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Prevention's 400 Calorie Fix is a practical, calorie-counting eating plan that allows you to eat your favorite foods and still lose weight.
This non-gimmick diet created by the health experts at Prevention Magazine lays out a flexible eating plan in which you eat four, 400-calorie meals throughout the day for a total daily intake of 1,600 calories. By allowing your body to eat the foods you love while also practicing portion-control, you will feel satisfied and keep your metabolism fired up all day long.
The book provides 400 ideas, recipes and tips for what to eat when you're cooking for yourself, dining out, running through the drive-through or stopping by your favorite coffee place for a quick, on-the-go breakfast.
For those who want to lose weight quickly, the 400 Calorie Fix features a 2-Week Quick Slim diet that requires eating three, not four, 400-calorie meals a day for a total of 1,200 daily calories rather than the traditional 1,600. On the 2-Week Quick Slim, you are encouraged to add in a few extra exercise sessions each week, keep a food log, weigh yourself regularly and strictly adhere to the 400-calorie meals and recipes.
Prevention Magazine is also the brainchild behind the Flat Belly Diet and the Peanut Butter Diet.
The 400 Calorie Fix diet is available for purchase via the Prevention magazine website.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Can be used with any food, in any food setting or with the 400 Calorie Fix recipes given
- Practical and easily-applied in real-world settings
- Teaches portion control and moderation
- Offers structure and flexibility
- Teaches creative ways to eat your favorite foods and still stay true to your diet
- Requires that you monitor and count calories for every meal and snack
- Calorie of some foods may be difficult to estimate
- Promotes fast-food consumption
- May need to eat three, 400-calorie meals a day to lose weight and not the recommended four
The 400 Calorie Fix is a clear eating plan that allows you to eat four, 400-calorie meals every day in order to lose weight. Whether you grab a sandwich at Subway, enjoy happy hour with friends or cook a homemade dinner at home, by just allowing yourself 400 calories for each meal, you will not just stay in a calorie range that promotes weight loss but you'll feel satisfied, eat the foods you want to eat and keep your metabolism stoked all day long.
Here is what you need to do to follow the 400 Calorie Fix: Simply check the nutrition labels and serving sizes of your favorite foods, eat a 380 to 400 calorie portion anywhere or anytime and you're on your way to weight loss.
Prevention's 400-Calorie Fix provides you with 400 recipes,meal and snack ideas and dining-out guides that all have 400 calories or less. Plus, the pictures, clear portion instructions and variety of all of the 400 calorie fixes are creative, easy-to-understand and will accommodate a rainbow of taste-buds.
A day on the 400 Calorie Fix might look like this: A Hearty Egg Sandwich (recipe given) for breakfast. A McDonald's hamburger and vanilla ice-cream cone for lunch. Greek yogurt with blueberries, granola and honey for an afternoon snack and Crab Cakes and Mandarin Orange Salad for dinner (recipe given).
Sample some of the 400 Calorie Fix Recipes:
The book also features handy guides and lists to portion control examples, vending machine food favorites, movie theater eats, bar food and even ballpark fare.
The website is also filled with numerous 400-calorie ideas from sandwiches to snacks and from breakfasts to milkshakes.
Exercise is a hallmark feature of any Prevention Magazine diets. While the 400 Calorie Fix does not lay out a complete exercise plan, it does strongly encourage you to move more.
Prevention Magazine and its accompanying website is full of sample fitness routines that will accommodate any dieter's fitness and weight loss goals.
The 400-Calorie Fix by Prevention Magazine is a clear, calorie-counting diet in which no food or food-related event is off limits as long as you adhere the basic rules of the diet. Those rules are eating four, 400-calorie meals throughout the day in addition to getting in regular exercise and activity. For those who want to speed up weight loss, there is a 2-Week Quick Slim plan, which pares down the usual four meals a day to just three.
This practical and real-life diet plan is a perfect diet plan for anyone who requires both structure and flexibility in their weight loss plan. Just make sure you know how to read nutrition labels correctly and read up on the nutrition stats of restaurants before dining out.

