Diet and Nutrition

Going Vegan and 21 Pounds in 21 Days

Last year, “21 Pounds in 21 Days: The Martha’s Vineyard Diet Detox” rocked the diet book shelves. In People Magazine this week, Robin Quivers from the Howard Stern Show shares the before and after pictures of her 60 pound weight loss- thanks to the “24 pounds in 21 days” she says she lost, followed by additional weight loss by turning to a vegan lifestyle. Robin says she also works out four days a week.

Read more with the 21 Pounds in 21 Days review and Vegan Diet Review.

Hungry Girl’s Cookbook

Hungry GirlI don’t know about you, but I have waited so long for a cookbook like this. In Lisa Lillien’s “Hungry Girl’s Cookbook“, she takes decadent eats like brownies, pasta-dishes, and sandwiches and shows you how to very simply make them low-fat and very low in calories. Her tricks are numerous: using pureed pumpkin in baked goods in lieu of oil and eggs, adding shirataki noodles (low-cal and low-carb tofu noodles) to make soups, pasta dishes and more, and using light vanilla soy milk in place of cream or milk.

The names of her dishes are just as colorful as the recipes: “rockin & choppin taco salad,” “fancy schmancy oatmeal,” “my big fat greek pita,” and “lord of the onion rings.” Whatever your craving is, the Hungry Girl has got it covered for you.

Also in the book are fun tips on how to snack and eat on the road, in the office, or at the movies without jeopardizing your jean size. The great thing about this book is that Lisa’s recipes are healthy, full of fiber and they are not meager! With a reliance on veggies, lean protein and sneaky replacements, you don’t have to worry that this cookbook will serve you up mouse-sized portions that lead you to raid the fridge when dinner is over.

For $17.95, you can’t beat this book! It’s creative, delicious and so much fun!

Diet May Influence Sex of Child

Can your diet actually determine the sex of your child? That seems to fly in the face of science, since we know that sex is determined by the male sperm. But it appears that a report from researchers at Oxford and the University of Exeter in England shows that the female body can favor the successful development of a male or female embryo.

If women skip meals, they may favor having girls. That’s odd, yet interesting. The reasoning, from the study, is that glucose levels may help determine the sex of the child, with higher glucose levels favoring boys. Skipping meals tend to suppress glucose levels.

Like so many of these off-the-wall studies, they say that results are either inconclusive or not fully understood.

While choosing the sex of your baby may sound like a novelty, women should definitely consider a healthy pregnancy diet.

Two Minor Problems, Quickly Resolved

While waiting for the first Biggest Loser Meals shipment a few problems surfaced. Before ordering, I asked about combining the shipping to save $24.95, also since the delivery is perishable, I needed to know when food would be delivered. Our area is scheduled for Wednesday shipping/Friday delivery.

When the first shipment was sent out I received the credit card charges and shipping information via email. That’s when I found out the shipments weren’t combined and shipping didn’t occur until Thursday with a Saturday delivery. Although we don’t go out of town often, several weekend trips are on the schedule and no one would be available to take care of the perishable food. This is especially worrisome living in Oklahoma where the temperatures can soar over 100 degrees in the summer.

After a discussion with the customer service department the problems were resolved. Shipping will be combined and from now on orders will definitely be shipped on Wednesday for Saturday delivery.

Now it was a wait for the food.

Two big boxes arrived on Saturday and it was impressive how they were packed. Food was still hard-frozen, with dry ice in a styrofoam case. I can see why the shipping cost is $24.95. Also, now that I’ve seen how the boxes are packed, I’m not sure two weekly orders would actually fit into one box.

Also included in the box was the weekly menu, information on the way the food is cooked, cooking/serving instructions and a discount enticement for friends who want to try the program.

The box of food

It’s a LOT of food! Five days worth of meals for one person, lined up with breakfasts on the left, lunches in the middle and dinners on the right. Each meal is in a plastic pouch, inside that pouch are several pouches containing the different ingredients.

Next the most important thing, how does the food taste?

Does Barb have you sold? Read the Biggest Loser Meal Plan review or order the plan from Bistro MD now.

Calling all Choco-holics

If I had to dream up my ultimate dream job it would be to eat chocolate AND get paid for doing it. Well, I think I’ll be turning in my 2-weeks notice because a team of British researchers are recruiting participants for a study that involves eating chocolate daily for one full year all in the name of science. The purpose of the study is to investigate any effects gained from consuming flavenoids, the compound found in chocolate since flavenoids have been found to reduce the risk of heart disease among certain people.chocolate

Unfortunately for me, two of the requirements for the study are that you must be past menopause with type 2 diabetes. If you know of anyone who fits the profile, loves chocolate and also has the good-hearted intention of furthering medical research, check out this call for study participants.

