Tag Archives: aging

Survival of the Fittest: The Most Active Women are More Likely to Survive Than the Least Physically Active

fit senior

While popular wisdom may hold laughter as the best medicine, science indicates exercise might actually be the way to go. A study from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) shows that moderate to high intensity activity is a key part of reducing the risk of premature death in older women.

Those who worked on the study, like Professor Debra Anderson of QUT’s Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, say that health professionals should be prescribing exercise programs in addition to conventional treatments for both physical and mental health.

“Studies clearly show moderate to vigorous intensity activity can have mental and physical health benefits, particularly when part of broader positive health changes,” she said in a statement.


Whoa! Jillian Michaels Exposes Nude Figure in Shape Magazine July Issue

jillian micheals naked

Here’s a first look at what’s inside Shape Magazine’s July issue, featuring Jillian Michaels’ fourth cover. Not to mention, a whole lot of Jillian uncovered!

The print magazine will be available July 25 in newsstands (and tablets!) nationwide, and what’s inside is more than the super star Biggest Loser trainer has ever bared before.

At 40, it’s clear that America’s Toughest Trainer is in the best shape of her life. Stronger, wiser, and happier than ever, she maybe one of the few women you hear credit her age for those positive developments. (more…)

5 Reasons to Add Ginseng to Your Diet, from Cold Prevention to Stress Reduction


Ginseng root is an herb that has been used for thousands of years to promote healing and vitality throughout the body. American Ginseng has been studied for the past number of years to examine it’s benefits as a stress reducer, immunity booster, digestive and anti-aging aid… just to name a few! The National Institutes of Health has even declared American Ginseng an endangered species because so many people try to harvest it for its many valued uses.

So why should you find more ways to sneak some more of this super beneficial herb? Here are 5 BIG reasons:

1. Ginseng Prevents Colds and Flu
Consider swapping or supplementing your over-the-counter cold remedy with a dose of ginseng. Increasing evidence is validating the effectiveness of a ginseng extract daily around flu season can help prevent cold or flu symptoms. Sniffles already settle in? Fear not: it is also likely that ginseng helps minimize symptoms and shorten the duration of your cold because of the high levels of polysaccharides, a complex carbohydrate known to boost immune response, according to this recent study.

2. Ginseng Decreases Stress
Looking for some support for your hectic, busy life? The ancient Chinese began using ginseng to nourish the “Yin” or the part of us that tends to get overstimulated. To this day, ginseng helps promote balance, increases energy, and replenishes adrenal function. Research has found that the substances released in ginseng directly affect the adrenal glands, where stress hormones are produced. Prolonged stress causes adrenal fatigue, causing unattractive symptoms like chronic low energy, weight gain, anxiety, depression, and decreased immunity. Let ginseng help you prevent those!


The New Anti-Aging Secret for Younger Looking Skin: Exercise

Some of us know all to well that as we age, there are dramatic changes to our skin, and not usually for the better. Crow’s feet, laugh lines, sagging skin, the works. But now, science is proving that moderate cardio exercise can reverse these natural processes at any age.

exercise aging

The New York Times recently reported on a study from McMaster University in Ontario, one of the big names in exercise physiology research. Essentially, scientists found the above to be true: that exercise can slow or even reverse the signs of aging skin. How? Well, they’re not quite sure how it works—one theory is that an increase in a certain muscle protein called myokines helps halt and reverse the process. Regardless of the actual process, researchers say they have clear proof that it does work—and that younger looking skin could be just a few workouts away. (more…)

40 is the New 20. Which is Good News: Feeling Younger Will Help You Live Longer

By Janis Jibrin, M.S., R.D., Best Life lead nutritionist

How old are you? Now, how old do you feel? The two numbers might not necessarily match up—your “real age” could be years younger than your chronological age.  Or, if you’ve abused your body and/or have a chronic disease, you could be older than your real age.


If you’re curious about your “real age,” there are a number of easy-to-use online questionnaires that can calculate this—I used RealAge to find mine but a quick Google search will reveal plenty more options. You simply fill out information on your medical history, including diseases, blood cholesterol levels, blood pressure and other lab values.  Mood, depression, and even your sex life are also queried, as well as risky behaviors like hours logged behind the wheel.

Even as an advisory board member of Sharecare.com, which owns RealAge, I was skeptical. Could it—or any other questionnaire—churn out a legitimate number? I certainly hoped so; RealAge knocked 6.3 year off my age!  And now, a new independent study has made me feel even better about my results.


7 Years Younger in 7 Weeks! That’s the Good Housekeeping Promise for the New Year

7 Years YoungerCreated by the editors of Good Housekeeping, 7 Years Younger: The Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet (7YY) is a 7-week diet plan designed for men and women in their thirties, forties and beyond. GH staffers focus on food that targets weight loss, brightens the complexion, moisturizes skin, closes pores and keeps new wrinkles at bay. The book also explains the benefits of exercise on the aging body, and reminds us about the importance of flexibility, balance and muscle strength.

I’m the eldest member of the Diets In Review crew. A lady never reveals her age, but let’s just say I would crush my opponents in 1980’s Trivial Pursuit because I was actually alive and old enough to drive in that decade. So, it was no surprise when our editor slid the book 7 Years Younger: The Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet across my desk and said, “This might be a good one for you to cover.”

