The Pre-Skydiving Workout

So, I went skydiving this past weekend and wow; what an experience. It is definitely not for everyone, but I strongly recommend that you give it a try. Being fit or in good shape definitely made the whole process a lot … Continue reading

Your Diet Can Cause Cancer

Martin Wiseman, an English health expert and adviser for the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), says that there are a significant amount of cancer incidents that could be preventable if people watch their weight. Wiseman claims that if everyone had … Continue reading

Pure Inventions: An Elixir of Antioxidants

If you’re like me, you know enough about the importance of consuming disease-fighting antioxidants like colorful fruits, veggies, dark chocolate and green tea. But where you and I may falter is the day-to-day consistency of having breakfast of a yogurt with … Continue reading

The TV Commercial Break Workout

It’s a fact, the majority of Americans gets home from a long day at work and flip on the television. They sit there and watch hours upon hours until it is time for bed. What about hitting a quick couple of … Continue reading

Cheerios Makes Faulty Health Claims

Packaged foods can present misleading health claims, cleverly tip-toeing around the laws that govern them. But sometimes, the FDA will say enough is enough. Cheerios, the long-time favorite breakfast cereal, is making a claim that the FDA just can’t let … Continue reading

10 Tips for Being Heart Healthy

1. Lose that extra weight. Lightening up and shedding a few pounds will make it easier for your heart and on you! 2. Watch out for fat.  Learn to be “fat-savvy.”  You want to eat little to no cholesterol, saturated, … Continue reading