I would be very curious to speak with these 150 ladies one year from now and see if their love of chocolate has dwindled or stayed steady. You must wonder if the guilt is taken away and the ingestion of each bar is consumed out of necessity rather than free-will, how will our brains and emotions respond to that? Will we derive the same pleasure from it? Or will our sweet, endorphin-releasing indulgence be reduced to a mere required routine that is enjoyed a bit more than the daily habit of brushing our teeth or taking our multi?

What do you predict for these ladies?

Health Magazine’s Restaurant Report

Last week I reported on the resistance of chain restaurants in New York to post sensible disclosure of their food’s nutritional information. Well, Health magazine has taken the proactive approach and published a list of 10 top choices, when they could find restaurants willing to divulge their nutritional information.

Backed by a panel of experts, Health magazine went through 43 chains that matched the criteria of having more than 75 locations across the U.S. Here are the top 10 (with some interesting surprises):

1. Uno’s (yeah, the deep pan pizza place)- The home of the deep pan pizza also has a penne bolognese with just 16 grams of fat.

2. Sweet Tomatoes- While all-you-can-eat buffets aren’t normally thought to be healthy, Sweet Tomatoes has all kinds of healthy options at their salad bar, and even some at their soup bar.

3. Ruby Tuesday- While Ruby Tuesday is home to a number of beef burgers and fried food options, you can also order a veggie or turkey burger.

4. P.F. Chang’s- Chinese takeout packs some serious caloric punch. But if you can go to a higher end option such as P.F. Chang’s, you have better options like the carb-free vegetarian lettuce wraps.

5. Bob Evans- The well-known greasy breakfast haven also has plenty of low-carb, low-fat entrees.

6. Mimi’s Cafe- This café-style restaurant has some healthy options, like the chicken & fruit.

7. Romano’s Macaroni Grill- The Italian chain has plenty of refined carb choices, but there’s also the Italian sorbetto and biscotti: just 330 calories and 4 grams of fat.

8. Chevy’s Fresh Mex- High sodium counts are always a concern when dining out, but Chevy’s lives up to the “Fresh” in its name. Grilled Fish Tacos are a better option than a thick cheesy burrito.

9. Olive Garden- Like Macaroni Grill, there are plenty of pasta options to lead you astray. But there are also choices like the low-fat capellini pomodoro (644 calories and 14 grams fat).

10. Denny’s- This is probably the biggest surprise of them all, but the same place where you get sausage and pancakes, offers grilled-chicken-breast salad, or even tilapia with rice and veggies. Each have less than 15 grams of fat.

Check out the article at for details as to why these establishments made the grade.t

Oklahoma City loves junk food

To add insult to injury- Oklahoma City/Tulsa showed up as the number one “junk food obsessed city” on a new Forbes list. Correct me if I’m wrong- but aren’t Taco Bell tacos junk food? Even if they are on a “healthier” menu?

I’m not trying to beat-up on Oklahoma City today. I love that city- I went to college at OU. It’s heartbreaking to see how poor the health is due to obesity, 27% of the population according to this Forbes report.

Also on the list:
1. Memphis
2. Birmingham
3. San Antonio
5. Detroit
9. Kansas City
13. New Orleans
16. Atlanta

While the Oklahoma City Mayor, Mick Cornett, is encouraging his city to lose a million pounds and get off the list of fattest cities in the US, there seem to be a lot of obstacles. Allowing Taco Bell to partner with the OKC Million Pound Challenge seems like one that could have been avoided. Oklahoma City should stand as an example for the many other cities it shares a place with on the obesity list.

What do you think about the cities on the list? Are weight loss efforts taking place in your own hometown? What do you think about Taco Bell partnering with OKC?

Lose Weight, Get Rewarded with Fast Food

Somehow that just doesn’t quite sound right, but it’s true. Today’s Daily Oklahoman has a half-page advertisement from Taco Bell tying into the Mayor’s million pound challenge. Since we don’t really seem to be doing too well (average of 4.02 lbs lost over four months), Taco Bell is offering a little motivation. “When the milestone of 100,000 pounds is reached, we’ll give a FREE Fresco Taco to everyone in OKC!”

Taco Bell offers a Fresco menu with nine items under 9 grams of fat that is advertised on the home page of the OKC Million. If you sign up for the challenge, there’s a coupon to get a Fresco taco now. That would make two Fresco tacos, one now and one when Oklahoma loses 100,000 lbs.

