Diet and Nutrition

5 Healthier Lunch Spots for Holiday Shopping Weekends

Are you still finishing your holiday shopping list? If so, you probably plan on hitting the mall and boutiques this weekend. There’s something fun about shopping, solo or with family and friends, that can really put you in the spirit. And all that rushing around can really make you work up an appetite that leaves you ready for lunch! You’ll be out and about and likely inconveniently far from your own kitchen, plus it’s just fun to grab a weekend lunch with your girls once in a while. So we’ve made lunch plans for you, or least found a few places where you won’t wreck your diet while you’re out putting dents in your wallet.

There are plenty of great healthy options at some of the largest chain restaurants, likely those placed just near the shopping centers where you’ll be this weekend. These locations are easy to find in most cities and have some great items to help you stay on track. Let us be your menu guide!

Chipotle Mexican Grill

Chipotle is easily a very healthy option. The meats are all very fresh, grilled, and most are organic and hormone free. One could get a bowl loaded with lean meat, brown rice, fresh peppers and onions, and pico for around 400 calories and be completely satisfied. A fully loaded steak burrito with cheese, sour cream, and guacamole is more than 1200 calories! Order wise and enjoy the good deed you’re doing for you body. And at 400 calories, you can probably splurge for a little cup of guacamole, too! (more…)

2024’s Most Popular Diets Lead by Weight Watchers, 17 Day Diet, and Jillian Michaels

For the fifth year we’re excited to announce our Most Popular Diets of 2024 list! And it’s a good one!

While Weight Watchers gave up the number one position in 2024 for the first time in our history, they reclaimed the top spot this year earning them the title of Most Popular Diet of 2024. As they are weeks away from celebrating their 50th anniversary, they announced Weight Watchers 360 to help people establish healthy, lasting habits right at the new year.

In a sort of diet tag, 17 Day Diet moved to number two, a more than respectable position for a series of weight loss books that has been hard at work since its debut in late 2024. This year 17 Day Diet expanded its value to its loyal followers with the publication of a cookbook and an anti-aging plan. One of only two brands that makes multiple appearances on the list, 17 Day Diet’s Meal Plan, facilitated by Bistro MD, landed at number 24 (down from number 3 in 2024).

For the first time in our list’s five-year history, acai doesn’t show up. It seems the heyday for this diet pill has run its course, but hasn’t taken the entire supplement industry down with it. Dr. Oz’s hyped promotion of raspberry ketones landed it at number 19 on the list, no doubt stealing a lot of thunder from acai.

Jillian Michaels is the only other brand that makes multiple appearances on our list, as she does every year. Her nearly five-year-old workout DVD 30 Day Shred took position 8, an improvement over last year’s number 10 ranking. Right after that is her Detox and Cleanse product, and anchoring the list at number 20, down from number 4 in 2024, is her Jillian Michaels Online subscription program. Her exit from both Biggest Loser and The Doctors in the past 18 months may have caused a slight decline, but her popularity is rarely wavering. In fact, America’s Toughest Trainer returns to NBC’s Biggest Loser for season 14 in January. We expect to see her on the list again next year.

CLICK HERE to view the Most Popular Diets of 2024 (more…)

Tough Love Saves Overweight Child’s Life after 66 Pound Weight Loss

Imagine weighing 186 pounds, barely being able to move, and struggling to breathe. It’s a reality for many an obese American, but it’s truly heart wrenching when you learn it’s a nine-year-old girl. Admitting that she couldn’t keep up with her young friends while playing, and that bullies had become an issue, Breanna Bond was the picture of childhood obesity in our country. But not anymore.

Sitting with her parents and George Stephanopolous on Good Morning America today, a much slimmer, happier, and fitter Breanna graced the stage weighing 66 pounds less than her highest weight. Today, she’s excited to “be involved with my friends.”

An active member of the basketball and swim teams, Breanna’s transformation didn’t come without a lot of hard work, as any weight loss story does. Her mom, Heidi, was the force behind changing a weight problem that had started at birth. By kindergarten Breanna was 100 pounds, and her mom says they spoke with many doctors and specialists about her continually increasing weight.

