Eating Meat Gave Humans Bigger Brains

“You can’t have a large brain and big guts at the same time,” explains Leslie Aiello of our evolutionary ancestors. She’s an anthropologist and direct for he Wenner-Gren Foundation in New York City, which funds research on evolution. Before eating … Continue reading

Obese Take More Sick Days

A new study is providing more evidence that everyone has a stake in the health of our citizens, including employers. According to this study, obese people take more sick days off from work than their healthier counterparts. In the British … Continue reading

Zac Efron’s Diet and Fitness Routine

With his charming good looks, Zac Efron is one of Hollywood’s hottest young stars. And he has the body to prove it. According to People magazine, being physically active is just a natural part of this High School Musical star’s daily … Continue reading

Yoga for Seniors

No one is too old (or too young) for yoga. As life expectancies grow, more and more seniors are doing what they can to maintain and improve their sense of health and wellness. In fact, many of the 36 million … Continue reading