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Body Building Diet

Body Building Diet

How to obtain that ripped physique for yourself.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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The Body Building Diet is a general acceptance amongst those who work to regularly develop muscle tone that a diet based on 40% carbohydrates, 40% protein and 20% fat will support the person’s weight training program while still supplying them with enough energy to accomplish their daily tasks and feel their best.

Often times, body builders will tout and even promote the use of protein powders, along with additional liquid supplements, to round out their program. It is curious why body builders have long supported this method of supplement delivery, however, upon further research and exploration, it is easy to see that these supplements, when ingested in liquid form, are digested more quickly, allowing the body builder to target nutrients to each individual workout.

Body builders have a long history of maintaining a healthy diet, and many diet programs today follow a few of the basic principles of a Body Building Diet, such as six mini meals, moderate carbohydrate intake, and food journaling.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Perfect for those individuals who love to eat

  • Synonymous with intense physical activity

  • Will have to purchase gym equipment or membership

  • Some women falsely believe that body building will make them look too bulky or less feminine


There are as many food programs within the Body Building Diet as there are body builders themselves. This is an individualistic sport; therefore, most people take pleasure in creating the precise diet program that works for them, and only them.

From Hugo Rivera at about.com, one can find excellent advice in how to “ease” into a Body Building Diet, over a 10 week period. The basic steps are simple, common sense and provide quick results; however, body building is not a quick fix to a weight issue, but rather, a new way of living one’s life. Therefore, to look at making long-term changes, experts agree that assimilating habits one by one and slowly over time is what facilitates new actions as new habits for life.


Body building is at its core, resistance activity. Whether gravity driven (free weights) or pulley driven (Nautilus™, Bowflex™, resistance bands), by forcing the muscles to resist against the kinetic motion, one increases the size of muscle cells within the muscle tissue, and larger muscles result. Because of the energy required to enlarge muscle cells, most always one also sees a reduction in the size of fat cells, as the lipids are utilized to provide energy to the muscle.

Body building is an anaerobic activity, in that it does not utilize oxygen. However, this allows for glucose storage, and sustained feelings of energy. In order to support other muscles such as the heart, most body builders also engage in aerobic activity as a supplement to their body building routine.

The internet provides extensive content regarding activity programs and menu plans. One should use caution however, and compare any advice given against common medical knowledge of healthy practices.


The Body Building Diet is not necessarily a diet, but rather, a lifestyle. Body builders have a heightened sense of awareness regarding food intake, and will often use food journaling as part of their daily routine. While diets come in a variety of packages, at their core, they are all a method for increasing awareness about one’s food intake, which will in turn, contribute to weight loss.


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sharafath khan


i need to know what nutrition food to take while body building

posted Dec 22nd, 2008 3:23 am


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