8 Chemical Food Additives You Should Avoid

We all know our food ingredient labels are riddled with words that require an advanced degree to understand. Most of us bypass reading them because it’s easier. However, buried in those multi-syllabic words are chemical additives that can have an … Continue reading

Create Your Own Supplement Bar

Everyone today is jumping on the nutrition bandwagon and trying to supply dieters with the magic quick fix to their weight loss needs.  You walk down any nutrition supplement aisle in any grocery or super-store and you will see how … Continue reading

Chocolate is Healthy: Go to the Dark Side!

Chocoholics should rejoice, just in moderation! I know that sounds like a bit of a contradiction (since addicts by definition don’t take part with self-restraint), but if you realize that you don’t have to demonize your favorite sweet, you can … Continue reading

10 Ways to Diet on a Budget

The economy is an issue being discussed by just about everyone these days. As bank after bank crashes through the market, families are counting pennies and trying to make the best financial forecast for themselves. We want you to know … Continue reading

Guest Blog: Coconut; Friend or Foe?

Melissa Spiesman, CHHC, AADP, is the Featured Guest Blogger at DietsInReview.com for September. She is the director of Nutrition for Your Life, a nutrition program that focuses on health and wellness through whole foods. Melissa develops individual integrative nutrition plans that … Continue reading

Posture Or Not To Posture

Today, we are focusing on using correct posture throughout your workout. This is a huge topic and I feel that it can make a difference in your workouts. Correct technique and maintaining good posture keeps your body in-line, over-compensation free, and decreases … Continue reading

The Low-Down on Fats

Fats, just like protein or carbohydrates, are essential and your body needs fat to function properly. However, too much fat can have detrimental effects on your body, initially being weight gain and could result in heart problems or cancer. Fat … Continue reading