Tag Archives: Dukan diet

Google World Diet Trends for 2025: Dukan and Atkins Compete for World’s Most Popular Diet


Hands up if you vowed to lose a few pounds in 2025 by following a diet plan? You’re not alone.

If you want to find the latest and greatest in, well, anything, you probably head to Google and researching a diet plan that fits your lifestyle is no exception. From only eating food that a caveman would eat (Paleo diet), to half-hearted vegetarianism (flexitarianism), there were certainly a wide variety of diets to choose from in 2025.

According to Google research done by Aetna International, one of the world’s leading health benefits providers, the most searched-for weight loss programs online were two high-protein, low-carb diets: The Dukan Diet and Atkins.


One Big Problem with High-Protein Diets: Eating Mostly Meat Shortens Life Span

Almost all of today’s most popular diets are low-carb, high-protein. Atkins has been big for decades; Paleo is an ever-expanding movement, thanks in part to its following of cross-fit fans; and other plans like Dukan, Medifast, and Southbeach aren’t got anywhere anytime soon. But, while this eating formula may result in noticeable weight loss for most folks, a new study, profiled in a Huffington Post article, suggests high-protein diets may also shorten your life. That’s a pretty big deal.


Here’s what we know:

  • Diets that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates help the body shed fat. There are two main reasons for this: Protein is harder for the body to digest than other nutrients so you automatically burn extra calories as you digest and metabolize it. Also, proteins are more filling than many other types of food. Eat a bowl of pasta and you may be hungry again within the hour. Eat a chicken breast and you may forget to eat your snack.  (more…)

Dukan Diet Founder Faces Ethics Hearing for Suggesting Teens be Rewarded on Tests for a Healthy Weight

Dr. Pierre Dukan, the French founder of the controversial Dukan Diet, is facing an ethics hearing for his suggestion that French high school students should be rewarded on exams for not being overweight.

Dukan, who’s wildly successful high-protein, low-carb diet has a celebrity following that includes Kate Middleton, made a public recommendation that France’s baccalaureate exam include an “anti-obesity” section that students can pass by staying within their recommended weight range. The exam is required for 17 year olds to finish high school and enter college.

Health professionals immediately responded to the comment, outraged, and the French College of Physicians says Dukan violated the country’s medical ethics code that states “a doctor must be aware of the repercussions his views can have on the public.” The College claims Dukan’s statements were reckless and could do damage to overweight teens and those struggling with eating disorders.


“Everything about this is wrong,” Dr. David Katz, director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center, told ABC News. “It’s wrong because it invites eating disorders. It’s wrong because weight has nothing to do with academic performance… and the notion that weight is a behavior that should incentivized is just wrong. Weight is an outcome. We should incentivize things people can control.”


Dukan Diet Author Promotes Higher Grades for France’s Healthy Children

by Kelsey Murray

Pierre Dukan is the author of The Dukan Diet, and his books have sold millions of copies around the world, thanks in no small part to being Kate Middleton’s rumored diet. Now, the author is dipping his toes into the political arena by offering advice concerning the national obesity problem.

Dukan suggested to the future president of France that students should receive higher marks for staying within a specified body mass index range.

“For those who don’t need to lose weight, it wouldn’t change anything,” said Dukan. “For the others, it would motivate them.”

Dukan says that half of the population is overweight and that this trend has doubled in the past 12 years. He seems to think that targeting students under the age of 18 is one way to curb this problem. (more…)

Most Popular Celebrity Diet Fads of 2025

Dukan Diets, 5-factor, baby food, blueprint cleanseFact-checked or not, there’s nothing quite like a celebrity endorsement to make a diet’s popularity skyrocket. In 2025, we saw a number of diets get big attention thanks to “inside sources” claiming they were the secret to a star’s slim figure. On the other hand, many diet plans are willing to write big checks in order to put a celebrity face on their advertisements. Here’s a look at the biggest celebrity diet trends of the past year.

1) Dukan Diet

After mother-of-the-bride Carole Middleton said she lost a few pounds on the Dukan Diet, rumors flew that the Duchess of Cambridge was also following the super-low carb diet. Although it was never confirmed that Kate was dieting at all, The Dukan Diet by Dr. Pierre Dukan quickly became a best seller in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

2) Baby Food Diet

Named one of the worst celebrity diets by the British Dietetic Association, the mushy origins of this diet go back to Madonna’s glory days. Supposedly created by celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson, the diet blew up in 2025 when tabloids claimed that baby food was the secret to Lady Gaga’s slim figure. The star refuted the claims, but this did nothing to quell the diet’s popularly.