I’ll leave it up to the experts to figure out whether nutritional values of the company’s Fresco menu is good or bad for dieters, but I think I better stay away for now. It’s just too hard to stop at just one!

Phones that keep you healthy

Ever dream about having a little person over your shoulder to remind you when you need to take your vitamins, eat your veggies, or get to the gym? Well Wellsphere, the online destination site for healthy living, created a new device called the Wellphone which sends wellness tips, reminders, and logs your diet or exercise progress to your phone. You can pre-program your Wellphone so that every three hours it alerts you to get up from your office chair and take a mini-walk around the building.

To check out how to get this free service, you have to sign up to become a member of Wellsphere. If you’re someone who loves playing with their phone and needs motivation to nudge you to make better food choices or to encourage you to exercise, the Wellphone might be just the friend you need.

Which Meal-Based Diet Plan to Try?

That’s the big question. The three plans, The Biggest Loser, Jenny Craig, and NutriSystem, all had pros and cons, as well as a fairly wide price range. Unfortunately, their web sites don’t always tell the whole story, so in each case I called the company directly to find out more.

biggest loser diet bistro md

The Biggest Loser Meal Plan

  • Price: $99. for five days, plus $24.95 shipping
  • Calorie Count: 1000 – 1400, low carb, low fat, high protein, diabetic friendly
  • Shipping: Weekly
  • Food: Frozen in a vacuum-sealed package
  • Meal Plans: Only one plan is available, menus are on a four-week rotation
  • Commitment: Food is delivered on a weekly basis and can be canceled at any time

The web site is not very informative, although when checking the Bistro MD web site, I found a lot more information available. The Biggest Loser Meal Plan is part of Bistro MD, but the meals/menus vary slightly. The weekly menu plans are shown on the web site, but I never found the nutritional values.

It was also difficult to get through to a customer service representative to ask questions, I’m assuming that’s because the newness of this plan and the finale of the television show has overwhelmed their system a bit. One of my questions was on the shipping, I asked if shipping can be combined since there are two of us taking part. I was told yes, so that will take the cost down a bit.

jenny craig

Jenny Craig

  • Price: $14. – $19. a day, depending on the food picked, plus membership fees
  • Calorie Count: Depends on the foods picked. Meal plan is approved by the Diabetic Association
  • Food: Combination of frozen and non-frozen foods, approximately a 70 to 30% ratio.
  • Meal Plans: Apparently there are different menus and choices to pick from, I wasn’t too clear on how one decides on a menu.
  • Commitment: After the initial special offer of ten weeks for $20., a year’s membership is purchased for $359., you can go off and on the diet during this time.

If a community will help you lose weight and stay on track, Jenny Craig appears to have that covered. Their web site has forums, buddies, blogs and recipes. Once on the plan, a dieter is assigned a consultant to check in with weekly on the phone or the web. The photos and nutritional counts of the various meals looks great. In fact, I got a little hungry just checking out the web site.

When calling it’s a bit of a hard sell, but I still couldn’t get the bottom line on costs. I was told several times that the year membership fee includes discounts on the food and will wind up paying for itself.



  • Price: From $263. to $342. a month depending on the how many months and discounts are available.
  • Calorie Count: The various menus have different calorie counts
  • Shipping: Every 28 days
  • Food: Vacuum sealed, shelf-stable
  • Meal Plans: This diet plan had numerous options to choose from, men/women/senior/diabetic/vegetarian
  • Commitment: No contract, but food is shipped in monthly quantities

NutriSystem appears to be the most affordable, and had numerous plans for different diet needs. Their web site has basic information, including the menu foods (along with photos and nutritional counts) success stories, etc. It appears the real substance of the web site is in the members-only section with online classes, chat rooms and counseling. Membership is free, but I choose not to join.

There are substantial discounts on the meal plans and shipping if more than one member in the family takes part.

The Bottom Line:
Even though the price is highest and I don’t care for the one-size-fits-all approach, I decided to try out The Biggest Loser Meal Plan. I like the idea that it’s a five day plan and we won’t mess-up the plan when we go out on the weekend. I also liked the frozen food approach instead of shelf-stable foods. When reading various comments and reviews of the Bistro MD plan (same company), the overwhelming consensus was the food was great. Obviously, if the food doesn’t taste good, the diet’s not going to work for us. It was also a plus that ordering for two, helped the final price come down a bit with the combined shipping.

Right now we’re waiting for the first shipment, as well as a return call from customer service on a billing problem.

I’ll let you know how that goes in a few days.

Follow along with Barb as she shops for meal delivery diets and begins using Biggest Loser Meal Plan.

