What is it?
Master Cleanse Diet is a juice fast weight loss fad that is intended for short term use. It was created in the 1940’s and is still used today as a way to promote fast weight loss.
The diet claims it can detoxify the body and help remove fat. It is popularized today due to it being used by the celebrity Beyoncé. It’s also known as the Lemonade Diet, and there are free resources online which explain it in detail. Our weight loss experts have rated several diets and found the 18Shake Diet to be the most effective. It offers results via anappetite suppressing meal replacement and a fat burning diet pill. Learn more information about its benefits by clicking the link here.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
Master Cleanse Diet Ingredients and Side Effects
For an entire 10 days you are allowed only to drink certain liquids. This is to flush out toxins and help create a more energized body. Eventually some solid foods are slowly reintroduced. Here are the following steps one must follow:
• Salt Water Flush: 2 teaspoons of non-iodized salt and a full quart of lukewarm water are mixed. This isdrunk in the morning to help flush out the system and stimulate the bowels. You aren’t allowed to add anything else and no solid foods are allowed.
• Lemonade beverage: This includes 10 ounces of spring or purified water, 1/10 of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, and 2 tablespoons of lemon or lime juice. One must drink 6 to 12 glasses a day for the entire period.
• Laxative or Peppermint Tea: Peppermint tea is meant to help cure nausea and soothe the stomach. An herbal laxative tea can also be drunk before bed to stimulate digestion and clean the system of toxins. There is no specified brand for either of these teas. Laxative teas are added to help further bowel movements, which some customers say is impossible to have by drinking only the allowed liquids.
This is done for a full 10 day period. After this you can start adding things like juice, vegetable soup, raw fruits and vegetables. It’s advised to reintroduce these foods slowly, as to not disturb the body and cause digestive issues.Our experts have created a list of the very best weight loss diets here.
There are potential side effects to this diet as Web MD mentions:
“This diet puts you at risk for nutritional deficiencies”
They also discuss how it works in terms of weight loss:
“It’s an unhealthy way to temporarily lose weight”
Due to the potential side effects, this type of diet can promote many unwanted symptoms. There are fears that any weight one loses will only be temporary, and that sustaining the body on just these types of ingredients is unhealthy. This is because one is not receiving adequate nutrition needed for the body to repair itself.
The claim that detoxifying the body is a good way to lose weight has also not been verified. Web MD mentions:
“There’s no proof that detoxifying leads to long-term weight loss. Plus, you don’t need to detox your body – your liver takes care of that”
No studies are provided either to help show if this is an effective and safe way to lose weight. There are potential side effects one might experience that include:
• Fatigue, restlessness, and digestion issues.
• Diarrhea, bloating, and ill feelings.
• Loss of energy, blood sugar issues, and headaches.
For a comprehensive list of the best weight loss diets, click the link here.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.
Master Cleanse Diet Quality of Ingredients
Ingredients like lemon or lime juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and tea can be healthy when used alongside a healthy diet. To drink only these things for a total of 10 days means one won’t be receiving adequate vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients. There’s no protein and not enough fiber and carbohydrates.
Relying on weight loss via laxatives and this few amount of calories can lead to a lack of energy, brain fog, and several other issues.
There’s also a salt water drink which can flood the body full of sodium. It’s clear that one will likely lose weight, but health organizations and sites like Web MD confirm the weight will likely return. They add:
“Becauseyou’re getting so few calories, you’ll probably lose weight. You’ll also be losing muscle, bone, and water. And you’re likely to gain the weight right back”
There’s no proof that one will actually be losing any real fat. It’s most likely that water weight and important bone and muscle density will be reduced. This can be very unhealthy and it’s likely why the diet is only advised for a total of 10 days. A full listing of the highest rated diets for weight loss is available here.
The Price and Quality of Master Cleanse Diet
There’s just a few ingredients needed for this diet to work. Every drink one makes will be homemade, though there are some companies which sell a ready to drink version of the lemon or lime beverage.
