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Body by God

Body by God

Is the answer to your health concerns from the divine?

Top Rated Diets of 2024
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Sometimes it seems the answer has been right in front of you all along. Dr. Ben Lerner, a chiropractor, offers a plan that he calls the "undiet" Simply put... cutout the man-made foods and start enjoying the natural God-made foods. With natural foods, you don't have to worry about unhealthy fat, additives and chemicals being absorbed by your body.

Body By God outlines a five-part approach that will leave you 40 percent better after the 40 day plan. These include the Nutrition, Exercise, Peace Management, Time Management and The 40-Day Plan.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2024?

  • Includes exercise recommendations

  • Includes a stress management component

  • Vegetarian friendly

  • Very restrictive

  • Completely avoid all man-made foods/beverages


Body By God is a natural solution for meeting your weight loss goal. The plan even comes with a list of commandments dedicated followers should abide by:

  • No processed carbs, like pasta and bread, especially after lunch

  • Replace carbs between lunch and dinner with green veggies

  • No soda, tea or coffee. Replace these with plenty of water and vegetable juice.


Encourages at least three 30 minute exercise segments a week. The author stresses the need to schedule it.

The Fat Utilization Rate (F.U.R.), suggested by Dr. Lerner, means you can get away with 15 minutes of exercise each day. Just make sure you do it.


The 40 day reference is almost surely a play on the references to “40 days and 40 nights” in the Bible. It’s a little gimmicky, and maybe even in slightly bad taste. But if you can get past that and not being so hung up on it not including certain things that are also natural, and presumably “by God”, the general principles of avoiding man-made foods has merit.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Bodybygod, Body bygod, Body by god deit, god body diet

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(Page 2 of 2, 25 total comments)


I totally agree with KML, the 15 minutes of exercise a day that Body by God has outlined allowed me to get fit without spending hours in the gym!


YAY!!! I'm digging my new bod and feel fantastic. Forty days is nothing when I know I'm going to live a healthier life!!


It does seem pretty obvious... and yes Nancy a blessing. And just 15 minutes of exercise is great because I'm so busy.


Body by god truly has been a blessing... The 40-day plan came and went and I am still going strong with my new healthy body!


I agree with Nancy, but for me the 40-days was all I could handle... I do love the results though!


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