LAP-Band Advertisers Reprimanded by FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is taking action against eight surgical centers that perform LAP-Band surgeries in California. The FDA says the clinics, along with the marketing firm 1-800-GET-THIN LLC, are misleading consumers  with an ad campaign on highway … Continue reading

Benefits of Weight Loss Support

This post was submitted on behalf of, a website that educates people on gastric bypass surgery, explanations of cutting-edge research, and profiles of the nation’s leading weight loss surgeons. Losing weight is a difficult task as it is, you … Continue reading

Recipe Swaps for a Healthier Hanukkah

It’s almost time to light the menorah, spin the dreidel and of course, indulge in some of your favorite healthy Hanukkah recipes. If there is ever an occasion to indulge, a holiday is certainly a good one. Though it’s reasonable … Continue reading

The Perks of Fitness with a Cause

Maruchy Lachance is president of Running Ninja!, a lifestyle brand for runners by runners. Running Ninja! offers a wide variety of apparel and gifts for runners to keep you happy and inspired while you’re on the run. Last weekend I ran … Continue reading

Happily Eat Carbs for the Holidays

Heather Sokol is the frugal mother of 3 girls. She has lost 30 pounds in the last year and blogs about her weight loss journey at Just Heather. Cookies. Candies. Pie. It’s a trifecta of holiday goodness. And, a whole … Continue reading

Handle Holiday Stress with Fun Runs

By Dana Walsh from The holidays can be a stressful time for sure. That’s why my family and I make sure we de-stress with a holiday run that our community coordinates every year. It’s a five mile run that … Continue reading