There is also a detox tea one has to buy which is often low in cost. The main issue is that there is no proof that this is a healthy way to lose weight. It can be extremely difficult to sustain the diet, and it’s unlikely one will be losing weight that won’t return quickly. Web MD adds:
“You’ll likely be hungry on such a strict diet”
This can reduce the likelihood of it succeeding, and the kinds of foods one has to buy are low in nutrients. This is why many who try this diet complain about a lack of energy and ill feelings.
Business of Master Cleanse Diet
This diet was created by a Stanley Burroughs, who discussed it in 1940. It was officially published in a book printed in 1976 known as The Master Cleanse. No evidence is provided to show if this diet is safe and effective.
The creator has a background in natural health, but he has no certification or degree in health, nutrition, or any form of weight loss specialty. He also was subject to a major lawsuit for giving out medical advice without a permit. Defend Your HealthCare.com adds:
“He was charged with… murder because the jury found that the death of a patient was the result of Burroughs practicing medicine without a license”
It’s unknown how he came up with the Master Cleanse Diet, but it’s clear there is no evidence to support its safety and effectiveness. For a list of the best weight loss diets, click the link here.
EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.
Customer Opinions of Master Cleanse Diet
Here are some select reviews from online reviews:
“cramps in my calves and a wonderful case of diarrhea”
“I had no energy to workout or tend to my family”
“I would get sick and start puking up some of the water”
“This is not a healthy way of losing weight or detoxing”
There were people who lost weight, but there were issues with it immediately returning as soon as regular food was eaten. Users also had issues with side effects such as a loss of energy, fatigue, headaches, nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and bloating.
Even with 10 days of use people have experiencednumerous symptoms. Our experts have rated and ranked the best weight loss diets in a list featured here.
People commonly stated how they felt awful while on this diet and that they couldn’t perform regular tasks. This is likely due to the extreme reduction of calories.
Conclusion - Does Master Cleanse Diet Work?
The Master Cleanse Diet is a detoxing plan used to help one lose weight quickly while providing energy. The creator of this diet has had several lawsuits filed against him for making unproven health claims. There’s also no evidence that by eating the few allowed drinks that this would lead to sustained and healthy weight loss. There are doctors who have reviewed this diet and found it to be potentially unhealthy. It does not have enough vitamins and minerals to provide the body with proper nutrition. There are also issues with users experiencing side effects and rapid weight gain. Without any real evidence, it’s impossible to determine if this diet would be safe and effective long-term.
Our experts rate several diets and they found that the 18Shake Diet was the most effective for weight loss. It combines an appetite suppressing full meal replacement and a fat burning diet pill. The intended effect is to help burn extra calories while receiving a vitamin and mineral rich meal replacement that is low in calories. There are no added fillers, stimulants, colors preservatives, or artificial additives. Customer’s testimonials are also found on the official website from satisfied customers who’ve lost weight.
The 18Shake Diet is also supported by a full 30 day money back return policy. This guarantee is offered to customers with no questions asked. For more information about the 18Shake Diet, click the link here.
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 3, 41 total comments)Veronika
The diet really works as long as you stick to it and you have a real motivation to lose the weight and then eat a proper healthy diet post-cleanse. It's good if you are recovering from a large weight gain in a small amount of time, if you were pregnant, if you are serious about changing your lifestyle or if you've just recently quit smoking. I am 5'8.5 and I started the cleanse at 153 (or 70kilos) and on my 5th day was down to 66 kilos, I'm on day 7 and it gets a lot easier as you go. I have the drive to get back to what I was last summer and it's motivating me through the process. I'm going on for 20 days or 30. If I can do this anyone can:)
posted May 23rd, 2017 12:28 pmGunjika
I am onto my third annual Master Cleanse regime... And my life has changed ever since I began doing the Master Cleanse. Namaste
posted Apr 2nd, 2017 2:51 amJD
I did the Master Cleanse for a short time several years ago and knew that I needed to do it again. I am 50 and have been feeling things going on in my body that I do not like. I know fasting is extremely healthy and I have gained a lot of weight the past 4 years. So, here goes....take 2 of TMC. Will try to update.