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400 Calorie Fix
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 2, 34 total comments)Croaker Norge
+"Survival Mode"/"Starvation Mode" is a myth. At least in the developed world where waistlines continue to grow and food choices are plentiful. Eating every 3-4 hours doesn't keep you from "starving", it keeps you satisfied and in control. This book is a great baseline for making easy choices and the results are consistent week to week.
posted Dec 10th, 2011 11:38 pmAAnderson
+portion control is my worst thing about dieting ! I never know when ive had too much until its too late and ai ma stuffed. this seems like a good system to see results.
posted Sep 27th, 2011 4:09 pmKim
+I have been on this diet for 27 weeks and have lost more than 40 pounds. I have not changed my activity level, but do spend up to 2 hours a day working in my vegetable garden. I feel great. i eat what I want. I'm on 4 meals a day except Sunday when I eat 5. I also splurge occaisionally during the week for special occasions, but rarely more that once a month. It's very easy to get back on track after a special occasion.
posted Aug 10th, 2011 11:36 amSheila
I have been on this diet for 17 weeks. I have lost 23 pounds. I have added 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill. I have reduced my blood sugar, my cholestrol and my blood pressure. This is a plan I will be able to stick with for the rest of my life
posted May 26th, 2011 10:17 amSandie
My husband and I have been on this diet for over 6 weeks. First diet we have tried that we are not hungry on and it has stopped our night time TV snacking. My cholesterol went from 300 to 147. My doctor says keep doing what I'm doing. I have lost 14 pounds and my husband, 11. Mostly we cook from the recipes, but if we are out their are options. We love it and it has changed our relationship to food.
posted Mar 13th, 2011 1:54 pmMeganL
?Is the 400 calorie diet healthy?
+Honestly, I rate this 5 Stars..Why? because I have lost almost 8 lbs in not even 2 weeks yet�?�I opted for the 1200 fast weight loss quickstart, but I go between that and 1300 caloires, but every 5 lbs I lose, then I eat just under 2000 for the day and then back on it, as a matter of fact my 10lb, second Goal is coming up very soon, then I will be doing my �??cheat�?? which is just under 2000 calorie day again..LOVE THE DIET!! It Works, just need a little motivation with it (ex: a pair of jeans or a dress in the closet that is just a little too tight) use that for your �??motivation�?? if you can�??t find any other reason.
posted Feb 5th, 2011 12:01 amAudrey
+I've been on this "diet" for a week and have already lost 8 lbs and 2.5 inches off my stomach. It's really not a "diet" perse' as you can eat pretty much anything that is 400 calories. I have been eating the 3 meals, will do this for 2 weeks then go to 4. So if you want to eat junk 3 times a day at 400 calories, you'll still lose weight. Only exercise I've gotten is walking to my mailbox which is 1/8 mi from my door and back. I imagine I'd lose more if I really did exercise. :D
posted Feb 4th, 2011 11:48 pmdaniella
the diet doesn't promote fast food consumption, it just recognizes that fast-food is not always completely unavoidable in modern society. the diet gives you the ability to lose weight but still maintain a social life. having tried many diets, i would always hate going to a party and starving because i couldn't eat any of the food. it would leave me irritated, hungry, and wanting to leave before i got there!
posted Jan 29th, 2011 2:14 amthis diet is not telling you to go out and eat fast food 24/7 as long as it only has 400 cals, it provides loads of recipes to make at home but also shows you what to have if you're out with friends or not home to cook.
calorie counting is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. once people understand the balance of calories in to calories out, they can start to live a much healthier, slimmer lifestyle.
+I have lost 4.2 lbs, today is Friday and I started this week on Tuesday! LOVE it, not feeling hungry, doing the 1200 cal 2 week plan, my exercise is shopping! (walking) and playing with my kids. This diet is also in the WW magazine..Can't miss it, the letters are huge on the cover."Guarenteed Weight Loss". This diet was actually on The Doctors show before. You just have to 'make' it work for you, I like to graze all day mostly in am, but now my grazing has come to a halt, I drink cocoa and that fills me up for a while, and it is only 120 calories to take away from my 1200 budget;) Anyway, good luck folks!!
posted Jan 28th, 2011 4:32 pmPetRatLover
I bought this book to help meal plan for my diabetic husband - in less than a week his blood glucose readings have dropped over 100 points. He is on 5 meals of 400 calories each, and I am doing the three meals for a couple weeks. I feel a bit more slender already. What I like about this book is it stresses HEALTHY balanced eating while making you aware of just how over sized (and over fat, over everything) the typical restaurant, fast food and sadly, home served portions really are. This is I think is the least gimmicky diet I have ever encountered. It stresses 4 or 5 small meals spread throughout the day with very balanced meals, while allowing an occasional 400 calorie "real world" snack. I like it because it stress veggies, fruit, healthy fats, lean protein, fiber, limited salt, in an easy to apply manner - this book makes you AWARE of a poor diet, and gives you the knowledge to correct it. I believe eating this way could become habit forming, which I suppose is the whole object Oh, and someone earlier had remarked about not getting your sleep because you would have to get up and night to eat - I'm sure the author was referring to meals spaced through the day. I have not read anyplace in the book about sleeping 4 hours and then getting up to eat.
