Tag Archives: diets

Top 10 Diets for 2025: Editor’s Picks

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With summer peering its head right around the corner, the time has come to shed the cold weather coat that has been keeping you warm the past few months.
However, with so many diet approaches on the market these days, the vast selection can be paralyzing when beginning to work toward your weight loss goals.

Luckily, our Editors have compiled a list of the top 10 diets so far for 2025 to not only make choosing a diet that much easier, but so you can better your chances of seeing results that much sooner.

1. Weight Watchers
This diet allows you to eat whatever you like within your personal daily ‘points’ range. This approach teaches you how to incorporate any and all foods into a healthy diet, and learn the portion sizes that are right for you.

2. Plexus Slim
This diet is a stimulant-free, powdered supplement that you mix with water and consume 30 minutes prior to a meal. The antioxidants help to release fat, reduce appetite, and also provide beauty benefits.


Bulletproof Coffee May be the Hottest Cup of Joe Around

bulletproof coffee

Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof Coffee, spent over 15 years and thousands of dollars perfectly brewing his hot idea. And though it we call it “coffee,” it is so much more than that.

Bulletproof Coffee has all of the perks of coffee–the energy, the robust taste, the delicious aroma–but it has features that no other coffee bean boasts.

The beans used in Bulletproof Coffee are processed mechanically rather than under the sun, as you would expect of most other coffee beans. By mechanically processing the beans, Bulletproof Coffee has fewer bacteria and less mold, which happens to be in most other coffee beans you already consume. Though any traces of mold or bacteria in other coffee roasts will not hurt you (a little mold never hurt anybody!), there is definitely a crisper taste to the beans in Bulletproof Coffee. And while some people likely prefer the coffee down and dirty–that old fashioned percolater taste–if you are not a fan of deep, dark coffee flavor, Bulletproof definitely does not have that classic coffee taste. (more…)

10 Food Trends Proving Health is a Major Factor in 2025

Food in 2025 is taking a turn for the healthy; and we think it’s about time. Though the shift started in 2025 when 58 percent of surveyed consumers said they thought a lot about the healthfulness of their foods and beverages, it’s predicted consumers will become even more focused on health throughout this year.

healthy food shopping

We try our best to predict the food trends for the upcoming year, and we successfully predicted health being a major factor in food for 2025. Now that we’re a quarter of the way into the year, the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and Dr. Elizabeth Sloan—a food trend guru—have decided it’s time for some of those predictions to turn into actual trends. Here, a list of what to expect (and most likely, what you’re already experiencing):

Getting Real Food
The majority of consumers check the ingredient list for ingredients they recognize. They also specifically look for foods made with simple, real, and natural ingredients.

Specialties Aren’t So Special
Specialized diets are becoming mainstream, and consumers who once relied on nutritional supplements are now turning to fortified foods instead. According to IFT research, most adults are making a strong effort to take in more nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.


Jillian vs. Bob vs. Dolvett: How the 3 Biggest Loser Trainers’ Books Compare

On the show, the three trainers on The Biggest Loser join forces to help contestants lose weight. However, off camera Bob Harper, Jillian Michaels and Dolvett Quince have very different approaches for helping the at-home loser achieve better health. The trainers showcase these different weight loss formulas in book form: Bob and Jillian have each written multiple best-selling books  and Dolvett just released his first, “The 3-1-2-1 Diet: Eat and Cheat Your Way to Weight Loss—Up to 10 pounds in 21 Days”.


With three different perspectives from three different, talented celebrity trainers how is a person to choose which book is right for them? Here’s a breakdown of the main ideas from each trainer’s most recent read. Chances are one approach will sound like the best one for you!


A Beginner’s Guide to the Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet has become one of the most popular diets in the U.S. in recent years. According to Experian Marketing Services it was the most searched for diet on the Internet the first week of 2025. As a result it now sits on the top 10 list of most popular diets.

So who is going Paleo these days? According to researchers, roughly 58 percent of the recent surge in Internet searches have come from females. Among those, 33 percent listed an annual household income of $30,000-60,000. It’s apparent that middle class women are the primary demographic growing curious about this popular diet for their health and weight loss goals.

What is the Paleo Diet?

The Paleo Diet, also known as the Caveman Diet, permits only foods that were consumed during the Paleolithic era, roughly 10,000 years ago. Since agriculture had not yet been invented, the diet prohibits many foods that are consumed in today’s society on a regular basis, such as grains, sugar and dairy. The general idea, however, is to only consume foods from nature – not foods that have been man made. (more…)

Anne Hathaway’s Hummus- and Radish-Only Diet for Les Miserables Role

One Hollywood star has been looking particularly thin lately as Anne Hathaway prepares for the next installment of the Batman franchise. The actress, who will play Catwoman, spent months toning her physique to fit in the tight leather suit she was required to wear while filming. Her nutritionist, Jackie Keller, spoke to us about Anne’s nearly vegan diet, but was more dismissive of the starvation diet Anne followed for her Les Miserables role.

