Diet and Nutrition

Ali Vincent Boasts the Fitness Benefits of Dancing with Cheryl Burke

Have you ever heard someone say “put it it out to the universe” and wondered what they meant by it? Well, I have and for a long time I wasn’t exactly sure how or what I was supposed to be putting “out” to the universe. It wasn’t until I first went onto The Biggest Loser did I really try to figure it out either. I knew that I was being given the opportunity of a lifetime and I wanted to take full advantage of it, so I tried to recall any and every thing I had ever heard anyone attribute success to. One thing that kept coming to mind was the idea that if I put my goal of becoming the first female Biggest Loser out to the universe it would in fact come true. But what did that mean exactly?

ali dwts

I remember years ago hearing that if you wanted to create a million dollars you should write yourself a check for $1,000,000.00 and paste it somewhere that you saw everyday, several times a day. I also knew that this didn’t work because I, like everyone else who had ever heard that had done, wrote the check and taped it to my mirror. Yet I never created a million dollars. So there had to be more to it. (more…)

Beware Four Tricky and Common Nutrition Label Claims

Picture this: the doors have slid open, the gust of cold air hits us, and now we’re faced with the 45,000 products the average supermarket carries. Aside from feeling purely overwhelmed at deciding what and how to choose what goes into our carts, along with our rushed, over-scheduled lives, we seem to spend more time thinking about what goes ON our bodies (like clothes and shoes) than what goes IN them.

So many food labels are difficult to decode – perhaps the reason why 60-70 percent of what we purchase is unplanned. We often fall prey to items that wear descriptive names, like “natural” and “wholesome” and “organic”…these words are like magnets attracting us to their otherwise less attractive products. Studies have shown that when a food is deemed superior through a name, it is more likely that people would expect the food to be beneficial to their health. Trans-fat free fries, baked chips, and organic candies are all surrounded by health halos, yet some halos are far from angelic.

But you shouldn’t have to be a mathematician, a librarian, or a dietitian to buy the right foods. The food label should be like the table of contents of a book – it should tell us what’s inside. Unfortunately, misleading labels lurk throughout the store and I’m here today to give you the inside scoop on what’s really going on between the lines. Here are a few examples of some personal favorite ‘wall of shame’ claims where food companies are selling sound bites instead of sound advice. (more…)

How Carb-Crazy Jenna Wolfe and Other Pregnant Moms Can Manage Their Cravings

Pregnant moms with odd cravings isn’t news; the two go together like newborns and sleep deprivation. As much as we’d like a cold, hard reason for why we crave things completely out of the ordinary when we’re pregnant, that research doesn’t really exist. It is what it is. Some have said that a craving can be linked to a deficiency, your body’s way of raising a red flag and saying “give me some iron,” but the science to back that up hasn’t yet been found.

So why has Jenna Wolfe, a correspondent for the TODAY Show, been so carb crazy during her pregnancy? Mary Hartley, RD says, “My best guess is that Jenna is craving more calories from carbohydrates relative to her former diet, which may have emphasized protein and only enough calories to maintain a svelte figure.”

Prior to becoming pregnant, Wolfe admits on her TODAY Show blog that she maintained an incredibly healthy diet. Just look at her – that’s all the proof you need! “Yogurt, fruit, nuts, eggs, salad, protein, veggies, grains, protein,” she wrote about the way it was.

Today, her pregnancy diet doesn’t look much different than other moms: “Cold cereal, bagel, order a salad for lunch (good), only eat the croutons from that salad (yeesh), pasta, pasta, a pickle, pasta, dessert.”

“Carbohydrates provide energy, and now Jenna needs enough energy to run two bodies,” commented Hartley. Sure, one body is very little, but it is growing fast! Pregnant women need to eat enough calories to support the baby’s weight gain. ”

But like a lot of moms, Wolfe is feeling the unfair pressure of judgment by other moms. She wrote, “I’m battling the pregnancy pitfalls and am struggling to stay on the fitness track. But please know I’m trying.” (more…)

World Travelers Betsy and Warren Talbot Lost 80 Pounds by Simply ‘Paying Attention’

Betsy Talbot, 42, and her husband Warren, 41, are healthy, happily married, world travelers these days, but that hasn’t always been the case. The couple who used to be overweight, unhappy and tied to office jobs now travels the world “full-time,” living out their dreams.

At their heaviest, Betsy and Warren weighed 210 and 178 pounds, respectively. But today, Betsy is a trim 160 pounds (just 10 pounds shy of her goal weight) and Warren has already reached his goal weight of 145 pounds. We had the pleasure of speaking with this adventurous pair recently about their weight loss journey as a couple. Here’s what they had to say.

Tell me when your weight struggles began.
Our weight struggles really began in adulthood when we began sitting for our jobs and our entertainment instead of being active. And we “over-busied” ourselves into thinking we had to eat fast and cram meals in instead of planning and enjoying them. This is a deadly combination for weight gain that most people can relate to. (more…)

Is Gluten Free Right For Me? 6 Pros and Cons for this Diet

Today “gluten free” is all the rage, but what’s the science behind it? Let’s look at the three most common reasons why people follow gluten-free diets.

1. Being diagnosed with celiac disease, which is an autoimmune disorder in where the body triggers an attack on the intestines every time gluten is eaten. This destroys part of the small intestine that absorbs vital nutrients and results in malabsorption. For these people, eating food that contains gluten can cause significant pain. While the disease affects only 1% of healthy, average Americans, 97% of those affected have not yet been diagnosed.

2. Having a gluten sensitivity. While this sensitivity shares many symptoms with celiac disease, it fortunately does not share the same likelihood of intestinal damage.

3. Trying the latest and coolest ‘fad’ diet that received rave reviews for achieving (insert your favorite health claim) Lose Weight! / Eat Healthier! / Improve Skin Quality! People want to improve their health however they can, so why not give this a chance?

Why would someone choose to adhere to a gluten-free diet if they don’t have to? What is “gluten” and when did it get a bad reputation? Let me explain. (more…)

The Overnight Diet is the Newest Weight Loss Fad


  • Dr. Caroline Apovian is pushing the next big fad diet in her new book, The Overnight Diet. She says you’ll lose two pounds the first night. Users should note this is water weight and not actual fat loss.
  • A combination of a high protein diet six days a week and a liquid diet one day a week are the cornerstones of The Overnight Diet’s eating plan.
  • Author claims you can lose as much as nine pounds in a single week. Industry recommendations allow for one to two pounds per week for safe weight loss.
  • One woman, who shared her story at ABC News, reported going from 174 pounds to 125 pounds in one year using The Overnight Diet.
  • “You don’t have to lift a single barbell,” is what Dr. Apovian boasts. However, any legitimate weight loss plan should incorporate as much focus on fitness, if not more, as it does nutrition. Thirty minutes daily with a combination of strength and cardio is the bare minimum recommended for Americans. (more…)

5 Diet Tips to Gain Bikini Confidence by May 1

It happens this time every year. Just as sure as spring rain comes, so does the ambition to look good in a bikini. Is it just us or is the pressure a bit overwhelming?

Looking good in a swimsuit isn’t a bad goal. In fact, it can help us shed unwanted pounds and even shape up quicker than we would otherwise. But being healthy and fit should always trump what size your clothes are, or in this case, your swimsuit.

For most, the goal isn’t looking like Heidi Klum when we hit the pool. The goal is to feel good about ourselves in a swimsuit if we happen upon the beach or a pool this summer. The key to getting there? Setting realistic goals and mapping out a plan to get there.

We asked health and fitness expert Stephanie Mansour of Step It Up With Steph to share five diet tips on how to get bikini ready quickly and effectively while keeping a healthy perspective on body image. Here’s what she had to say. (more…)

7 Strategies for Keeping Your Appetite in Check

Bob Greene has laid out some easy and convenient tips for developing a healthy appetite. From simple calorie counting suggestions to portion control, these pointers will help you ease in to your weight loss program. As summer begins to rear its pretty head, it’s important to abide by a consistent foundation of eating habits. Enjoy and employ these seven strategies for keeping your appetite in check.

View Healthy Appetite Strategies Slideshow

Food Blogger Spotlight: Brittany Barr of Barr and Table

I’ve been loving our new food blogger spotlight series more and more as it’s allowed me to branch out and meet new healthy bloggers I would’ve otherwise never known about. One such new-to-me face is Brittany Barr of Barr and Table, who just happens to be an amazingly talented recipe developer with a healthy dose of personality and passion for fitness. I found myself scouring her recipes page and was hooked right away!

If you visit Barr and Table expect to find healthy, creative recipes for breakfast, post-workout snacks, and filling, simple week-night meals. We recently spoke with Brittany about her blog and her approach to health and fitness. Here’s what she had to say. (more…)

Ali Vincent Maintains a Healthy Lifestyle Five Years after Winning Biggest Loser

If I have learned anything in the last five years since I became the first female to win NBC’s hit show The Biggest Loser it is that the only real losers in life are those who are afraid to ask questions. This week on my show Live Big With Ali Vincent, which you can find on the Live Well Network, you are asking the questions and I am answering. In fact, the whole show this week is specifically dedicated to all of the “Ask Ali” questions that so many of you have sent in – ranging from calories and exercises to balance and, yes, the skin questions!

You see, when I first started Live Big With Ali Vincent, one of the creative ideas behind it was to design a world of girlfriends. I thought if I created a space where no matter where I was in the country at any given time, I could feel as if there were people close by to help me stick with this new, healthy lifestyle. I needed to be able to stay in the conversation. I also acknowledged, like so many of you who have struggled with weight loss and can relate, that I was unhappy and alone.

I was so convinced of this that I actually created it, I kept people 112 pounds away from me and I quit talking which made it true that nobody could understand how I felt. I just didn’t know which came first – was I fat because I was unhappy? or was I unhappy because I was fat? It’s the whole chicken and the egg debate and quite frankly it no longer mattered because both were true! (more…)

PSPfit Boot Camp Celebrates Positive Body Image as Much as Fitness and Nutrition

There’s a revolution happening in New York City and across the internet. CeCe Olisa of and self-declared “Plus Size Princess” is teaming up with nutritionist Abra Pappa and trainer Anthony Truly to bring a 6-week fitness and nutrition boot camp to any woman wanting to embrace her body while being healthy and fit.

“I hope that any woman who embraces her body while striving to achieve goals will join us, because that’s a hard balance to strike,” CeCe told us. The program was created after she began working with Abra personally.

“She (CeCe) wanted to be able to share the work that we are doing with her followers so we have launched a 6-week boot camp both live and virtual,” Abra said.

Having live and virtual options means women anywhere can participate in the boot camp. The women eligible for the live version are those in the New York City area who can attend meetings and sessions in person. Other women wanting to participate can do so online. CeCe filmed the workouts to watch online and she and Abra will be hosting Facebook group nutrition sessions where participants can engage and ask questions.

The boot camp is the physical manifestation of the #PSPfit movement. That movement started last November when CeCe was in a fitness and nutrition slump. (more…)