When mom decided enough was enough, they not only pushed a tough love approach on Breanna to save their daughter’s health, but the entire family took part. “The whole family changed,” said Heidi. It started with four-mile trail hikes as a family and they had a “zero tolerance policy,” meaning they walked or hiked in the cold, the fog. “We’re doing the walk, no matter what.”

At home, Breanna spends one hour and fifteen minutes on the treadmill everyday, 25 minutes of which is spent running. As a family, they consume less than 20 grams of fat per day and keep sugar to a minimum.

“Start as soon as possible,” is Heidi’s advice to other parents. It’s advice that medical experts and children’s health advocates have been promoting for years. Start now. Start today. Change one thing. Just DO something! Childhood obesity is a modern day epidemic with repercussions that will last decades for these children. (more…)

7 Splurge-Worthy Gifts to Buy for Yourself and Your Health This Year

It’s Christmas time, when we think of others and how we can show our love through tokens of appreciation. Before going broke buying presents, however, save a little bit for yourself to spend on something that could do a world of good in your life by providing a bevy of health benefits. From getting off medications to finding a surefire way to cope with stress, these gifts promise more than momentary satisfaction, they may just inspire a completely new lifestyle.

1. Hire a Personal Trainer

Sometimes, the choice to workout comes down to accountability. When exercising with a friend isn’t cutting it, hiring a trainer can be a great choice. They know what moves to do, how many need to be done to be effective, and how to do them so you don’t get hurt. They also take care of formulating a fitness plan with your goals in mind. Missing a 6 a.m. workout is a lot less likely if you know there’s someone waiting for you at the gym ready to charge your credit card whether you show up or not. Just be sure to make sure they’re accredited and look into what kind – not all certifications are created equal. Can’t make it to the gym? Sites like Wello will do video-chat training sessions to serve clients anywhere, anytime.

2. Get a Nutritionist

Do you have fitness down, but need help with the food part of being healthy? A consult with a nutritionist may be your answer. A diet book has no concern for what foods you like and dislike, certain allergies, and current fitness levels. A dietitian will. They’ll give you a proper eating plan to follow and do all the math and science stuff, like calorie counting, for you. Before picking one, make sure you have a certain rapport with them so that you’ll feel at ease, know they give clear directions that you can easily understand, and explain why certain foods are and aren’t necessary. They don’t even have to be local. Dietitians like Mary Hartley, RD do Skype consults. (more…)

The Diet Booze Trend Continues with Fergie’s Endorsement of Voli Vodka

Fun-loving Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas is not only the perfect party guest because she always knows which song to spin next, but she’s also got the inside skinny on the best cocktails. She’s the face of Voli Vodka, a line of lower calorie flavored vodkas. She told Chelsea Handler this fall that her daily vodka consumption varies by the week, saying, “If I have one drink a day, I feel better the next day than if I don’t drink at all. I’m just gonna start drinking daily.”

She’s clearly fit, firm and fabulous (Fergalicious to be exact), so how does she do it if she’s swilling vodka on a daily basis? Certainly her 4-6 workouts in the gym every week, but she’ll also tell you it’s because she’s not drinking just any vodka. She’s drinking Voli Vodka, which has 74 calories per shot. A standard shot of vodka has about 100 calories.

Sure, 26 calories is a fair savings when you’re drinking one cocktail or a few, especially daily. But does it really matter when they are still nutritionally void, empty calories? Bonnie Taub-Dix, MA, RD, CDN, author of Read It Before You Eat It and nutrition expert in NY, says not so much.

“My take on this is that many people think that if you don’t chew — it doesn’t count — and that’s simply not true.” Those calories most certainly still count, and maybe more than most because they’re typically accompanied by a lot of sugar – like juice and other mixers.

We showed Bonnie the Fergatini, Voli’s branded version of a Cape Cod, with Voli Lyte, Fresh Lime Juice, and Cranberry Juice.

“Think about it — in this cocktail of 82 calories — only 1-1/2 oz or 1 jigger of vodka is used. How many of us pour just one shot?,” she asked. “That won’t happen at a friend’s party! It also only includes one ounce of juice. That rarely happens too because many of the calories in alcohol are contributed by the mixers.” (more…)

Dr. Oz Calls Organic Eaters “Elite” and Promotes Canned Vegetables

Oh, Dr. Oz what have you done now? Just this week an article titled “What to Eat Now: The Anti-Food-Snob Diet” was released in Time Magazine. Dr. Oz wrote lengthy reasons as to why frozen and canned foods were just as healthy as organic products. A man’s entitled to his opinion, right? So what’s the big deal? Well, the organic community is up in arms because the good doctor used to be on their side promoting organic food as the safest, most healthy option. And when they say “used to be,” they mean like two months ago. It seems the famous doctor has got some explaining to do.