7YY is not an in-your-face diet. There is no drill sergeant yelling, “Eat this. Don’t eat that. Now, drop and give me 20.” Instead, the book begins with an introduction to the authors and all their nutritional street cred. Then, the authors ask you to write out a pledge, which is essentially a commitment to yourself and a reminder of the bigger goal, which is to improve your overall health and well-being.

Next, is a resource guide you can refer back to along the way. It’s an impressive list that includes the link to an entire community of 7YY dieters, handy if you ever need someone to talk you off the pastry ledge when all you want to do is climb through the drive-thru window of Krispy Kreme when the “Hot Donuts Now” light is on.


5 Ways to Eat, Drink and be Less Menopausal

By Team Best Life

Menopause is thought of as just one of those things every woman has to go through, including its less-than-comfortable symptoms. But studies show that women can control just how bad menopausal symptoms are. It all depends on…

What you eat. Want to lower your incidence of hot flashes and night sweats? Avoid foods with refined sugar and high fats (like candy, cake or other sugary snacks). In one Australian study of 6,000 women, these foods correlated with a higher likelihood of hot flashes and night sweats. On the flip side, women whose diet was high in fruit and fish reported lower incidences of these symptoms.

What you drink. The Harvard Women’s Health Study revealed something surprising: Women who drink alcohol—just one drink a day—are less likely to gain weight in mid-life than those who don’t drink at all. (One drink equals 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor.) Red wine was found to be particularly protective. According to the researchers, this might be because women metabolize alcohol in a way that makes it less likely to result in increased fat. (more…)

Yoga to the Rescue Books Provide Light-Hearted Relief for the Modern Woman

I am often asked by women in need of a little stress relief if I can recommend a book that will help them incorporate yoga into their crazy and hectic lives. I realize how many yoga books on the market are not speaking to the modern woman (one who is pulled in so many different directions without a chance to catch her breath), but instead seem to be appealing to a population that is seeking to completely abandon the to-do list in favor of adopting a pure and perfect lifestyle.

Just recently, I discovered two fun, light-hearted books that explain how to enjoy the benefits of yoga without having to give up everything in hopes of someday being flawless.

yoga to rescue

Amy Luwis of RescueGirl and the author of these wonderful books explains how you can make yoga fit perfectly into your perhaps not-so-perfect lifestyle.

Clever illustrations don each page, including tips from adorable dogs, birds, cats, and other “little helpers” making this book such a wonderful joy to read. Health advice ranges from dieting to detoxing and is presented in a clear manner by Luwis, who is not only passionate about yoga, but also well informed about the proper way to do a pose and why yoga is of great benefit. (more…)

Stop Aging with 17 Day Diet’s Dr. Mike in Men’s Fitness

The second most popular diet of 2025 was 17 Day Diet, and the brand continues to make headlines in the new year. Since its debut in 2025, the book has grown in to a brand where you can apply Dr. Mike Moreno’s 17 Day principles to weight loss, cooking, and even slowing the effects of aging. This month, get some insight on his 17 Day Diet Plan to Stop Aging in Men’s Health Magazine.

Dr. Mike makes an appearance in the magazine’s January issue to talk about the book, but also set you up for your healthiest year yet.

Here are some of Dr. Moreno’s recommendations for prolonging the signs of aging.

1. Keep your heart healthy with exercise: As we age our hearts becomes more effective. In order for our hearts to become stronger with age, we have to do aerobic workouts. Walking, jogging, and running are just a few suggestions. Dr. Mike mentions that with the help of exercise and a healthy diet, “an older person can have the heart of a very young person.” (more…)

World’s Oldest Woman Turns 116, Attributes it to Lack of Junk Food

The world’s oldest woman celebrated her 116th birthday this past weekend, and we couldn’t help but wonder how she reached the milestone without looking a day over 89.

Besse Cooper of Monroe, Georgia, received a unique gift this year: a bridge named in her honor in her Georgia hometown. The city leaders were pleased to name the bridge after their Guinness World Record holder, and to highlight their town on the map.

Besse is one of only eight people who have been confirmed to be at least 116 years old. That is one seriously impressive accomplishment. Besse told Guinness World Records that her keys to longevity have been minding her own business and not eating junk food. Hard to argue her logic; clearly her methods work.

While Besse is nearly in a league all her own, many people do live to see higher digits even if they don’t make it to 116. According to GeronGuide.com, there are seven effective health habits of centenarians. Besse’s core habits can be found on the list. (more…)

Look Fabulous After 40, Today on Dr. Oz

“If you’re about to turn 40, you can’t afford to miss this show,” says Dr. Oz of an upcoming episode focusing on women’s health issues after the age of 40. The show focuses on equipping women in their 40s, 50s and 60s to feel reenergized about the second half of their life. 

In what Dr. Oz calls his, “My Book of 40: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving the Second Half of Your Life,” he presents solutions that every women needs for her later years of her life.

Dr. Oz will address a number of health and beauty concerns, including everything from menopause to sexual health to aging fears. For a taste of what to expect, the first chapter of “My Book of 40” is called Fatigue Fighters. This segment will walk viewers through ways to feel re-energized thanks to simple items that can fit in your purse like cheese, tea and edamame – which contains 11 grams of protein per half cup serving.

Two other important topics to be discussed are menopause and sex drive. One expert on the show suggests using progesterone cream to re-boost sex drive and even help stabilize hormone levels.

Yet another expert featured on this episode will explain how what you eat, and changing what you eat can help normalize your blood sugar levels and fight off weight gain and fatigue. (more…)