Diet and Nutrition

Kid’s Food Tasting Party Encourages Healthy Eating

Melanie is a guest blogger for the special series on Healthy Summer Kids. Melanie Berezan, aka Crazy Legs, is co-founder of A restless writer, entrepreneur, traveler, and a bit of a weird wife (sorry honey!). Slightly insane mum of four cool little people who are either angels or monsters depending on the day’s medication. Proud owner of 10 terribly twisted and calloused running toes, and most of all an avid fan of fun!


Summer brings with it all sorts of great fresh produce. But what do you do when you have a hard time getting your children to eat their summer veggies?  Here’s a fun idea that worked like a charm on my children, who range in age from four to ten years old. We threw a “food tasting party”.

A food tasting party works like this: (more…)

Frozen Fruit Popsicles Make Snacking Healthy Fun

fruit-popsiclesAnne-Marie Nichols is a guest blogger for the special series on Healthy Summer Kids. Anne-Marie is a work-at-home professional blog wrangler and social media consultant. In real life she lives on Colorado’s Front Range with her husband and two children. Virtually you can find her at A Mama’s Rant, This Mama Cooks! On a Diet, and This Mama Cooks! Reviews, at several of the Mom Central blogs including Mom Central Food and Mom Central Goes Green, and on Twitter.

Summer’s the perfect time to inspire your family to eat more healthfully since seasonal produce is on sale and plentiful. It’s also an opportunity to get the kids involved in purchasing nutritious food. As a family, visit a farmer’s market or pick fruits and vegetables at a local farm. ( lists farmer’s markets and family farms by state or ZIP code.)

After you’ve shopped, get the kids into the kitchen to make frozen fruit popsicle treats. (more…)

Healthy Summer Snacks for Kids

kids eating tomatoesRebecca is a guest blogger for the special series on Healthy Summer Kids. Rebecca is a stay-at-home mom to four little boys and is committed to fitness and health. She blogs at Life With Boys where she shares her experiences as a mom, and her journey toward weight loss and fitness.

One of our biggest challenges as moms is to feed our kids a healthy diet that they will actually eat. The busy, hot summer days add the extra problem of having the school agers at home all day long. They want snacks and they want them now!  They don’t care if the food is wholesome or junk, in fact they’d often prefer the latter. So begins the battle of what mom wants versus what they want. Here are a few ideas that have helped us reach a compromise. (more…)

Getting and Keeping Kids Healthy in the Summer

kids-playingKendra is a guest blogger for the special series on Healthy Summer Kids. Kendra is Headless Mom and writes about her life with her husband and three kids at The Adventures of The Headless Family. She is glad her head is attached because otherwise she might lose it!

We’ve all read the statistics on childhood obesity- according to the CDC over 16% of children age 6-19 years old are overweight, that number having tripled since 1980. Summer is the perfect time to change our children’s eating and exercise habits for the better. We have 3 months to do it. (more…)

Snack Smarter for Effective Weight Loss

woman-eating-berriesSnacking isn’t the evil that everyone portrays it to be in a diet. In fact, a healthy snack has a tremendously powerful presence in your daily caloric intake. Of course, what you choose to snack on is key – chocolate cupcakes and Cheetos won’t give you the edge that almonds can. (Darn it!)

The timing of your snacks is extremely important to your weight loss success, too. Try to have a mid-morning snack and a mid-afternoon snack, both in the neighborhood of about 300 calories, to keep your blood sugar level and help you avoid overindulgence at the next meal. Here are some great, healthy choices to keep on hand. (more…)

10 Ways to Reduce Stress Before the Dress

DietsInReview Guest Blogger, Melanie Berezan, aka Crazy Legs, is the co-founder of  A restless writer, entrepreneur, traveler, and a bit of a weird wife (sorry honey!). Slightly insane mum of four cool little people who are either angels or monsters depending on the day’s medication. Proud owner of 10 terribly twisted and calloused running toes, and most of all an avid fan of fun!


Here are 10 ways that brides can reduce stress before their big day:

1. Invest in a wedding planner.  Yes, this costs money, but it is money well spent. A good planner will coordinate the big details, take care of the little details and let you enjoy your day.

2. Think small. If you can’t afford a wedding planner then aim to keep your wedding simple, and better yet, small. Small is intimate! (more…)

Colonics for Weight Loss Not Widely Accepted

Today’s guest blog comes from Elise Crane Derby, who also writes at Elise’s Ramblings.


After almost a decade as a massage therapist I’ve seen more treatments come and go than I can keep track of. But one that has been around for practically ever is the colonic. In case you don’t know what a colonic is, it’s a treatment, much like an enema, where the lower bowel is cleaned out with water. Colonics claim to relieve all manner of ailments, everything from depression, high blood pressure, and headaches and much more.

Colonics are one of the few treatments I haven’t had done. I work with both the beauty industry (estheticians) and healing professionals (acupuncturists, massage therapists), and invariably when they are trying out new techniques they ask for guinea pigs and I am generally happy to oblige. But, as I’m sure you can imagine, I have not jumped at the offers of colonics. While I am intrigued by the claims of weight loss, and general improved health, the procedure is a bit “invasive” for my liking. (more…)

Eating With Mindfulness

mindless eatingA really excellent way to control your eating is to be aware of what you are eating. Too often we eat while watching television or working, sometimes not even looking at what we are eating before putting it in our mouths. Being a busy, involved individual, I have had to work on breaking the habit of eating too quickly, while driving, and other mindless eating habits. Many find when they start keeping a diary of what they are eating that they are actually eating much more than they realized. Even if we know how much we are eating, it is hard to actually enjoy food that way. (more…)

Tune In to Dr. Oz and Bob Greene on Oprah

Tune in this Tuesday, May 26 to the Oprah Show to watch Dr. Mehmet Oz reveal the truth behind certain foods (do detox diets really work?) and Oprah’s own trainer, Bob Greene to discuss which foods receive his golden stamp of approval.

Photo courtesy of The Oprah Show

Photo of Dr. Oz and Oprah via

Even though this episode has previously aired, you are sure to learn something new about how to eat your way to a healthier and slimmer life. (more…)

Go Mad for the Benefits of Mangoes

Mangoes are a very popular and versatile fruit, yet I’m still amazed at the amount of friends I have that have yet to try them.  Mangoes come in many varieties all having their own unique flavor, texture, color, and aroma.  mangoesMangoes have overlapping seasons, so they can be eaten and enjoyed all year!  Remember, mangoes come in all colors and some are even multi-colored.  The best way to determine a ripe mango is to squeeze it.  A ripe mango will have a slight give when squeezed. Depending on when you want to enjoy your mango you need to buy one accordingly, if you know it’ll be a few days pick a firmer one, but if you’re going to eat it that day buy one that gives when squeezed. (more…)

10 Ways to Reward Yourself Without Food

happy female dieterWhen you are in a habit of rewarding yourself with food treats for a job well done, what do you do when those treats no longer fit in your daily diet? After all, when you are trying to lose weight, it goes against all you are working toward to celebrate that five pound weight loss with a big slab of cheesecake. (Not to say that it may not taste delicious, but that slab of cheesecake might set you back more than 500 calories – are you ready to run for an hour to burn that off?) As you work to lose weight, staying motivated can become very difficult. Here are some non-food ways to reward all of your hard work: