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Eat Right for Your Type

Eat Right for Your Type

Could the answer to your diet prayer be hidden in your blood type?

Top Rated Diets of 2025
BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND Start the Diet Now Advertisement

The Eat Right for Your Type plan, developed by Dr. Peter D'Adamo, helps individuals eat properly according to their blood type. When eating according to your blood type, you're able build a defense to many diseases like cancer and heart disease, with losing weight being a welcomed side effect. For instance, protein molecules found in poultry interact poorly with Type B blood, but have no impact on others. When these protein molecules are present in the body of a Type B, it causes blood to join together and hinders processes like digestion, immunity and energy. Once you determine your blood type, the plan is easy to follow as it guides you toward foods that are perfect for your type and steers you away from foods you have no business eating. In just a few short weeks, you'll begin to see results. The plan does not promise that you will lose weight but most people who have followed the Eat Right for Your Type plan lose weight and report an improved sense of health like better digestion and more energy.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Eat Right for Your Type offers clear instruction for what to and not to eat
  • Encourages consistent exercise for all blood types
  • Promotes nutritious and wholesome eating irrespective of blood type
  • Critics cite a lack of published evidence backing the blood type-based diet plan
  • May be too restrictive for some

Dr. D'Adamo has classified food into three groups for the Eat Right for Your Type plan- Beneficial, Neutral, Avoid. For each blood type, different food rules apply. For example, those with Blood Type A, meat, tomatoes, peppers, citrus and whole-fat dairy should be avoided. The plan includes a concise plan of foods to eat and the Eat Right for Your Type website includes scores of recipes that are categorized according to blood type.


The exercise recommendation on the Eat Right for Your Type plan are focused on improving total systemic health, mainly the functioning of the organs, glands, immune and circulatory systems of the body; as opposed to building muscle tissue. But building strength is a byproduct of following the recommended exercise plans. Each blood type will have certain exercise recommendations such as yoga for Blood Type A or aerobic exercise for Type B. The diet also includes information on the link between blood type, stress and exercise.


Experts have issues with the plan’s lack of scientific research to back Dr D’Adamo’s claims. But, they don't dispute that the food recommendations are healthy. For that reason, the Eat Right for Your Type diet plan may worth a shot if the idea intrigues you.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

eat right, eat right for your body, body type diet, body type deit

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(Page 1 of 2, 40 total comments)

Mike Gohr


I started this program and I really like it. I had a lot of acid reflex and is gone. I am overweight and eating all the wrong things. I have felt so bad for so long, I never new what it was to feel good. I am not going back to the old ways. I am a type O.

posted Oct 1st, 2014 12:08 am



January 1--hello New Years Resolution-- I did Dr. Oz's 3 day cleanse, which is basically a vegitarian's 3 day dream (not me--meat eater to the core), and then tried eating Paleo after the cleanse was over (YAY MEAT). I had severe stomach pains, probably from the lack of calories I was consuming, on day 5 (cleanse+diet). My husband suggested that maybe my body needs more carbs, so I did some research and found out my blood Type (A) could snack on Ezekiel Bread. I had one slice and was totally back to normal. Could still eat my veggies and meat and be fine for the rest of the day. Type A is supposed to be vegetarian, but I refuse to give up chicken, though, and am happy it is an "ok" meat. I just try to limit my intake, now. I appreciate the diet, because it helps you look at food differently, and get confused when other people say it is a "starvation" or "limiting" diet because he offers a long list of food that people SHOULD be eating. Sorry no Cheetos or taco bell items are listed... I have more energy and my belly is a little flatter, I am excited to have this information at 26 and before bikini season.

posted Jan 29th, 2013 5:55 pm


Angie, I went through the same thing with IBS. My doctor told me to "learn to live with it". After many years I got worse and worse, became housebound and was to the point of considering suicide. Then my homeopathic practioner recommended this and within two weeks I was out, walking around, going in stores and even going to restaurants.

IBS seems to be an issue for Type Os and I know from personal experience that this works! Right now I've found that I can substitute brown rice pasta for wheat and do okay, but if I add back wheat I'll start to have the IBS issues again.

posted Nov 10th, 2011 5:13 am


My homeopathic practioner recommended this several years ago. When I stick with it I feel good, have more energy, my IBS doesn't bother me. I've recommended it to many friends and have given the book to many of them. I've gotten away from it recently and will be getting my book back out to get back on track.

posted Nov 10th, 2011 5:01 am



I don't consider this a diet, it's a life style change.
I am 55 and in the middle of menopause. I had hot flashes about every 20 minutes, my mood was bad, and I was tired all the time.
I went to the doctor for medication and she informed she could not give me anything because of breast cancer in my family. She said read up on it and find natural cures for your symptoms. At first I was mad because I thought she was not helping me.
I started reading and came across the blood type diet. I was skeptical but I was desperate.
I am type O which means I can eat meat! No coffee, even though it's my only cheat with a cup a day.
I follow it completely but unlike others I can find things to eat at restaurants and since I was a pretty good cook before I make my own recipes.
I feel better, not one hot flash since the second day, and I have lost 8 lbs.
This life change has changed my life!

posted Oct 9th, 2011 7:57 pm


Hi! reading everyone's comments are great! Before I knew anything about the blood type thing I ate regular growing up until I went to college everything change. I stop eating a lot of thing my body didn't agree to anymore. and I was so much better espcially when you get tired of going back and for to the doctor. Than I found this book and it was everything I was doing:)))))) Which I am blood type A. One thing I notice on here from those who are negative about the book is that you failed to realize when you change thing to your body everyone react different. Some react quickly in a healthy way and not through withdral, while others seem to get sick because it like a person on drug when there body is use to something to them they think is not hurting them they are fine, but when they change there body crash. Thats why you have to be prepared and syptoms and illness you thought in your mind you didn't have be for. They where there they just never showed to you nor the test result until after ward when you started doing things you didn't do before to your body(changing your eating habits). But that why they came up with the food pyrmid which compares some what to what we need to eat between all blood types. In life everything is a balance and that includes what you eat. Example: If you used to be Vegan and you blood type O start eating lightly on the meats don't over kill. that starts problems and stress. Good day my lovly brother and sisters

posted Aug 20th, 2011 4:13 pm



I read the books when it 1st came out and thought, "yeah right". But as the years have gone on and my digestion gotten worse and worse, with healthy eating and no help from my doctors, I am going to try it. The only thing is that I don't tolerate fish and the O type diet calls for a lot of it..I will try a supplement for that. Since regular science can't seem to help I figure this can't hurt. Nothing more frustrating than a doctor telling you that you have IBS and you just have to eat right and try to manage your symptoms. Its crazy that nobody is addressing what is REALLY causing digestive disorders in people, even those who are healthy eaters and exercise regularly! I will update after I try it..I also ordered some O type supps from their site even though I already take very good supps.

posted May 12th, 2011 6:51 pm



I am a type a I have been eating as I have learned from J Damanos book He is awsome.. I dont know sicence but I do trust that dr. has made a huge difference in alot of peoples lives ..good differences..

posted Nov 15th, 2010 7:57 pm

Patsy Ellis


I have been on this diet for 1 month and I have lost 10 pounds and I can tell my son and husband lost too but we don't know how much because they did not weigh in at the beginning. Plus my son is in a wheelchair and we can't weigh him.
We all feel great and I feel like a new woman! can't wait to lose more and feel even better and look forward to living longer!

