Tag Archives: eating disorders

Was Brittany Murphy’s Death Related to Her Weight?

brittany murphyAnother tragedy hit Hollywood this past Sunday, December 20, 2024. Actress Brittany Murphy, 32, died suddenly of cardiac arrest in Los Angeles. She was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center early on Sunday morning where she was pronounced dead on arrival, according to TMZ.com.

Murphy has starred in such films as “Clueless,” “8 Mile,” and “Don’t Say a Word.”


Tara Reid Gets Fit for Playboy

tara reidWhen American Pie was released in 1999, Tara Reid became a sensation almost overnight thanks to her All-American Girl looks and body. But fast-forward about five years, a botched tummy tuck and breast augmentation, a few stays in alcohol rehab treatment centers and a battle with anorexia and you have the script for an all-too familiar, albeit sad and tragic, story of Hollywood fame and fortune gone seriously wrong. (more…)

Born Round: The Secret History of a Full-Time Eater by Frank Bruni

born round frank bruniWhen most of us think of eating disorders, an image of a teen-aged girl or young woman enters into our minds: Sallow complexion, hollowed eyes, noodle-like arms, stick legs. We’ve all “seen” her. But what about closing your eyes and envisioning a  grown man, and not a gangly and lanky one, but rather an overweight gentleman who has battled bulimia, binge-eating disorder, laxative abuse, nighttime eating and an almost dangerous inherited love of food.

In fact, it was precisely the excess pounds and passion for food that landed author of Born Round: The Secret History of a Full-Time Eater, Frank Bruni, a job as the restaurant critic for The New York Times. In his nakedly honest memoir, Bruni chronicles his life as not just one of the most respected (and feared) food critics in the country, but also as a voracious eater whose relationship with food rendered him powerless over anything from convenience store eats to Chinese food delivery. (more…)

Tune In: Stephanie Pratt Discusses Her Bulimia on Tyra

stephanie-prattTune-in this Friday, September 25, to Tyra when Stephanie Pratt, The Hills actress, gets candid about her battle with bulimia.

In an exclusive interview with the talk-show host, the actress opens up about her struggle with bulimia including the pressure in Hollywood to stay thin, whether or not she engaged in the eating disorder while on the set of her hit MTV show, and how she finally decided to stop.

Stephanie is also featured on the cover of this week’s Us magazine as she further addresses her eating disorder.

Check with your local listings for exact show times.

Whitney Houston’s Journey to Health

Possessing some of the most powerful vocals in pop music, Whitney Houston is back on the music scene as she debuted her highly anticipated new album “I Look to You” on August 31, 2024.whitney houston i look to you

Set to appear on the season premiere of Oprah, a two-day event starting September 14, as the “music interview of the decade,” Whitney will answer some of Oprah‘s toughest questions on her life, including her drug abuse, divorce and the inspiration behind her long-awaited sixth album. (more…)

How to Overcome the Guilt of Overeating

depressed dieterI’m sure nearly everyone trying to manage their weight feels guilty when they overeat. There’s a reason they call it “stuffed.” It doesn’t feel good being bloated, especially after some time of eating reasonable portions and re-training the stomach to understand what a comfortable, full feels like.

My mom had a magnet on our refrigerator that said “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips!” Of course, there was a picture of a pig eating a piece of coconut cream pie on it. (Lest you think I come from a family of skinny-minnies, quite the contrary. Most adult women in my family weigh in the 200-300 pound range).

As a nutrition expert who works with emotional eating, eating disorders, and weight management I honestly think that magnet should say “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the mind.” While it doesn’t rhyme as well, I do think it is the true damage of overeating. The guilt people can carry can overwhelmingly sabotage any progress toward mindful, healthy eating. (more…)

Can Vegetariansim Mask an Eating Disorder?

Most of us know that when followed correctly, a vegetarian diet can be incredibly healthy for both humans and the planet. But what happens when someones’ intentions for being healthy go too far? According to the Journal of American Dietetic Association, twice as many teens and nearly double the number of young adults who had been vegetarians reported having used unhealthy means to control their weight like diet pills, laxatives, vomiting or diuretics, compared with those who had never been vegetarians.

These recent findings underscore a chicken-or-the-egg scenario: does being a vegetarian enable an adolescent to develop an eating disorder, or does the youth’s choice to become a vegetarian mask an underlying eating or body image issue? Health and nutrition experts see it as more of an issue with the latter, namely that there are predisposing factors that initially lead a child to choose to abstain from meat and also carry out unhealthy behaviors to control their weight. (more…)

Yoga: A New Way to Treat an Eating Disorder

In honor of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (February 22 – 28), we are investigating what some of the most current and effective therapies for treating this devastating disease.

As yoga has been met with open arms here in the West, medical science has also been quick to embrace this 5,000-year old Indian tradition. Recently, yoga has been used to address the psychological factors that enable a full-blown eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia. In fact, some of the most prominent eating disorder treatment centers in the country, like the Renfrew Center in Coconut Creek, Fla., and New York Presbyterian Hospital in White Plains, N.Y., incorporate gentle, meditative yoga courses into their regular treatment plan. (more…)

Celebrities Who’ve Battled Eating Disorders

As we continue to bring awareness to National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (February 22 – February 28), it is fitting that we highlight some of the more well-known cases of eating disorders that have affected some of Hollywood’s most talented starlets.

Nicole Richie and Victoria Beckham are well-known faces of eating disorders.

Nicole Richie and Victoria Beckham are well-known faces of eating disorders.

Tinseltown is known for its hypercritical attitude toward body image and weight. Female entertainers, by far, bear the sharper brunt of this fierce and oftentimes unfair sword than their male colleagues. From the latest media-bashing of Jessica Simpson to the dissection of Hollywood’s new mom’s post-baby bodies, there is little wonder why as many as 10 million females (and 1 million males) are fighting a life and death battle with an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia and millions more are struggling with binge eating disorder, according to the National Eating Disorder Association.

While no one wants to see anyone suffering from a disorder of any kind, celebrities who have been forthright about their weight struggles open up a dialogue for the rest of us who may be too shamed or too fearful to voice our stories.

Here is a look at the more well-publicized cases of eating disorders in young Hollywood women. (more…)

Educate Yourself During National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

national eating disorders awareness weekFebruary 22-28, 2024 is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. Eating disorders are serious, often life threatening, conditions that effect sufferer’s mentally, physically, and emotionally. Eating disorders generally include an unhealthy relationship with food and one’s own body image. Eating disorders effect millions of Americans and include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating, and orthorexia nervosa. The causes of eating disorders are complicated and not fully known; psychological issues, low self-esteem, trauma, interpersonal difficulties, cultural norms, learning, and biological factors can all be part of the problem. Treatment can also be very complicated and should be done by professionals. Treatment should include psychological and nutritional counseling; it may include inpatient treatment and medication management. (more…)

Wordless Wednesday: Get Real About Eating Disorders

national eating disorders awareness week

Feb. 22-28 is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week.