posted Jan 24th, 2011 12:29 amshazza
Hello i just got this book from if any1 is looking for it within australia. umm i will incorporate this with alot of veggies will be interesting to know portion sizing as i cannot will not live solely on junk fatty food yuck.
posted Jun 19th, 2010 1:35 amshazza
it's just easier to plan your meals/calories before you eat it.
posted Jun 19th, 2010 12:58 amBROOKSY
I am in Australia and I am having trouble finding this book anywhere here...At present to buy online from Prevention gives only the option of Canada or USA.
posted Jun 15th, 2010 7:26 pmbrooksy
I'm thinking about purchasing this book, but as most people can agree on here, fast foods shouldn't be considered as much, maybe once a month or just Subway (with a whole grain bun!). Since I started dieting, my fridge and cupboards have been more bland, because I just got rid of most of the junk in it. I want this book for the purpose of portion control (that's my problem), and it should help me cook a little more, which I think is fun. I'm 19 so I'm not much of a cook, this should help. :)
posted May 31st, 2010 5:37 pmJanet
I just received my two cookbooks - The 400 Calorie Fix and the 400 Calorie Fix Cookbook. I am using this in conjunction with the Flat Belly Diet Plan. The recipes look great and I love the fact that there are menu plans included. I can't wait to try the recipes out on my family. Healthy eating everyone.
posted May 24th, 2010 4:54 pmTree
I have ordered this book, because from what I have seen online, it seems doable. Now I am not going to eat at McDonalds or any other fast food place, I do not do that now. But I understand that for many people not having this option ever is what kills a diet.
posted May 5th, 2010 12:14 pmAshton points out that this diet is not healthy because you need to eat every 3-4 hours to prevent your body from going into survival mode (storing fat around the mid section and eating your muscle mass). What Ashton didn't do was the math. Under his math you are only allowed to sleep for 4 hours at a time, which is not healthy nor recommended. Individuals needs between 6.5 and 10 hours of sleep depending on the individual. For example sake lets use the 8 hours rule. If you sleep for 8 hours that leaves you awake for 16 hours. If you eat every 4 hours then you are eating 4 -400 calorie meals. For those who feel like a 400 calorie snack is to much for them there is the option of eating 2-200 calorie snacks to keep your metabolism going. This diet is based on the principal of eating every 4 hours. It is also based on the principle of eating enough to keep your body and brain going. I am excited to get the book, and see what other fun recipes. I have dietary restrictions, like I can't eat anything with artificial sweetners and so many diets rely on those items, but none of the preview recipes in this book did that instead they recomend non-fat greek yogurt (my favorite) and honey.
The one thing I will agree with Ashton on is that this needs to be a lifestyle, a short term change will lead to short term results with rebound at the end. This program looks doable as a lifestyle.
I have been looking for a good calorie driven diet for years. I have Crohn's so Atkins doesn't work for me any more. I need a diet that I can adjust to meet my dietary needs. I look forward to getting my book and getting started.
posted Apr 20th, 2010 12:03 pmRandi
This does NOT promote fast food consumption, but rather realizes that not everyone can fit their eating habits in to a box, and shows you what you can eat at varied restraunts. It does give great insight into how to eye portions when you might not be able to count calories. It also explains how much a portion of the various food groups really is. It also has a 4 star rating system for 4 important nutrition aspects. All in all, I think it's a great system for people needing to learn how to eat food in everyday life, not just diet-- which in all honesty is so much more important.
posted Apr 14th, 2010 3:17 pmdoing_it_rite
I started this recently and I really like it. Only one time in a week did I feel hunger pains. I also feel pretty full all the time. Focusing on 400 cals makes counting easy, and I am already getting better at estimating. I do eat about 500 cals for lunch and usually clock in at 1800 (as a male). I'm losing about 4 pounds a week. Even though the book suggest you can eat anything you will find yourself choosing more healthy foods since you know one thing can send you over the edge....I am also mixing it with the principles of south beach no bad carbs like mashed potatoes, a lot of pasta, etc.
posted Apr 13th, 2010 11:55 pm