posted Dec 7th, 2015 2:17 pmLisa
+I have done this diet in the past and I strongly feel that it is the best way for me to start a healthy eating routine. Lost about 15 lbs the first time I did it! I plan on losing more this time because I retain water. Starting up tomorrow and will try and post results
posted Sep 28th, 2015 9:18 amKiki
Hi everyone, I'm starting the master cleanse tomorrow and I am just wondering if anyone would like to buddy up with me to do this cleanse. I've tried it several times alone and couldn't make it pass the first day, so I wanted to try it with an online buddy to see if this would help, more than one buddy would be great but I know I really need at least one.
posted Aug 13th, 2015 8:58 pmThanks everyone!
kidest Assefa
I am on Day 2. Not too hungry or tired. I did 10 days cleanse 3 years ago and I lost 15 lbs. and gained the 5 lbs. within 2 months, but the kept the 10 lbs. off for until my second pregnancy. It was really hard the first time the first 3 days, but this time it seems easy.
posted Aug 4th, 2015 10:16 pmJD
I have done the Master Cleanse every year for the past 7 years (usually after the 1st of the year or at the end of the summer - whichever time frame that I eat the worse; you know, holidays and barbecues). I always exercise while doing it, and I'm talking ALL OUT - weight training and cardio. Am I advocating exercising? Yes and no! Yes to those who already live that lifestyle as part of their normal routine; I'm in the gym 6 days/week anyway (4 days of weights for an hour and cardio for 30 minutes 6 days). I sweat like crazy on the Master Cleanse and feel "detoxes" even more so. If you are not already exercising, daily, the don't start while on this cleanse, but it's more than okay to get in a brisk 20 minute walk everyday once you're over the hump (after day 3 or 4). It's Your experience!
posted Jun 4th, 2015 11:07 pmkay
?How soon do you have a bowel movement after coming off the master cleanse? How soon do you have a bowel movement after coming off the master cleanse?
+I'm on day 7 right now. It's incredible for cleansing. After day 3 headache goes away. I've lost 8lbs so far. For me it's about both cleansing and weight loss. My vision has slightly improved as well as my back pain. Energy is great. I'm turned up!!!!
posted Mar 8th, 2015 3:52 amSandra
+On day 9. My second cleanse. First time I had horrible headache day 2 and 3. This time no headache. I drank more water this time. I believe the headaches are due to dehydration in part. Do not dwell on food and you will not feel hunger as much. I am down 11 pounds. I am going for a healthier lifestyle after this time hopefully. I wanted to bring my blood pressure down as I know from last time it worked. 116 over 74 this morning. This diet takes willpower. Feeling good. There will always be naysayers out there but they probably did not have the willpower to finish. Ten days should not be hard on anyone. You throw processed food in your body for years, huge amount of junk, chocolates, cakes, alcohol, etc. 10 days of natural lemons, maple syru, cayenne pepper and water. Give me a break. Ten days... If you have the willpower... Try it.
posted Feb 28th, 2015 11:59 amNatalie
+I am 23 years old and decided to try this cleanse not only to live a healthier lifestyle but also to help me get to my ideal weight. I am a senior in college and I was so sick of the unhealthy lifestyle I was living. Lots of alcohol and fast food. I was starting to feel depressed, so I wanted a clean slate. This cleanse has been perfect for that, I am on day 4 and I am feeling great mentally. Physically, I could be better. I dont have much energy but it is still early in the morning and have noticed that this is when I tend to feel the weakest. I started off weighing 124 and am now down to 119. I havent really experienced hunger pains like others have mentioned but I am a little cranky and have experienced stomach cramping with the tea. I read that ginger will help relieve that pain so I will be purchasing some of that today. I believe that this is the perfect diet to kick start a healthier lifestyle and I look forward to making healthy changes once this cleanse is over. This is definitely not for everyone but I think that it will be a great sense of accomplishment once I have stuck through this and completed the mc.