In the Time article Dr. Oz says there is very little difference between the produce at the farmers market and the products in the freezer section or canned food aisle.

Dr. Oz said, “After several years of research and experience, I have come to an encouraging conclusion: the American food supply is abundant, nutritionally sound, affordable and, with a few simple considerations, comparable to the most elite organic diets.”

Many people did not take kindly to being called “elite” because they have chosen to heed the advice of many experts and shop organic. Dr. Oz also referred to those who purchase organics as the 1%.

“Save the cash: the 99% diet can be good for you,” he wrote.

Interestingly though, writer and editor of, Mike Adams, pulled out one of Dr. Oz’s quotes from just two months ago. In October 2024, Dr. Oz stated, “so you’re being told organic food is no more nutritious than conventional and it’s not worth your extra money. Well I’m here to say that it is worth the investment. Why do I say that? Pesticides.” (more…)

Nutrisystem Sets You Up For Success with a January 1 Delivery Date Guarantee

It’s almost that time of year again to reflect on another year gone by, consider the changes we’d like to see in the coming year, and then go about trying to make those changes happen. It sounds romantic, easy almost; but how do we ensure our plans don’t fail?

We’ve all been in that hard spot where we’ve set out to achieve a goal but felt ill equipped to do so. This can be one of the biggest deterrents to change of all. But for those making a weight loss-centered New Year’s resolution in 2024, having a false start in January is a thing of the past thanks to a delivery date guarantee offered exclusively by Nutrisystem.

For all orders placed by 5 p.m. eastern standard time on December 18, Nutrisystem is guaranteeing a delivery date by January 1. Recognizing the importance of setting a date and sticking to it, Nutrisystem wants to help its customers get their weight loss efforts in motion the moment they want to start making a change.

Since its founding in 1972, Nutrisystem has helped Americans lose more than 70 million pounds with their tried and true weight loss approach: Convenient pre-portioned meals delivered to your doorstep to take the guess work out of weight loss.

Not only is Nutrisystem user friendly requiring just one order and shipment per month, it’s also incredibly nutritious. All plans, including those catered to men, women, diabetics, seniors and vegetarians, provide food options that are low glycemic, contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, and are low in saturated and trans fats and sodium. In this way, Nutrisystem foods are specifically designed to help you lose weight effectively while still providing all of the essential vitamins and nutrients your body needs. (more…)

How to Cook with Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts often get a bad rap for their peculiar appearance and the way your grandma probably makes them taste at Thanksgiving. But what you probably don’t know is that they’re loaded with good-for-you vitamins and nutrients and when prepared correctly can be extremely delicious. For instance, you know that icky taste broccoli can take on when it’s overcooked? That’s probably the same unpalatable taste you began associating with Brussels sprouts somewhere down the line. But I highly recommend you give them another chance, starting with the five tasty recipes we share below.

Health benefits: For starters, Brussels sprouts are very high in fiber, containing more than 15 percent of our daily recommended amount in just one serving. They can also aid in lowering cholesterol, encouraging proper digestion, and even blocking the activity of harmful enzymes that can do serious damage to the DNA in white blood cells, according to a study shared by

In addition, Brussels sprouts are high in manganese, vitamins A, E, and C, and antioxidants, which naturally fight free radicals in the body to help prevent certain types of cancer. Brussels sprouts are also an anti-inflammatory food thanks to an abundance of vitamin K; and just one half cup serving contains nearly 430 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been found to help boost heart health, lower triglycerides and even help prevent and treat such serious conditions as arthritis and depression. (more…)

The GAPS Diet Claims You Can Eat Away Autism. But Can You Really?

With headlines like “Eat Away Autism,” heads are sure to turn and listen up. A diet called the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet (GAPS) has made these tall claims that it can heal digestive disorders and consequential issues like autism, depression, and even ADHD. Is this even possible or is this pure quackery just to get desperate parents to buy books?