posted Oct 4th, 2010 7:11 pm

Lorraine Turner

I am a type B. apple shape, HBP/ 50yrs. I was eating most of the Avoid Food all the time, I do not cook with salt, nor do i eat out anymore, i cook fresh food. my BP keep raising did not know why, well i started eating from the Beneifical Food guide everything change. my BP went tremedously down, my apple stomach is going down and i have alot more energy. I do not eat Avoid Foods. Before any physican discredit his research they should ask their patient to try it, Oh No it might effect their pocket book.. Most patient does what the Dr.s orders, especially seniors. Just think how eating for your blood type will change most their health problems. I work with seniors and most of them ask me what iam during,because my skin look clear, my weight is have reduce, i repy, i am eating according to my blood type and is getting a good response.

posted Sep 14th, 2010 2:17 pm

Jessica Giustra


I found this book very useful. I am O blood type, but I was a vegetarian for 30 years. I was becoming ill and I didn't know why. I went to a holistic doctor and he gave me a genetic tolerance test which was sent to a laboratory. The lab report indicated I have a genetic intolerance to dairy, eggs, and wheat (gluten). That is in agreement with "Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type". Actually, when I avoided all the foods suggested for blood type O, I felt much healthier.

posted Aug 26th, 2010 3:24 pm



This diet changed my dad's life.

posted Aug 22nd, 2010 3:45 pm

n charles

My friend has been on this for about 3-4 weeks. She lost several pounds already. And she is pain free!! She has been suffering with pain from her hip replacement for years now, and has a lot of gas and stomach distress. She no longer has any of these! I have never seen her so happy and pain free. She has gone back to dancing at least once a week. No cane needed anymore. She has inspired me and I am following the plan now. Just cleaned out my pantry of things I cannot eat. I have plenty of food to choose from as I am a B+. And I do love to cook and can do so with all the foods I can have. So this is more of a lifestyle eating plan than a diet. And most "diets" have not worked for me. I will keep you posted as to my progress.

posted Aug 20th, 2010 9:00 pm

Steve Grover


I bought the Eat Right for your Body Type book a few years ago for my wife and me. I eagerly anticipated a new me and a world of improved health for my wife.

Then I figured out the obvious. No matter what your body type, the 'right' diet is a starvation diet.

No thanks. Boy was I mad. Then I find out that nobody else has been able to corroborate his research. True scientific research can duplicate results. The man is crazy or a scammer or both.

posted Jul 6th, 2010 7:35 pm



sometimes when a body is healing things get worse before better it is called a healing process. its like when you get a cold, there are lots of symptoms as your body is trying to expel the cold bug...... if you get worse like HANNA talk to your doctor or different doctors there is something else going on or you moved to quickly into the diet,,,, its like diving into a cold pool then trying to get into a hot tub,, SHOCK!!!!

posted Jun 16th, 2010 3:27 pm



My whole family of 5 went on this diet. We are all type O's, so it was easy to do for us! We stuck to it for about a month and a half, lost weight and felt better. My husband's acid reflux went away completely, I had more energy and didn't feel bloated all the time. When we worked ourselves off of it (got busy, ate out a lot), our physical issues got much worse. We go back to the diet on Monday - ready to feel better again! We know it works because we did the low carb diet once before as well and lost weight, but our physical problems never got better.

posted Jun 5th, 2010 11:36 pm



friends have said this book changed their life. seems to make total sense.

posted Jun 3rd, 2010 10:27 am



The Eat Right 4 Your Type plan has been nothing but a blessing for myself and my family!! My 16 year old-type O- has severe auto-immune issues and with this plan she has lost weight, gained energy and is feeling SO much better! YEA!! It has taken commitment and shifting some prior thought process of what really is healthy eating.

posted Apr 16th, 2010 4:01 pm



I am A+ and was very excited when I learned I should have a mostly vegetarian diet. I have never been much of a meat eater but forced it into my diet because I thought it was important. Have been following for three months. I had a baby last year and could not get the wieght off. Now I feel great, energized and that extra baby weight is finally coming off with minimal effort. I love this diet

posted Jan 26th, 2010 8:37 pm



It really does work! I've been following this for over 2 years and when I deviate, I feel it!

posted Jan 5th, 2010 4:35 pm


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