts to take control of her life and finally reach a place where she can love and accept herself. It’s a raw look into a life filled with heartbreak, courage, and honest emotion that lets you experience a new chapter of her world every Friday. (more…)

Obesogens on The Dr. Oz Show

Show will re-air on Tuesday, December 28, 2025.

Tune in this Tuesday, September 21 to The Dr. Oz Show and learn about the hidden world of obesogens.

On the show, Dr. Oz investigates a new concept called obesogens, which are chemicals that are found in many of the foods we eat and are strongly linked to obesity.

Obesogen is a term that was originally coined by an University of California-Irvine professor who described how these chemical compounds, which are foreign to the body, can disrupt the body’s homeostasis and metabolism of fat thereby making the accumulation of fat easier. (more…)

Your Scale: Best Friend or Worst Enemy?

This guest post was submitted by The Fresh Diet, a Florida-based meal delivery company whose food is based on the 40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 30% fats diet concept.

Clearly the easiest way to measure your dieting success is to check the scale. Who doesn’t like to step on a scale when dieting and see that they’ve lost weight!

But, too much reliance on the scale can actually have a negative affect on your diet progress. That’s why we recommend only using the scale once a week.

Why? Throughout any given week your weight will fluctuate. What most dieters don’t realize is that the amount of salt you eat actually regulates the amount of water in your body. And based on changes in salt intake the water level in your body will shift too. (more…)

Simplify Portion Distortion Without Gadgets

Guest blogger, Monique Muro earned a bachelor’s degree in English with a Creative Writing emphasis from Cal State Long Beach. She currently assists with the PR and Social Media marketing for the revolutionary supplement AllDaySlim, and works as a freelance writer on the side. An avid reader and writer, her articles can be found at Suite101, eHow,, Demand Studios, CNN iReport, and She writes on a variety of topics including fitness, books, movies, and current events.

Portion control will make or break your diet, without question. Eat more than your body can burn off, and in due time, the results will make themselves known in that subtle pinch at the waistline when you pull up your favorite jeans.

Most of this is due to a little known thing called “portion distortion”, a catchphrase that describes how we determine which portion sizes are “normal”. Take a bagel, for example: Twenty years ago, a bagel three inches in diameter, about the size of a compact disc, was an adequate size for breakfast, clocking in at 140 calories. Today bagel sizes average a whopping six inches in diameter, and upwards of 350 calories. Bigger sizes are now considered the “norm”, as the food industry recognizes the nation’s ever increasing demand for more food.

But the devil is in the details when it comes to carving out the right portion size. How much money do you have to spend on specially marked cups and scales to accurately diminish your portions?

Here are some tips to follow that make it easier to eyeball your serving sizes without having to spend money on extra gadgets. (more…)

Just 10 Pounds Weight Loss Challenge with Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz announces Just 10 Pounds ChallengeAt the beginning of this week, Dr. Oz announced his “Just 10 Pounds” weight loss challenge. Even if you need to lose more than 10 pounds, setting a small goal help you get there. “The benefits of losing just 10 pounds are enormous for your heart, liver, knees, pancreas and blood pressure. The incidence of heart disease, diabetes and arthritis can be cut in half,” Dr. Oz told That’s Fit. Short-term goals are just as important as long-term ones, particularly when maintaining a healthy weight can be a life-changing decision.


Overweight Drinkers More Prone to Brain Injury

Excessive drinking can cause weight gain. That’s not news. But what is news is that if you gain weight and drink excessively, it’s double trouble for your brain health, according to new research.

According to the new study, if you are overweight and you abuse alcohol, you are more susceptible to brain injury than people who drink and are not overweight.

“It is commonly believed that it is the large amount of consumed alcohol by itself that leads to brain injury in alcoholics,” said principal investigator Dieter J. Meyerhoff, a professor of radiology at the University of California, San Francisco and San Francisco VA Medical Center. (more…)

Feed Your Family of 5 for $25 Challenge

There was a time in history when $25 would have fed a family of 5 for a week or more. Times have changed and money just doesn’t go as far these days. Often, many families have a strict budget for meals, and they find themselves cutting out key nutrition in order to get those budget numbers to line up.

Recently, Whole Foods Markets initiated a challenge to feed a family of 5 a nutritious, healthy dinner for $25. That’s more difficult than it sounds. Sure, if you served Ramen noodles and canned pears, it can be done – especially if three of the family members are under the age of five. But what if you wanted to serve a nutritious, well-balanced meal? A meal that covered all of the key elements, was delicious and filling, and you have three teenagers? Do you think it could be accomplished? (more…)

Crystal Light Pure Fitness Hydrates Naturally

Crystal Light was the first powdered drink mix on the scene that gave you a low-calorie and sugar-free way to stay hydrated and quench your thirst. While the diet drink brand has been around since 1982 (actress Linda Evans was the original spokesperson), Crystal Light continues to update its offerings that marry new exciting flavors with less processed ingredients.

Classic Crystal Light is artificially sweetened with aspartame (NutraSweet), the no-calorie sweetener, but with the recent popularity of the Stevia plant, a  reduced calorie sugar alternative, has spurred a new line of drink mixes, Crystal Light Pure Fitness with Truvia, the trademarked brand of Stevia. And that is why Crystal Light Pure Fitness is one of our latest Food Finds. (more…)

Bear Naked Granola Launches Sports Community

Bear Naked is everyone’s favorite granola, but now they can be your new favorite internet stop to find fun, wild and hilarious sports videos.

Bear Naked Granola, famous for using only real, whole ingredients in their granola, trail mix and cookie products to fuel you up for your favorite adventurous activities, has created a new Facebook community where fitness enthusiasts can watch and share videos of their favorite, unique sports. It’s also a great place to find inspiration for new ways to stay active, share tips and tricks, and find sports teams in your area so you can get in on the action.

These aren’t just any sports videos. No, no, to truly live Bear Naked, you must let your energy and imagination be your inspiration.  Check out these videos from Bear Naked fans to see what I mean:


Denny’s to Put Amy’s Organics on the Menu

Amy's Veggie Burger at Denny'sIt looks like restaurant chain Denny’s is trying to atone for the nutritional sin of serving up the super-fattening fried cheese melt sandwich. Denny’s announced that it will be partnering with Amy’s Organics to offer a healthier sandwich: The Amy’s Veggie Burger. Announced this week, the organic and vegan burger will soon be appearing nationwide. Denny’s does currently offer a veggie burger, but it’s not vegan.


Read It Before You Eat It Helps You Decode Food Nutrition Labels

If you bring along your calculator and dictionary to the grocery store in order to decode food nutrition labels, your trip just got a little lighter and hopefully a lot healthier.

Registered dietitian Bonnie Taub-Dix did all health conscious consumers a tremendous favor with her latest book, Read It Before You Eat It: How to Decode Food Labels and Make the Healthiest Choice Every Time. This book, which is compact enough to place in your purse, serves as a guide to help you navigate your way through the mysterious and challenging world of food label reading.

Recent studies have shown that being a wise consumer plays a significant role in choosing between a seemingly healthy health food and a genuinely healthy health food. And accurately reading food labels not only determines what we put into our grocery carts, but it also greatly impacts our health. (more…)