Tag Archives: flat belly diet

Liz Vaccariello Identifies Fat-Burning Super Foods in The Digest Diet

Burning fat is a pretty standard way to lose weight. Most of us think that the quickest way to fat loss is burning up the miles on a treadmill or sweating it out in a solid cardio class. However, Liz Vaccariello, editor-in-chief for Reader’s Digest, is promoting the fat-burning capability of the foods we eat. Yes, putting more food in your mouth to meet your weight loss goal is a thing. However, as she explains in her newest book The Digest Diet, it’s about putting the right foods in your mouth to lose fat.

“It’s a breakthrough food plan that shows you how to release fat from your body,” Liz told us in an interview. “[The Digest Diet] is the perfect nexus of healthy weight loss and fast weight loss.”

Fast and healthy? Surely that gets everyone’s attention.

Liz is also the author of two other wildly popular weight loss books, which she wrote in her previous position as editor-in-chief at Prevention Magazine. The Flat Belly Diet and 400-Calorie Fix both promote healthful eating for weight loss, but Liz says her new book has grown out of the newest research.

“This science on fat releasers didn’t exist five years ago,” she told us. “[The Digest Diet] is a more holistic approach that focuses on a broader range of food with more flexibility.” (more…)

The Digest Diet vs Flat Belly Diet

If you’re looking for a new book to help you in your weight loss journey, we may have a new suggestion for you – or two.

Much buzz is surrounding the recent release of the diet book “The Digest Diet,” which is written by Reader’s Digest Editor-in-Chief, Liz Vaccariello. You may recognize Vaccariello’s name from two of her other successful projects,the “Flat Belly Diet” and “400 Calorie Fix” – two books she co-authored while working for Prevention Magazine.

Because “The Digest Diet” (2025) and “Flat Belly Diet” (2025) can seem similar at first glance, we’ve done a side-by-side comparison of the two to set the likenesses and differences straight.

While both books claim to help dieters lose weight, they utilize different approaches and keep different principles in mind. We’ve broken the comparisons up into categories starting with their respective claims. (more…)

Coach Yourself Thin is Ideal for Weight Loss Candidates Ready to Invest in Themselves

By Dani Stone

Coach Yourself Thin: Five Steps to Retrain Your Mind, Reclaim Your Power, And Lose The Weight For Good is a weight management guide from authors Greg Hottinger, MPH, RD, and Michael Scholtz, MA, who created popular online weight loss programs like Biggest Loser Club and Prevention’s Flat Belly Diet. Their goal? To change your eating and exercise habits and help you avoid quick-fix mistakes by encouraging you to look at the root of your weight problem and diet challenges, then help you overcome your personal barriers. The book is part guide, part pep-talk and focuses on that inner voice inside all of us.

This may be their first collaboration on a book, but Hottinger, a registered dietitian and Scholtz, a professional weight loss coach, are not newcomers to the diet and fitness world. After meeting 15 years ago at Duke University Diet and Fitness Center, the two went on to create the health and wellness consulting firm NOVO Wellness, as well as the website.

In the opening chapters of Coach Yourself Thin, they explain, “We have observed that our most successful clients use a similar set of behavioral skills and strategies that empower them to make consistently healthy choices. We want to share these important and powerful tools with you so you can shift your thinking.” (more…)

February Giveaways Include FitBloggin, New Sonoma Diet, Flat Belly Diet and Chobani Greek Yogurt

Keep that fit and healthy new lifestyle going with some giveaways of products (and events!) that support your weight loss goals!

The New Sonoma Diet Giveaway

Two winners will each receive a copy of The New Sonoma Diet, an updated and improved version of Dr. Connie Guttersen’s bestselling health program.

See The New Sonoma Diet review.

Flat Belly Diet Book Giveaway

One winner will receive a copy of The Flat Belly Diet, from the editors of Prevention Magazine. Get the weight loss plan that boasts a 91 percent success rate!

See The Flat Belly Diet review.

FitBloggin’ 11 Ticket Giveaway

We’re hooking up one health-minded blogger with a free ticket to the FitBloggin’ 11 conference, scheduled for May 20-21, 2025 in Baltimore. (more…)

8 Awesome Ab Workouts to Help You Tone Your Midsection

Come bathing suit season, we all yearn to wake up one morning with washboard abs. To trim and tone your midsection, it takes more than the Flat Belly Diet to seek the six-pack you’ve always wanted.

Whether you’re trying to build muscle and reduce belly fat for health related-reasons, or simply so you can wear a bikini at the beach in six months, we looked into some of the latest and greatest ways you can tone your abs and seek better muscle definition.


New Flat Belly Diet and the Best Infomercial Exercise Products on the Rachael Ray Show

UPDATE: This episode will air again on June 29th, 2025.

