Diet and Nutrition

20 Top Diet Books for Amazon Kindle

Oprah revealed that her newest favorite thing is the Amazon Kindle, a revolutionary digital reading device than can download and store up to 200 books, magazines and newspapers. Using wireless technology similar to a cell phone, the Kindle does not need an Internet connection. For a cost of about $10, you can download your choice of more than 185,000 books, hundreds of magazines, newspapers from the U.S. and around the world, and access more than 850 blogs.

The Kindle weighs about 10 oz. and fits in the palm of your hand. Being light-weight, it’s small enough and convenient to take just about anywhere. If you’ve needed a reason to catch up on the latest diet books, keep your favorite cookbook at the tips of your fingers, or never miss an issue of your favorite health magazine, the Kindle is worthy of being one of your new favorite things. Learn more about the Amazon Kindle.

Check out this list of 20 popular books in the diet and weight loss category, all available for the Amazon Kindle.

1. Weight Watchers Diet Plan

2. Abs Diet for Women

3. YOU: On a Diet (more…)

Oprah’s Newest Favorite Thing: The Amazon Kindle

If Oprah likes it, the public generally wants her. Her annual “Favorite Things” episodes have become something of a legend. On those shows she always reveals the latest candle, book, clothing, shoes, appliances and more that she just can’t seem to live without. Her hysterical audience squeals as they learn each new thing they’ll be taking home.

Today, she unveiled the new tech gadget that she says is “the wave of the future.” It’s the Amazon Kindle, a digital reading device that uses revolutionary technology called electronic paper. The hand-held device is incredibly light weight (10.3 oz.) and the 6″ screen reads as crisp as reading a book or newspaper. (more…)

Beyonce Gains 15 Pounds for New Role

In preparation for her movie role in “Cadillac Records,”  Beyonce Knowles had to gain some weight as she portrays the sultry but conflicted blues singer, Etta James.

Following on the heels of such actresses as Renee Zellwegger and Hilary Swank who also packed on the pounds for their craft, Knowles didn’t say much about which foods she indulged in, but she did say that it was more fun to gain than having to lose weight.

“It was way easier — and tastier — than having to lose so much weight for Dreamgirls,” said the actress. (more…)

You Need an Attitude Adjustment

The guest blog today comes from Kelly Turner. She is an ACE certified personal trainer, fitness writer, and eating disorder activist from Seattle, WA. To read more from Kelly or submit questions, visit her at GroundedFitness.

One of the most common statements I hear as a personal trainer from people looking to start working out is “I always start out really motivated, but end up sabotaging myself and quit.”

From this one sentence, I can tell everything about that person’s attitude towards food and exercise. (more…)

Aguaje is the Next Must-Eat Super Food

From acai to pomegranates to green tea, researchers are quickly unearthing some of Mother Nature’s most powerful and nutrient-dense foods. Now the next treasure to be “discovered” out of the Amazon Rain Forest  is Aguaje (pronounced ag-wah-hey), a brightly-colored yellow fruit encased in a scaly burgundy shell. Tasting a bit like a carrot, the aguaje packs about three times the Vitamin A punch as its bunny-beloved counterpart. (more…)

The Secret War Against Health Food: 10 Things Food Producers Keep Secret

The statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are staggering: they report that about 32 percent of children are overweight, and 16 percent are obese – 11 percent were extremely obese.

The situation has gotten so dire that even the junk food companies are trying to get in on the health kick. PepsiCo says on its website that “we can play an important role in helping kids lead healthier lives by offering healthy product choices in schools.

But are companies like Pepsi trying to do what’s right, or are they just shuffling the same deck of cards – the one that’s stacked against us? As this piece at rightly points out, companies like Pepsi have one and only one obligation – to increase stockholder’s value. Which means, sell more product. That said, you could still increase the bottom line while making your products healthier. (more…)

Positive Reinforecement Supports Positive Habit Changes

When explaining the formation of a habit, I mentioned reinforcing behavior that you want to encourage. Our behavior is shaped by the consequences of our choices. Behaviorism discusses positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment as the major ways to shape behavior. In this theory, positive means adding something to a situation, negative means removing something from a situation, reinforcement is used to encourage a behavior, and punishment is used to discourage a behavior. (more…)

Bernie’s Biggest Loser Families Recap Episode 6

Biggest Loser Week 6 Recap from Diets in Review on Vimeo.

If it wasn’t evident before it most certainly is now, the game play is officially here! Episode 6 started off pretty normal, each team took a field trip. Bob’s team went to an ab strengthening acrobatics class, while Jillian’s team went to a ropes course. Coleen confronted her fear of heights, while back on the Blue Team Heba realized just how hard aerial acrobatics can be.

This week’s challenge tested contestant’s balance by having them race around a circular balance beam. For every completed lap by a team member a point was given, first team to 25 won. This challenge was a complete blow out! (more…)

Presidential Candidates and Running Mates in Good Health

Joe Biden is the most recent candidate whose medical records have been made public. The Obama/Biden campaign released his records this week, indicating that Joe Biden is in good health. The 65-year old Senator is currently on an aspirin regimen to manage an irregular heart rhythm, found just more than two years ago. He does not have heart disease. He also takes Flomax to manage an enlarged prostate (no signs of cancer), allergy medicine and Zocor to lower his cholesterol. The report states that he has not had another brain aneurysm since the two in the late-80s.

Barack Obama did not provide a full medical report, but did publish a doctor’s note, which indicated he is in “excellent health and ready to serve as president.” (more…)

Study Reveals Why Obese Eat Too Much

Eating makes many of us happy… it just takes some of us longer to feel the pleasure. There’s an entire emotional complexity to why people overeat. Many times it’s to keep emotional issues suppressed. But there could be an additional reason for overeating. New evidence shows that obese people eat more because they don’t get that pleasure as quickly as everyone else.

That pleasure of filling your belly with your favorite food is not just in your head. There’s a real chemical explanation for what is going on. (more…)

Eat Garlic for Your Health

It’s very important to have a well balanced diet, focusing on many fruits and vegetables, for optimal health. Did you know that garlic, which serves as an antioxidant, has been shown to help stomach and abdominal pains and cancer, as well as lowering your blood lipids and blood pressure?

Garlic contains many sulfides, one of which is alliin. When garlic bulbs are crushed, alliin is converted into another compound known as allicin. Allicin seems to be one of the main active compounds in garlic, giving the root its health benefits. (more…)