posted Feb 7th, 2013 3:52 pmAli
Will I lose pants size dong the master cleanse?
posted Feb 3rd, 2013 9:23 pmJustin
+DAY 10: Hey everyone. It’s the evening on my 10th day. I am writing this as I drink my second to last cup of the lemonade. I am 27 years old and prior to cleanse I had lived a fairly unhealthy lifestyle mostly consisting of late night eating and alcohol consumption. However I often would go through healthy spurts of losing good amounts of weight -- eating right and working out 5 times of week. Before the cleanse, I was in one of my unhealthy modes. I decided I needed a big change for the new year (and for the rest of my life) so I started the cleanse. Day 2-4 were the worst for me. I think my detox period was longer than normal since I had many more toxins to rid of. I had headaches (not a coffee drinker), dry eyes, and occasional soreness in various body parts (that would only last half a day). This was all part of the detox. It wasnt until the beginning of day 6 that I started feel back to "normal." I didnt feel the stereotypical AMAZING energy that some people speak about after day 3. I went to the gym once after day 5. I found it difficult making the effort when knowing your body is hungry. I didnt do the salt water flush (since it was and/or with smooth move) but did the smooth move each night (generally had a bowl movement each morning and occasionally again during the night). I didnt weigh myself but my weight loss was significant (more than 15, less than 20). This evening (day 10), went to whole foods and bought 30 organic oranges to make the 2 liters of OJ for the ease out process. Day 2, OJ in the morning, juiced vegetables (ALL organic -- kale, carrots, celery, carrots, apples, cucumber), and organic broth. Day 3, juiced veggies, raw fruit, and salad (no meat, poultry, fish, cheese). Day 4, repeat. Day 5, okay for normal meal. My personal recommendation: FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS and DO NOT start eating sooner as you could do some serious damage to your intestine, colon, and digestive tract. Dont forget, this IS an intense cleanse that has great results but you must follow instructions during ease out process. You will find your cravings for your typical vices not as strong (or not there at all). I CRAVED enchiladas during my detox phase and now I CANT WAIT for day 2 broth and day 3 salad. My primary reason for doing this was to start with clean slate -- tabula rasa! After the cleanse, I didn’t want to JUST commit to going to the gym since I have been there before. I decided to try something that will help my diet going forward and my workout; I am doing the 90 day Body by Vi challenge (had a friend that did it who had such favorable results he is now rep for Visalus). One last piece of advice, if you plan to do 10 days DO THE 10 DAYS. Stick through it; if it was easy, everyone would do it. And if you give up in this, what other things in life are you giving up and not finishing? Reading people’s experiences often helped me during the detox phase so I hope this helps someone. STAY STRONG AND BEST OF LUCK.
posted Jan 12th, 2013 4:26 amMalli
+Instead of going 10 days, I've opted for 25 for convenience of schedule. I don't do the flush, but I'm happy all the same.
posted Jan 5th, 2013 3:32 amThe hardest part is not hunger pains (I rarely, if ever, got them), but curbing the cravings! It's a 10 day mental battle over wanting to give in. It gets considerably easier on the 2nd and 3rd day, especially if you remove all tempting food from your pantry!
I did notice decreased energy- not because I felt slow or lazy, but because my heart rate would increase 10x faster, and I had less stamina. I'm also concerned about muscle loss, which is why I won't try it again, but for the purpose of losing weight and introducing me to a healthier lifestyle, it was wonderful! I lost on average a pound a day, and am cutting the unhealthies (sugars, coffee, soda, snacks) out of my following diet so I only gain a few pounds back in water weight, and maybe getting some muscle back!
