Fight Fat with Brown Fat

New research has found a type of fat called “brown fat” that may be a key to burning body fat. While we’re familiar with “white fat,” which stores calories and is responsible for the more than 30 percent of Americans … Continue reading

Canned Goods Don’t Last Forever

Are you stocking up your cabinet with canned goods, prepping for the impending world economic apocalypse? Well, if the doom doesn’t come, you’ll still need to eat the food that’s taking up all that space. Just don’t think you can … Continue reading

Coleen’s Biggest Loser 7-14 Recap

Temptations on the Biggest Loser usually bring two things, high calorie foods and big ticket prizes. The contestants came into the gym where they met Ali who had serving trays with a variety of items under the lids. You could … Continue reading

Vegetarian for a Week Challenge – Day Two

We’ve made it into day two of our vegetarian for a week challenge, and so far so good. Yesterday seemed to go more smoothly than day one, mostly in that the feelings of hunger all day were absent.

My Dirty Diet Secret

As I dumped the cheapo brownie mix into the mixing bowl, adding just enough water to give it a nice consistency, and started eating straight out of the bowl – after midnight no less, I was thinking that if anyone … Continue reading