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Prevention's 400 Calorie Fix is a practical, calorie-counting eating plan that allows you to eat your favorite foods and still lose weight.
This non-gimmick diet created by the health experts at Prevention Magazine lays out a flexible eating plan in which you eat four, 400-calorie meals throughout the day for a total daily intake of 1,600 calories. By allowing your body to eat the foods you love while also practicing portion-control, you will feel satisfied and keep your metabolism fired up all day long.
The book provides 400 ideas, recipes and tips for what to eat when you're cooking for yourself, dining out, running through the drive-through or stopping by your favorite coffee place for a quick, on-the-go breakfast.
For those who want to lose weight quickly, the 400 Calorie Fix features a 2-Week Quick Slim diet that requires eating three, not four, 400-calorie meals a day for a total of 1,200 daily calories rather than the traditional 1,600. On the 2-Week Quick Slim, you are encouraged to add in a few extra exercise sessions each week, keep a food log, weigh yourself regularly and strictly adhere to the 400-calorie meals and recipes.
Prevention Magazine is also the brainchild behind the Flat Belly Diet and the Peanut Butter Diet.
The 400 Calorie Fix diet is available for purchase via the Prevention magazine website.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Can be used with any food, in any food setting or with the 400 Calorie Fix recipes given
- Practical and easily-applied in real-world settings
- Teaches portion control and moderation
- Offers structure and flexibility
- Teaches creative ways to eat your favorite foods and still stay true to your diet
- Requires that you monitor and count calories for every meal and snack
- Calorie of some foods may be difficult to estimate
- Promotes fast-food consumption
- May need to eat three, 400-calorie meals a day to lose weight and not the recommended four
The 400 Calorie Fix is a clear eating plan that allows you to eat four, 400-calorie meals every day in order to lose weight. Whether you grab a sandwich at Subway, enjoy happy hour with friends or cook a homemade dinner at home, by just allowing yourself 400 calories for each meal, you will not just stay in a calorie range that promotes weight loss but you'll feel satisfied, eat the foods you want to eat and keep your metabolism stoked all day long.
Here is what you need to do to follow the 400 Calorie Fix: Simply check the nutrition labels and serving sizes of your favorite foods, eat a 380 to 400 calorie portion anywhere or anytime and you're on your way to weight loss.
Prevention's 400-Calorie Fix provides you with 400 recipes,meal and snack ideas and dining-out guides that all have 400 calories or less. Plus, the pictures, clear portion instructions and variety of all of the 400 calorie fixes are creative, easy-to-understand and will accommodate a rainbow of taste-buds.
A day on the 400 Calorie Fix might look like this: A Hearty Egg Sandwich (recipe given) for breakfast. A McDonald's hamburger and vanilla ice-cream cone for lunch. Greek yogurt with blueberries, granola and honey for an afternoon snack and Crab Cakes and Mandarin Orange Salad for dinner (recipe given).
Sample some of the 400 Calorie Fix Recipes:
The book also features handy guides and lists to portion control examples, vending machine food favorites, movie theater eats, bar food and even ballpark fare.
The website is also filled with numerous 400-calorie ideas from sandwiches to snacks and from breakfasts to milkshakes.
Exercise is a hallmark feature of any Prevention Magazine diets. While the 400 Calorie Fix does not lay out a complete exercise plan, it does strongly encourage you to move more.
Prevention Magazine and its accompanying website is full of sample fitness routines that will accommodate any dieter's fitness and weight loss goals.
The 400-Calorie Fix by Prevention Magazine is a clear, calorie-counting diet in which no food or food-related event is off limits as long as you adhere the basic rules of the diet. Those rules are eating four, 400-calorie meals throughout the day in addition to getting in regular exercise and activity. For those who want to speed up weight loss, there is a 2-Week Quick Slim plan, which pares down the usual four meals a day to just three.
This practical and real-life diet plan is a perfect diet plan for anyone who requires both structure and flexibility in their weight loss plan. Just make sure you know how to read nutrition labels correctly and read up on the nutrition stats of restaurants before dining out.

