Tag Archives: california raisins

Valerie Waters on Celebrity Fitness, Postpartum Nutrition and Blissdom 2025

Valerie Waters is a celebrity trainer who has an approachable take on fitness. Also a spokesperson for California Raisins, she’s actively living a healthy life and works to help others, whether her clients or fans, do the same. She has nearly 20 years experience in the business, has worked with such names as Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Garner and Jessica Biel, and regularly appears in some of the most watched morning shows and read magazines.

We spoke with Valerie Waters about what it takes to get fit like a celebrity, how to tackle postpartum nutrition, and about her upcoming appearance with California Raisins at the 2025 Blissdom event. Her expert advice is some of the most realistic we’ve ever heard, and Hollywood or Hometown, you can apply it to your life.

Valerie on Celebrity Fitness

We asked Valerie what we can do at home to train like her clients. Her advice? You might be surprised to hear that it wasn’t expensive trainers, hours a day in the gym and fancy chef-prepared meals. Instead, it was “Decide that you want it.”

Valerie said her celeb clients aren’t any more interested in waking up early on dark and cold mornings to workout than we are, but when you make that commitment it’s no longer an option. “Then you’re not negotiating with yourself at six a.m.”

Watch Valerie speak more about this.


Re-Do Your Lunch to Win $5,000 with California Raisins

Think that you pack a lunch that  deserves an A+ in nutrition? Do you proclaim that your healthy snack could ace a taste test? If so, then the new California Raisins’ Let’s re-Do Lunch contest may be just the thing for you!

From now until  Nov 8, healthy lunch and snack photos and tips can be added to the California Raisins Facebook page for the opportunity to win a $5,000 cash prize, a year’s supply of California Raisins and a donation in your name to the food bank of your choice. What do you think your community could do with the help you can give, all just by making a few small changes to your lunch?

California Raisins make an amazing snack, a truly awesome addition to salad,  and even taste divine added to dessert. But don’t let these ideas be the ending point for your creativity: using bento boxes, pack a lunch of lots of small bites. Try new options for sandwich fillings including peanut butter and raisins, or even egg salad with a bit of hummus and raisins (yes, really!) mixed in. Raisins are a great source of fiber, naturally sweet with no added sugar, and rich in iron, which make them a fabulous addition to just about any meal. (more…)

Top 5 Foods to Economize Your Kitchen

Joining us in March as the Featured Guest Blogger of the Month is California Raisins. They’ve got a team of nutrition professionals who want to ensure all of us are living as healthy as possible, providing information about healthy, natural snacking and eating.

From gas to groceries, in these challenging economic times, Americans have become increasingly price conscious of their budget basics. While we may not be able to do much about the price of food, a few simple adjustments to our grocery list can help extend your food dollars.

The first step is to get creative and be positive. This is not the time for “ho-hum” thinking. Resourcefulness is one of Americans’ greatest qualities—put it to good use when you’re feeding your family. Think of foods that will give you the most nourishing bang for the buck. Often, this means going back to the basics, including: (more…)

Sweet Benefits of Healthy Snacking

Joining us in March as the Featured Guest Blogger of the Month is California Raisins. They’ve got a team of nutrition professionals who want to ensure all of us are living as healthy as possible, providing information about healthy, natural snacks.

Eating right is important not only during meals, but at snack time, too. Wise snacking delivers important nutrients throughout the day to maintain energy and help prevent overeating during mealtime.

But, when hunger hits, you don’t want to wind up empty-handed — planning is key. Keep snack-sized portions of healthy foods on hand at all times. Goodies such as low-fat, whole-grain crackers, nuts and dried fruits, such as California Raisins, are ideal. Put them in your lunch box or keep them in your desk drawer, gym bag or briefcase so you always have a healthy snack at the ready. California Raisins are an ideal source of all-natural energy and perfect for on-the-go snacking. Also, just one-quarter cup of raisins provides one fruit serving. (more…)

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Delicious Irish Soda Bread

Joining us in March as the Featured Guest Blogger of the Month is California Raisins. They’ve got a team of nutrition professionals who want to ensure all of us are living as healthy as possible, providing information about healthy, natural snacks.

The first St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in the United States date back to parades in the mid-1700s and to this day the tradition continues. Today, four-leaf clovers, wearing green, tales of Leprechauns, and of course, serving Irish foods to friends and family, are all iconic of a cheerful stateside St. Patrick’s Day celebration. One of the most popular Irish foods for St. Patrick’s Day festivities is Irish Soda Bread.

Irish Soda Bread is a dense quick bread that uses baking soda for leavening, rather than yeast, making it a quick and easy recipe to bake at home. Various recipes for soda bread are popular throughout Ireland, but American versions of Irish Soda Bread traditionally include California raisins, which add a scrumptious sweetness and also help to keep the soda bread moist. Raisins are naturally fat- and cholesterol-free and contain potassium, fiber and iron – all important to help keep up strength for St. Patrick’s Day merriment! Below is our guilt-free, yet indulgently delicious, Irish Soda Bread recipe made with the natural goodness of whole grains and raisins. (more…)

Raisin Awareness of Dental Health

california raisinsJoining us in March as the Featured Guest Blogger of the Month is California Raisins. They’ve got a team of nutrition professionals who want to ensure all of us are living as healthy as possible, providing information about healthy, natural snacks. See last week’s article about the benefits of Raisins and Walking.

We all know California Raisins are good for your diet and taste buds, but did you know they offer benefits for maintaining healthy choppers, too? A recent study conducted at the College of Dentistry, University of Illinois – Chicago (UIC), and published in the journal, Phytochemistry Letters, reveals raisins may benefit oral health. The fruit possesses antimicrobial phytochemicals that repress growth of some oral bacteria associated with dental cavities and gum disease! (more…)

Raisins and Walking — Smart Steps for Heart Health

julie miller jonesFilling the Featured Guest Blogger of the Month for March is Julie Miller Jones, Ph.D., L.N., CNS, a professor emeritus of The College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Minnesota. She also serves as the national nutrition advisor for the California Raisin Marketing Board.

On the heels of national Heart Health Month, there’s good news for older Americans. A new University of Connecticut study, published in the journal Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental, finds eating raisins and walking may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease for both women and men in the 50 to 70 year-old age range. Raisins are not only fat and cholesterol-free, they also contribute heart-healthy components, such as fiber, potassium, and antioxidants. (more…)

6 Tips for Staying Trim on a Budget with California Raisins

Who isn’t worried about money these days? With job insecurity, stock market tumbles and rising energy costs, most of us don’t have the money to spend on expensive ways to get in shape. Well, thanks to celebrity fitness trainer Valerie Waters and the California Raisins, you can learn tips on how to trim both your body and your budget in 2025.

“Getting in shape requires will power, not spending power,” said Waters. “There are many simple ways to attain fitness goals through diet, exercise and simple planning that will slim your waistline without slimming your wallet.” (more…)