?can i eat peanut butter for energy just started the cleanse and i am starving already...im going to stick it out,,,i weigh 210lbs and im 5ft 9in but im stocky build...i want to drop down to 190-195lbs...is it okay to eat a spoonful of peanut butter for energy? i have all of the other ingredients...i do the sea flush in morning, 6-8 cups of water with pepper and lemon juice and im taking the laxative before bed...but can i eat spoonful of peanut butter for energy
+The master cleanse this extreme cleansing diet will quickly expel the toxins from your body, help you lose weight and clear your skin all at once. Only the most committed are recommended taking part in this type of diet. These types of cleansing diet are great for your body.
posted Jul 17th, 2012 9:47 amLyn
+I am currently on Day 10 of my master cleanse journey and all I can say it "Yay!!!" On Day 1 I weighed in @ a whooping 187lbs, I know gross! I'll have you know I was @ 142 just 4 months ago, just a little fyi. Either way it is now day 10 and I am @ 176lbs, that's 11lbs gone in 10 days. As for side effects, I mean I get tempted and a bit hungry here and there but asa I drink my Lemonade mix, I feel better and refreshed. I mean I've been jogging 1/2 a mile and walking another 1/2 everyday, so that should tell you just how much energy I have. I would recommend the Master Cleanse to anyone and am extremely excited to get to Day 35 so I can ease in and then stick to a vegeterian diet and incorporate more exercise into my lifestyle. I am very happy and so far pleased with my results! Good Luck to anyone taking the journey and Happy Cleansing!!! ;D
posted Jul 5th, 2012 10:39 pmElda
+I'm currently on my third or fourth cycle on the cleanse. Today is day 5 and all is well. I cleanse because I truly feel invigorated, enlightened and aware after a cleanse. My body aches go away and I don't feel any bloating. I'm having such a great experience this time and I think it's because I felt like I really needed it and I really psyched myself up! It's hard to not eat but it's bearable. I have no problem being around others while they eat and my fridge and pantry stays stocked because my husband still needs to eat! I usually plan the cleanse during a time when no events or parties are going on. I like to cleanse during the summer, it keeps my body heated. I'm able to stay pretty active and continue to do my 4 mile runs or hot yoga or MMA cardio sessions. I enjoy the lemonade drink, I've even thought about making a mixer out of it! I added chopped ginger to my Smooth Move lax tea after reading that it helps with cramping and it works! I'm also doing the sea salt flush in the morning and I think DRINKING THAT is the hardest thing about the cleanse. This cleanse is not for everyone. You've got to be mentally tough. You have to see this as a mind & body overhaul and not a "diet" or do it to lose some pounds because THAT mentality makes this cleanse unhealthy.
posted Jun 16th, 2012 6:40 pmLynn
-I did this cleanse last year. For 10 days I went through absolute hell.
posted May 25th, 2012 7:08 amFirst off, you NEVER stop being hungry. I heard all this rubbish about "for the first 4 days you're hungry then you're ok"...um NOPE! I was STARVING the ENTIRE TIME. Literally waking up in the middle of the night ever few hours with horrible hunger pains.
By day 1 I was so sick of the drink I couldn't even imagine drinking this crap for 10 days (don't know how I did it). I felt weak, hungry beyond belief, nauseous, irritable as heck....pretty much felt exactly like how you'd expect when a person starves themselves for 10 days.
And guess that the best part was? It was all for nothing! Did I lose weight? Yep I did but the second I went back to eating solid foods you better believe every single pound I lost went back on. Even though I ate healthy mind you. My skin didn't clear up at all, I felt no different physically or mentally afterwards. The only reason I was happy off the cleanse was because I was able to EAT again.
So in conclusion, the master cleanse is a complete and total waste of time. You put yourself through agony, starve yourself for 10 days, and in the end you realize what a worthless waste of time it was. I read all these reviews about how 'amazing' this cleanse was, how these people felt so 'mentally at peace'....Idk what they were smoking but I have never felt more mentally disconnected, since I was in fact STARVING. My mind was on nothing but food 24/7. I will never ever ever do this again. It was only after I realized I had been duped by another stupid Hollywood trendy diet scam. Never again.
+This really works. If you don't overeat after this, there is no yoyo right away.
posted May 16th, 2012 6:26 amGenerally, you will lose every 1 pounds off every day.
I succeed and fail over and over again per year. But I will try one more time to lose another 7 to 10 pounds.