The creators of the GAPS diet, Sidney Haas, MD and Elaine Gottschall, MSc, would argue that the GAPS diet cured her son of autism. Again, huge claims about a diet. The diet is a derivative of what was called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), which is broken into three main categories and intends to create healing for many ailments in the gut, which is claimed to lead to psychological healings, too.

The three main categories are diet, supplements, and detoxification.

The actual diet aspect of GAPS encourages fermented foods, natural fats, and fresh vegetables. Many of the most common foods include eggs, fresh meat, garlic, olive oil, nuts and seeds, fish, and shellfish. People on GAPS are told not to consume dairy.

The supplement aspect of GAPS recommends taking vitamin A, probiotics, omega-3s, digestive enzymes, along with many other minerals and vitamins.

And the final category, detoxification, is referred to as one of the most important as it’s believed to remove toxicity from the gut and allow for healing. Some of the suggested detox methods include juices, elderberry, making sure no chemicals, like cleaning products, are used in the house.

This is an abbreviated description of the GAPS diet. A thorough description can be read on their webpage However, this diet is supposed to work to heal and remedy serious medical and mental conditions. The GAPS site states that, “[Dr. Campbell-McBride] believes that the link between learning disabilities, the food and drink that we take, and the condition of our digestive system is absolute.” (more…)

The 50 Healthiest Tweeps You Should be Following

If you care at all about what you eat, how you workout, or just like some good old-fashioned inspiration, then there are a few people you need to follow immediately. Fifty to be exact.

Each year, Mamavation hosts the Top 50 Most Inspirational Healthy Tweeps list to recognize those people and organizations doing the most good on Twitter. In years past, the list has been entirely crowd sourced, with people voting up their favorite follows to determine a top 50. This year, Leah Segedie decided to do something different. She appointed a panel to make the final decision based on votes by the community. DietsInReview was proud to be a part of that panel, joined by members of Mamavation Leadership and Segedie’s husband, Mark.

After weeks of watching the nominations come in, the top 10 Tweeps in five categories have been revealed. Rather than a single list of 50, this year the list was organized with five categories of 10 winners. This allowed us to recognize a broad range of personalities and purposes. The 50 winners were divided across Fitness, Food, Weight Loss, Inspiration, and Activism. And based on community nominations, we broke the list down to recognize some pretty awesome people and organizations.

You can see the full Top 50 Most Inspirational Healthy Tweeps 2024 list here at Mamavation, but we’ll highlight a few from each category who’ve had the biggest impact on DietsInReview.


We’ve had the pleasure to work with @MizFitOnline and @LisaJohnson over the years on a many different projects. Bright, energetic women, they each motivate in that very real way that isn’t preachy or condescending. They’re in the trenches next to every other woman with time that’s too short and to do lists that are too long. (more…)

The Big Fat Cure Offers Practical Solutions in a Broken Weight Loss System

dietrebelUPDATE: The Big Fat Cure is the same great plan but now goes by Diet Rebel Optimal Physique System, as of May 2024.

Melanie Thomassian, RD may appear to be your average dietitian, but dig a little deeper and you’ll quickly discover she’s not. Since graduating from University of Ulster in Northern Ireland in 2005 she’s worked in dietetic clinics and even launched a successful website, in 2024 where she publishes articles on obtaining and maintaining optimal health. 

But her latest project has her traveling in a slightly different direction. It’s called The Big Fat Cure – an online diet, fitness and lifestyle overhaul program that goes against much of the advice she formerly dished out as a by-the-books dietitian.

Getting to that place wasn’t a quick or easy journey and it’s certainly not the path she expected to go down. But when her husband approached her several years ago with a weight problem of his own, things took a drastic turn. Not only was Melanie baffled at how her own husband had grown overweight, but she was conflicted when he asked her to design a weight loss program that would help him lose the weight quick – not the 1-2 pounds per week typically promised in a traditional diet program.

Despite her hesitations, Melanie devised a plan for her husband that fitted his requests. As a result he lost nearly 16 pounds and 6.5 inches from his waist in just five weeks. Shocked at his quick success, she went on to conduct more research, even looking back on interactions she’d had with former clients who had struggled to lose weight for good. (more…)