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400 Calorie Fix
User Feedback
(Page 2 of 2, 34 total comments)Kaysandra
This is a great cookbook. You don't have to tweek anything. A good suggestion is to possibly eat three of the recipes from the book and two 100 calorie snacks to the meal plan and still stay under 1600 calories a day to loose weight. I used the cookbook for my 3-hour diet and still lost 14 lbs.
posted Apr 12th, 2010 1:16 pmjan
It sounds like a sensible and easy food plan and I ordered the book today.
posted Mar 10th, 2010 9:32 pmLooking forward to following the 2-week Quick Slim plan and seeing the results from following that.
I have not purchased the book, but I get the prevention magazine, and when I saw the article, I started counting my calories everyday...I don't drink soda anymore, and eat lots of fruits and veggies and proteins. I'm actually eating more and not starving..this plan is very effective..and since I started it, I have lost 40 pounds!
posted Mar 2nd, 2010 12:29 pmgigi
+just got the book....looks pretty a less calorie breafast , lunch and dinnerand you can have a snack thus eating every 3 hours
posted Mar 2nd, 2010 11:54 amMIKE
+It's just like other diets. You have to tweek it to make it work for you. I've incorporated aspects of atkins to make it work for me. Hamburgers a few times a week is bad but once in a while satifies any craving you might have without going for the double whopper with cheese.
posted Feb 19th, 2010 2:24 amjoe
Ashton makes some great points!!! I am started the 400 calorie diet yesterday but I am also only eating healthy foods on it! No fast food or junk. Lean meats, yogurt, nuts, oats, and veggies. I think if you balance the 2 this could be a productive diet!
posted Feb 18th, 2010 11:31 amashton
I hate to break it to everybody, but gimmicky-diets such as this one is NOT the way to go if you want to successfully lose weight and KEEP it off. First off, you need to eat at least every three hours or your body goes into survival mode in which it breaks down muscle rather than fat (which is why when you do diets like this you just can't seem to lose that pudge in the stomach). Another thing, if you want to diet-diet right. I'll make it simple: if you can't grow it or shoot it, don't eat it. [cheese and eggs being an exception] For example, you can grow potatoes, but you can't grow potato chips. Another thing, someone was right when they mentioned mc donalds has trans fat, which should be avoided by all means! Eat unsaturated fats, like nuts and avocado. Eat greens, eat grilled chicken, lean beef, and turkey. Stop making excuses to eat bad things by following diets like this. One last thing, you should diet to be HEALTHY. I don't think four meals a day, which consist of fast food and ice cream, sounds very healthy. Change the way you eat the RIGHT WAY and I promise you'll get the results you want.
posted Feb 13th, 2010 12:12 pmCarole
+I'm glad I've finally found something that works for me. I don't mind the calorie counting. It's a small price to pay for success!! Great book. Thank you , thank you thank you!!!
posted Jan 25th, 2010 3:54 pmchristie
+Definatly think this will work for me!..calorie countin with easy to follow guildlines, throw in some exercise! goodbye baby weight!!
posted Jan 12th, 2010 8:01 amJoseph A.
I like your article and it is knowledgeable point of view. Thank you very much for your advice of 400 calories per meals. God bless you.
posted Jan 11th, 2010 2:50 pmWebGoddess
That diet plan does seem to make a lot of sense. Most people will lose weight on a 1600 calorie diet with exercise. But I don't recommend eating much fast food; Subway isn't too awful but burger joints usually are loaded with trans fats.
posted Jan 7th, 2010 3:13 amAnnette
+Just got my book!!!! AWESOME diet! We're starting to realize that calorie counting is the only way to go in the weight loss struggle and I think this book is right on with the facts, and it's clear, informative, and looks delicious. I will never go to the movie without calorie information again. My favorite new recipe from the book is the Guava Pork tenderloin.
posted Jan 5th, 2010 5:39 pmSandy
How does the 400 calorie Fix differ from the Flat Belly Diet? Sounds very similar .
posted Dec 21st, 2009 12:05 pmSandi
+So easy- I wouldn't say it promotes Fast food consumption but if you do you can still stay within the guidelines.
posted Nov 19th, 2009 12:04 pm