Tune in this Wednesday, January 5 to the Rachael Ray Show for her New Year’s Shape Up episode!

It’s time to shake off those holiday pounds and start your healthy resolutions. See which weight-loss infomercial products make the cut in Rachael’s own Biggest Loser challenge. Dr. Ian Smith stops by to put some of the most popular fitness products you see all over the television to the test.

Then, find out how to lose eight pounds in five days and cinch your waistline while eating bread, pasta and tacos with the New Flat Belly Diet. (more…)

The Healthiest Diets for Women

Happy Black woman holding scaleWomen lose weight differently than men. At least, that’s the way it often appears. Men can just decide to cut out dessert and drop a pants size in a week, and yet, women can work out and eat as cleanly as possible, but look at a dessert and gain five pounds. It’s just not fair, is it? Why is this, and how can women stack the odds to be a bit more in their favor?

The reality is that, as a whole, men are larger and have more muscle than women, thanks to testosterone. Men are genetically designed to have a higher percentage of muscle and less fat, which works in favor of keeping them fit and allowing them to eat more calories. Several popular diet plans have taken these principals into account and have created programs specially designed for women. Here are some of the best diets for women:

weight watchersWeight Watchers

This program helps members by introducing healthier choices and physical activity into their lives. Weight Watchers was made popular by its POINTS system, which helps members learn how to have the foods they love and still lose weight. With in-person meetings, online support and even the new iPhone app, Weight Watchers is always there for support and guidance. (more…)

Rachael Ray and the Flat Belly Diet

Flat Belly DietThe Flat Belly Diet is centered around fat, but not just the kind around your waistline. It’s a book and eating philosophy put together by Liz Vaccariello and nutritionist Cynthia Sass of Prevention magazine. The plan centers around MUFAs (Monounsaturated Fatty Acids). Monounsaturated fat is liquid at room temperature, but may solidify in your refrigerator. They help reduce bad cholesterol levels in your blood and lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.

There is no shortage of eating with the Flat Belly Diet, as you are recommended to have four 400 calorie meals, all with a MUFA source. So what foods are rich in monounsaturated fatty acid? Foods high in MUFA include nuts, avocados, dark chocolate, sunflower oil, canola oil and Rachael Ray’s favorite- olive oil.

Check out this spotlight on the Rachael Ray show that recently aired.

7 New Diet Reviews including Flat Belly Diet, Hollywood Cookie Diet and Pink Patch

There’s always something new turning up in the diet world. That’s why we’re happy to introduce seven new reviews to our more than 330- always keeping you up to date with unbiased details about each and every one. If you’ve tried one of these diets or products- please share with the other site visitors either in the comments for this post, comments for the review or talk about it in the Live Chat.

Flat Belly DietThe Flat Belly Diet
A new release from Prevention magazine editors, claiming to have finally found the cure for belly fat- no exercise! The book suggests that by eating a diet rich in MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids), you can target the stomach to rid belly fat. While it has a 91% success rate- we’re not too sure of its lack of exercise.

The Pink Patch
Medicinal patches, makeway for the Pink Patch from Curb Your Cravings. The once-daily sticker contains yerba mate, a popular diet supplement that acts as an appetite suppressant. This weight loss method was made popular by its sister product, the Hoodia Patch.

Dancing with the Stars
No one anticipated the weight loss that this reality phenomenon would provide its stars- but that’s what happened and audiences have taken notice. While an actual DWTS “diet” has yet to be creative, those looking for a fun way to add in exercise should try the tango and cha-cha.

Sambazon AcaiSambazon Acai
Acai is that little berry from the Amazon that is supercharged with antioxidants and other healthy features like Omega 3, protein and fiber. No wonder its a Super Food! Sambazon is one of the leading producers of natural Acai products- like smoothies and capsules.

eDiets Deliciously Yours

Meal delivery programs have become an increasingly popular weight loss method. eDiets Deliciously Yours is their new meal delivery service promising chef-designed menus, fresh-delivered food and the freedom of choice. This new service has had a rough start due to customer service issues, but is not without its fans either.

Slim Shots
They look like the coffee creamer cups you’d find on a diner table, but instead they’re filled with a 20 calorie appetite suppressant. Taken twice a day, this hot new product is supposed to keep you from feeling hungry and ultimately shed pounds. The extra calories are no doubt attributed to the artificial vanilla flavor and sweetner.

Hollywood Cookie DietHollywood Cookie Diet
One diet that says go ahead- get your hand caught in the cookie jar. Hollywood celebs are chowing on cookies and losing weight. The cookies act as a meal replacement with 150 calories, 13 vitamins and minerals and 4 grams of fiber. They four flavors are delicious and filling- and keep you from grabbing a burger!