Tag Archives: cancer prevention

Starving Alternate Days May be the Key to Lifelong Health

Scientist have made some tall claims before, but this newest one may top the list. A recent study shows that starving or fasting off and on can boost brain power, help weight loss, and ultimately help one live longer.

This research was performed by the National Institute for Aging. They based their study off of an animal study. In the animal study, lab animals were given the bare minimum of calories required to sustain them. Results showed these animals lived twice as long as those fed more calories.

After the animal study, humans were tested. This type of diet was found to protect the heart, circulatory system, Alzheimer’s and other age-related diseases.

Another angle of the study showed how the diet effected insulin production, the regulator of sugar. In the animal test, regular lab mice were compared to fasting lab mice. Those who fasted on alternate days needed to produce less insulin. Higher insulin production is associated with lower brain power and the risk of diabetes.


6 Ways to Slash Your Colon Cancer Risk

By Michelle Schoffro Cook for Care2.com

Colon cancer is one of the most preventable types of cancers. Making some simple dietary and lifestyle changes can cut your risk in half. Here’s how:

1. Eat more vegetables. We know we should eat more veggies. Research shows that eating more vegetables can cut a person’s risk of colon cancer in half. Eat a daily salad, a homemade vegetable soup, or add steamed or sauteed veggies to your main dish. Better yet, make vegetables the main course and meat the side dish.

2. Avoid foods high in saturated fats and nitrates. That includes processed luncheon meats, bacon, cold cuts, hot dogs, and sausage. The saturated fat is linked to inflammation while the nitrates they contain are known carcinogens.

3. Choose chicken (or turkey or Brazil nuts). According to a study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, eating lean chicken several times a week decreases a person’s chances of developing precancerous polyps in the colon by 21 percent and the risk of malignant tumors by 39 percent. Researchers believe the mineral selenium may be to thank. Looking for vegetarian sources of selenium? Choose Brazil nuts, which are one of the best sources of this mineral. Brown rice and walnuts are also good sources.


5 Minerals for Cancer Prevention

By Michelle Schoffro Cook for Care2.com

Minerals are essential in cancer prevention. Here are 5 of the top cancer-prevention minerals:

1. Calcium: A proven protector against colon cancer, this mineral is integral for maintaining the health of bones and teeth, blood clotting, and cellular metabolism. Excellent sources of calcium include: nuts and seeds, carrot juice, dark green vegetables, salmon and sardines.

2. Iodine: This mineral is found in sea vegetables like kelp, dulse, and Celtic sea salt. It helps protect the body from breast cancer and is required for energy and the growth and repair of healthy tissues.

3. Magnesium: This mineral protects against cancer in general, maintains the pH balance of the blood, as well as aids the formation of your body’s genetic material RNA and DNA. While damaged genetic material can put you at risk for cancer, magnesium helps with the repair work. It is found in many foods, including: nuts, fish, brown rice, whole grains, and green vegetables.


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. During this month, there is an added push to make people aware of this devastating disease and help them learn all they can as we all fight to end it forever. As research is being done everyday, we can’t wait to hear when the eventual cure is found. Until then, prevention and education are our strongest weapons.

We’ve collected many useful pieces to help educate and inform as we all work to find a cure.

Diet and Breast Cancer

There are many studies connecting the relationship between diet and cancer, specifically breast cancer. The research is yielding new findings all the time. Staying aware is often key in cure and prevention.

Weight Loss and Breast Cancer
Obesity has been linked to cancer in some studies. Learn how a healthy body weight can be a powerful cancer prevention method. Also read how the consumption of high fat foods can play a role in cancer connections.

Breast Cancer Prevention Diet
Dr. Bob Arnot, NBC News chief medical correspondent, has written a book outlining studies that point to certain lifestyle choices including diet, that may prevent breast cancer.


Are Hot Dogs as Dangerous as Cigarettes?

It’s no surprise why there are warning labels on cigarettes and other tobacco products. The research shows that they cause cancer. No one contests that point. But what about other products? When there is research pointing out a true risk, should there be a warning on those items too? The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine thinks so and you may be surprised what product they’re currently comparing to cigarettes: hot dogs.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a Washington, D.C. group that promotes preventive medicine and a vegan diet, has recently launched an ad campaign likening hot dogs to cigarettes. The group’s intention is to make consumers aware of a link between colorectal cancer and hot dogs. Based off research, the committee believes that hot dogs and other processed meats should come with a warning label, just like cigarettes.