Dr. Peter D’Adamo explains his new book, The Genotype Diet

I had the pleasure to speak with Dr. Peter D’Adamo, a naturopathic physician, to learn more about his new book,Genotype Diet The Genotype Diet. It’s a fascinating book that explains that you can define a diet and fitness program that is built specific to your needs based on your genetic code. By following simple measurements of your body, explained in the book, you can determine your Genotype, one of six “paths” your genetic code fits into. These measurements include, among others, the length of your ring finger vs. index finger, torso length vs. leg length, blood type, finger print patterns and face shape.

Once you’ve determined your Genotype, you can follow the incredibly detailed diet and fitness plan. Learn the foods that are ideal for you and the foods you should definitely avoid, as well as exercises that are ideal for your body and those that aren’t doing you much good.

You can hear the interview in its entirety below and read a few key excerpts. For more information, you can check out the Genotype Diet Review.

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The Genotype Diet is sort of the next generation of the “Eat Right 4 Your Type” books that you wrote 11 years ago, a NY Times Bestseller and Amazon diet books bestseller. Genotype is the result of your continued research, but a little more refined than a diet defined by your blood type and more so based on your genetic build. Explain how Genotype goes beyond the Blood Type Diet.

I wouldn’t say one is the refinement of the other. Actually, they are two separate systems. If you look at what goes into the blood typing system, it’s really a very straight-forward, cut-and-dry relationship.The difference between Blood Type and Genotype – Blood Type is describing a situation and eating in alignment with that. With Genotype, you’re actually describing a character, a certain way a person has been programmed through family history, prenatal experiences or through some of their early lifestyle choices that have resulted in genetics being set at a certain way. Then you understand what that way is and devise a way to be able to optimize that. Genotype is a different way to look at the data- in part it has Blood Type, but it actually has other things as well. One doesn’t obsolete the other.

If people have problems with disorder of the blood or problems with inflammatory conditions in the digestive track, really the Blood Type is a very good system and we tell them that we want them to look at that initially.If we see people who are maybe more metabolically challenged from a weight loss perspective, Genotype is better because it has a more genetic understanding of why people would put weight on as they get older.

How would our readers at look at the two different systems and determine which is a better match for them?

They go to [my] blog and scroll down- I designed a little computer program that asks them to fill out a questionnaire and it tells them if Genotype or Blood Type is a better diet for them.

Is there an age that makes sense for someone to read the Genotype? Is there an age that more clearly helps you define what your Genotype is?

Yes. It turns out that growth completes itself about age 16 in girls and age 18 in boys. It’s not going to be reasonable to measure leg length and torso length in a kid who is still growing. The way most people work around this- in the book there is a section called Strength Testing. With Strengh Testing, you look at things like fingerprint patterns, things that don’t change while you’re growing.

Peter D'AdamoIf you have a kid, and you’re interested in getting him on the Genotype diet, then the simple things to do are the non-growth related measurements that are eternal.

How does the Genotype Diet play into a pregnant woman’s diet? Anything she should do differently that could impact the Genotype of her baby?

I would think the Genotype system would be an excellent way to develop a prenatal approach that was about as scientifically optimized as one could make it at this point in time.

The evidence suggests that as well. Not that I’m particularly fond of animal studies as they apply to humans, but with regard to certain genetic functions, they are identical to us.

For instance, if you look at the studies done on certain species of mice bred to have diabetes, bred to be overweight and have cancer within a year of their life, they found if you optimize certain genetic functions with the epi-genetics (not the actual gene, the setting of the gene- like a volume control). You can change in one generation that particular breeding so that the offspring are not overweight, don’t go on to get diabetes and many times don’t go on to get cancer as well.

So, a family with a history of cancer or another illness, by switching to the Genotype now, could slowly but surely remove that gene from future offspring?

It’s a start, because the Genotype Diet is based on what we currently know about the role that certain nutrients have in affecting gene function.

People could potentially save themselves thousands of dollars on personal fitness plans at the gyms and personal diet plans built by nutritionists by spending $25 on the Genotype Diet. Following the plan that is, by design of their body, custom for them.

Those are your fingers you’re measuring. It’s a simple thing like “Is your index finger longer than your ring finger?” It tells you if you were floating around as a fetus in estrogen or floating around as a fetus in testosterone. Then you look at some simple things- Why are we interested in finger prints? Well, they tell you whether or not your prenatal environment was very acidic, or whether or not it had too much glucose or whether the oxygen tension was too low.

Even more cool- if you match the fingerprints from your left hand to your right hand- you get an idea of how asymmetrical you are. It turns out the more asymmetrical a person is- the rougher time they had inside of their mother. The more symmetrical you are, the more fit you are.