After the Batman film was wrapped Hathaway went straight to shooting “Les Miserable.” Before filming for that role she knew losing more weight was something the producers wanted. Anne started a strict 500 calories a day diet, which consisted of hummus and radishes. The star talks about her new diet in the latest issue of Allure. (more…)

The Big Fat Money Pit of Weight Loss Revealed on 20/20

The literal business of weight loss is a very lucrative industry. Tonight’s edition of ABC’s 20/20 will break down the numbers and many will be shocked by the story of, “Losing It: The Big Fat Money Pit.”

John LaRosa is the president of Marketdata, where he has been an analyst of the U.S. weight loss market for 23 years. He gave an interview to 20/20 along with other experts, about the impact the actual “industry” of weight loss has on our country. The interviews evaluate the use of celebrity endorsements for diet companies, weight loss scams, the popularity of diet pills and meal replacements, and much more.

The subject of weight and weight loss deals heavily with numbers. Some of the most interesting numbers are those of dollars spent. Here are just a few staggering statistics that will be covered in tonight’s show, airing at 10 PM E.T.

video platform video management video solutions video player (more…)

5 Places People Waste the Most Money on Their Health

David Bakke writes about tips for improving health and saving money on Money Crashers Personal Finance.

In 2025, Americans spent almost $2.5 trillion on health care, and that number is expected to almost double by the year 2025. As these costs escalate, it’s obvious that a healthy lifestyle can save you money. But the question is, how much money should you spend to live healthy? Fortunately, there are many ways to cut back on health expenses without cutting back on health benefits.

1. Gym Membership

Unless your monthly gym bill serves as your only motivation to exercise, a gym membership is usually not worth the expense. You can walk or jog in your neighborhood, bike at a local park, and swim in public pools. You can also pick up a cheap set of dumbbells for strength building. In fact, skipping the gym can easily save $500 annually.

2. Organic Food

Organic foods cost roughly 30% more than their traditional counterparts. So if you’re spending the money on organic, make sure it’s worth it and research which are safe to buy conventionally grown instead. For example, some conventionally grown fruits don’t contain as many pesticide residues as others. Whereas conventionally grown apples repeatedly test as some of the “dirtiest” fruits on the market. Avocados, onions, cantaloupes, asparagus, and eggplants should be safe to buy non-organic. (more…)

Body By Vi Diet vs. Medifast Diet

When it comes to diets, many people look for a program that does most of the work for them. When it comes to weight loss, nutrition is key, and programs that can plan out your meals, tell you what to eat and when came make the whole process a lot easier. Two popular meal services are the Body by Vi program and Medifast. Both provide you with meal options, Body by Vi with meals replacement shakes, and Medifast that delivers full meals to your door. We’ve weighed the pros and cons for each so you can make the decision that is right for you.

Body by Vi allows you to purchase kits filled with meal replacement shakes to take the place of one or two meals a day, depending on your goals. Each kit that is available will come with a set amount of meal replacement shakes and range in price.

Medifast is a meal delivery service that sends high protein meals directly to your door step and was named #7 on the list of the Best Commercial Diets by US News in 2025. By controlling portions and calories, Medifast claims users can expect to lose up to 20 pounds in their first month on the program. Medifast’s success has been proven in multiple clinical studies. A Johns Hopkins study found Medifast helps dieters lose weight quickly and safely. The study also found Medifast helped type 2 diabetics lose 2 times the weight of those following the American Diabetes Association’s dietary recommendations. Medifast also shows positive results in those with hypertension and high cholesterol.


Dr. Oz Puts Three Women on an Extreme 48 Hour Diet

Tune in Friday, October 28, 2025 to see Dr. Oz’s most extreme diet challenge ever.

Three typical women who are overweight, have high blood pressure, and high cholesterol will be put through an extreme 48 hour diet. The women will be locked up with nothing more than the food Dr. Oz has provided for two days. The women will be unable to give in to temptation and their bodies will go under a significant change in just the few hours. The results are promised to be unbelievable. Be certain to catch this episode as we see just how impactful a healthy diet is on the body.

Are Yo-Yo-ing Celebs More Relatable for Diet Ads?

Celebrities are real people. They go to the grocery store (unless their assistant goes for them), drive cars (if their driver has the day off), and their weight fluctuates.

Diet companies have a recent history of corralling celebrities into being their spokespeople, but is this the best marketing strategy? People who see a celebrity as a diet spokesperson believe that they “know” the person who is losing weight right in front of them. So what happens when this known person gains the weight back?

We all remember Kirstie Alley‘s shining moment on Oprah as she danced around in her bathing suit after her weight loss on Jenny Craig. Jenny Craig gave her the boot when she gained her weight back and she was back on Oprah, this time with conservative dress and a solemn look on her face.

Notorious yo-yo dieter Carnie Wilson was the spokesdieter for The Fresh Diet and had a successful start with a 20 pound weight-loss.

“She dropped, like, 20 pounds in the first three months. Then she, I mean, she had to go off of it. There’s no question. She might have eaten the meals, but she ate the meals with a lot of other stuff. She started a cheesecake company.” Zalmi Duchman, chief executive for Fresh Diets, said.