The medical committee has done their research and has very valid points for their arguments. Studies from the World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research have made a clear connection between processed meats and colorectal cancer. The research shows that a single 50-gram serving of processed meat a day increases the risk of colorectal cancer, on average, by 21 percent. A typical hot dog contains 50 grams of processed meat. Other meats that are highly processed are deli meats, ham, sausage, bacon and pepperoni.


Parsley May Help Prevent or Slow the Growth of Breast Cancer

A lot of people consider parsley to be no more than an annoying garnish on your dinner plate, but a recent study from researchers at the University of Missouri reported recently that the seemingly innocuous herb may contain properties that prevent certain breast cancer cells from spreading or growing.

In this study, researchers exposed rats with a certain type of breast cancer to a common compound called apigenin, which is found in parsley, along with other plant products. They found the rats that were exposed to this compound developed fewer tumors and experienced a delay in tumor formation.

According to FoxNews.com, apigenin is most prevalent in parsley and celery, but can also be found in apples, oranges, nuts and other plant products. Researchers believe these findings could impact women with breast cancer as well as women on certain hormone replacement therapies.


March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

March might be almost over, but it isn’t too late to note that it is Colorectal Cancer Awareness month. More than 50,000 people – one every 9.3 minutes – die from colon cancer each year, despite the fact that it’s the most treatable cancer when detected early through proper screening. Olympus, the Colon Cancer Alliance and Colorectal Cancer Coalition, is encouraging all Americans to help beat colon cancer by learning more and committing to be screened for the disease.

The National Cancer Institute estimates that 35 percent of cancer deaths may be linked to dietary factors. In honor of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, check out some new colon cancer fighting food facts below and start to incorporate some of these healthy foods into your own diet.


Potassium Iodine Sells Out in Radiation Fears

With fears and tension at an all-time high in Japan as they deal with the worst natural tragedy in the country’s history, they are also dealing with a bigger and much less natural threat: nuclear radiation.

In the wake of this frightening threat, citizens have taken to buying up supplies of potassium iodine, which helps combat the effects of radiation exposure.

The interest in the supplement isn’t just restricted to Japan. There are reports of people scooping up bottles of potassium iodine on the West Coast of the U.S. and they are being sold at a rapid pace online. Troy Jones, owner of nukepills.com says he gets an order every 30 seconds and has already sold more than 50,000 doses of pills and liquid since the earthquake in Japan.

Scientists and nuclear experts are saying that stockpiling potassium iodine is not necessary, since there is no expectation of radiation reaching the U.S. (more…)

Spring Break Skin Care Tips for Sun Protection

Out of all the things preoccupying your mind as you prepare for Spring Break, I doubt that skin cancer and premature aging receive the priority that they need. It’s easy to ignore the dangers of poor skincare during life’s care free, unadulterated moments but I assure you that the consequences could be dire. Preventing skin disorders and diseases is easier than you think, it just takes a little bit of careful planning.

UV rays cause the most damage during midday. Avoid the sun between the hours of 10:00 and 4:00. If you can’t resist the beach (and really, who can?) then make sure you take appropriate measures to protect your skin.


Antioxidants on Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz Medical ShowTune in to Dr. Oz Wednesday, March 9 for Ultimate Checklist: Antioxidants. This nutrient is present in many green leafy vegetables, but many people underestimate its importance in their daily diets. Antioxidants can help you body fight disease, cancer and even help you look younger.

How do antioxidants keep us from getting sick? By fighting unstable molecules, known as free radicals, that can cause cell damage. Find out why you should add broccoli, kale and Brussel sprouts to your shopping list, plus learn about a great drink that’s also chock-full of antioxidants.


National Nutrition Month is Here, Eat Right with Color

March is National Nutrition Month, the perfect time to start shaping up your diet and celebrating this year’s theme: “Eat Right with Color.” Nothing brings more color to a plate than delicious fruits and vegetables. Everyone knows that eating fruits and vegetables is important to good nutrition. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber that your body needs to feel healthy and energized, and may help reduce the risk of obesity and many diseases, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some cancers.

Fruits and vegetables are the most colorful items on any plate. The new 2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans say we should fill half our plates with colorful fruits and vegetables at every meal and snack. The good news is that increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables your family eats is easy because they come in so many delicious forms and varieties! Fresh, frozen, canned and dried fruits and vegetables, as well as 100 percent fruit and vegetable juices, each contribute to a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