Kate Middleton’s Diet Not to be Revealed on NBC’s Inside the Royal Marriage

Royal watchers will get an inside look at the first six months of marriage for Prince William and his new wife, the Duchess of Cambridge, in a special airing on NBC December 13. Hosted by Natalie Morales, “William & Kate: Inside the Royal Marriage” will delve deep into the personal lives of these newlyweds. Today we spoke with Matt Drury, executive producer, and Chris Jackson, Getty Images’ award-winning Royal photographer, who worked on the special and let us in on a little bit of what we’ll see on the program and what it’s like to work so closely with the couple.

We’ll see how William and Kate are building a private life that resembles normal as much as the most famous couple in the world can. Drury told us that their home is quite remote and that they do not have any live-in staff. He also noted some insight shared by Royal friend Ben Fogle, who said that the Duke and Duchess are very selective about the friends they associate with, suggesting an “informal agreement that if anyone does talk, they’ll very quickly find themselves banished from the inner circle.”

One of the things that no one ever discusses is Kate’s diet. In fact, Drury let us know that nothing about Kate’s diet will be revealed on the NBC special. (more…)

17 Day Diet Dethrones Weight Watchers as the Most Popular Diet in 2025

We’ve published our Most Popular Diets of the Year* list every December since 2025, and one brand has held on to the number one position that entire time. Until this year. In 2025 the 17 Day Diet jumped ahead of Weight Watchers. With one million copies sold, a Spanish version, a workbook, and a cookbook publishing March 2025, it’s no surprise that Dr. Mike Moreno’s 17 Day Diet was the most talked about weight loss program this year.

Weight Watchers maintained a strong position in the top 10, thanks in part to the new PointsPlus program and impressive endorsement from Jennifer Hudson.

Jillian Michaels has the most products on our list of 20, with three of her personal brands’ products holding positions in the top ten. She might have left The Biggest Loser, but her appeal is as big as ever. (more…)

Tune-In: An HCG Diet Experiment on Dr. Drew’s LifeChangers

Tune in Tuesday, October 4, 2025 as Dr. Drew addresses the HCG Diet.

Dr. Drew’s LifeChangers will follow a viewer as they complete the controversial HCG diet. The show will highlight the pros and cons of the newest diet craze and the episode will also feature a nutritionist explaining the dangers and benefits of other popular diets such as the Paleo diet, the gluten-free diet, and the Dukan diet.

Check out Tuesday’s show for lots of information regarding safe weight loss and weight maintenance.

Atkins Diet vs. Dukan Diet

The Dukan Diet: 2 Steps to Lose the Weight, 2 Steps to Keep It Off ForeverThe Dukan Diet is making a big splash in the English-speaking world, with many high-profile celebrities being linked to the French weight-loss plan. As the plan gains popularity, it’s often compared to the Atkins diet or described as the “French Atkins.” We decided to take a closer look at these two low-carb diet plans, to see how far the similarity goes.

For the purposes of this comparison I am using Dr. Atkin’s New Diet Revolution, the last book actually written by Dr. Robert Atkins before his death, and The Dukan Diet: 2 Steps to Lose the Weight, 2 Steps to Keep It Off Forever.


Both of these books are available online and in stores for less than $20.00. Both diets also have companion websites that can help users track their progress and get support from others who are following the plan. Both sites are free to use, but also sell additional products, such as Dukan Oat Bran or Atkins snack bars.


Kate Middleton and Mom Follow Dukan Diet

Kate MiddletonSeveral reports claim that Kate Middleton and her mother, Carole Middleton, are both following the Dukan diet. The Daily Mail reported in November that Carole lost four pounds in just four days during the first phase of the diet created by Pierre Dukan. The diet involves four stages, the first of which predominately consists of lean protein.

However, there has been much concern over Kate Middleton’s apparent weight loss. Rumor has is that she has been following the same diet plan as her mother although the matter has not been publicly confirmed. “It’s a hugely private matter,” a press aide told the Associated Press. The 5-foot-10 future Princess was once reported to weight 120 pounds, which is on the low end of what might be considered healthy.


Kate Middleton’s Mom Uses Dukan Diet Before Wedding

The rumors have been swirling for a while with regards to Kate Middleton and her weight, in preparation for her upcoming spring wedding ceremony. The tabloids have been reporting that Kate has followed the Dukan Diet, but the actual devotee to Dukan is Kate’s mom, Carole.

The elder Middleton, who is employed as a party planner, has been following the strict diet, which consists of several phases of no carb/low carb cycling since October. In the first four days, she reported to the UK’s Sunday Times that she had already lost four pounds.
