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- Established: 1980
- Founder: Dr. William Vitale
- Headquarters: Owings Mills, Maryland
- Stock Symbol: MED
- Accessibility: Online
- Diet Type: Meal Delivery, Meal Replacement, High Protein
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Save time and energy by never having to grocery shop, count calories or cook your meals again. Medifast meal delivery service will send high protein meals directly to your home. By controlling portions, nutrients and calories, Medifast users can expect to lose 2-5 pounds per week for the first two weeks on the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan and 1-2 pounds per week thereafter.
The Medifast Plan menu consists of shakes, bars, soups, and other sides you can pair up to create your diet or the day. Medifast offers 70 meal choices to satisfy different palates and dietary requirements. Kosher, low glycemic, lactose-free and vegetarian diets are all supported by the Medifast plan. Medifast even has specific plans for the unique needs of women, men and diabetics.
Medifast's success has been proven in multiple clinical studies, the Medifast website offers dozens of real-life testimonials, and its products and programs have been recommended by more than 20,000 doctors since 1980.
A John Hopkins study found the Medifast plan helps dieters quickly and safely lose weight by decreasing the amount of calories they consume each day. The study also found that participants with type 2 diabetes lost 2 times the weight of individuals following the American Diabetes Association's dietary recommendations. Medifast also shows positive results in participants with other illnesses, like hypertension and high cholesterol.
All of the Medifast products are available online, but Medifast does offer some physical centers throughout the country, in Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia. You can choose to go to a center, but you can complete the program online just as easily.
Medifast YouTube Channel
Medifast Recipes at iFood TV
Meal Replacement Shake Review
- Convenient, pre-packaged foods sent to your home
- Reasonably priced
- Large variety of foods so there is something for everyone
- Encourages and incorporates exercise
- Clinically proven weight loss
- Doctor recommended
- Provides detailed weight loss maintenance plan
- Plans made for diabetics and other medical situations
- Quick Start Guide available at

- Must cut carbs
- May be tough transitioning back to regular diet
- Low-calorie diet has its critics
- Makes social situations harder to manage
A sampling of feedback and experiences shared by our community.
I am a 48 year old male with a fairly unactive lifestyle. On May 16, 2011 I started the Medifast diet following the 5/1 plan. My starting weight was 325 lbs. I am 11-1/2 weeks into the diet and have lost 58 lbs.
I come from a family of excellent cooks. Are the food offerings gourmet quality? No. However, they aren't, in general, as horrible as people say. Sure, there's a few clunkers out there but, for the most part, there are so many varieties that you should be able to find your way through. - Greg 8/5/11
I am 49 yrs old...5"5" and I started my program Aug 8th 2010 at 172 lbs I lost 45 lbs in 14 weeks! It's easy and the results are rapid. The first week I lost 8.5 lbs and the first month 17.5 lbs and then I averaged about 2.5 lbs a week. I have been reading lots' of discouraging people on here in regards to the food. Yes, there are some of the meals that you will not care for. But, you will figure out your likes and dislikes right away. Just don't eat more then one pkg out of each box for any returns.For me personally ..I love the bars and like the rice cakes, pretzels and puffs vanilla and mocha shakes yum! - Lorrie 8/4/11
I started medifast around October 2010. I went from 165lbs to about 142lbs in 3 months. I was very pleased. Unfortunately once I became comfortable being able to fit in my own clothes again I stopped the program. I did not start the maintenance program. My own fault. I ended up gaining my weight back and have started weight watchers and it's been successful so far. So depending on wether or not I would of stayed on the program I would have a better review. So it does work, and I do like it. But it was not for me and the food gets old quick! If you keep to it right, and do not cheat! I would cheat just for one day with some medifast and maybe a real meal with the family and I would be gaining a pound.. Just keep to it. - Alyssa 7/4/11
This diet works without a doubt as long as you can stick thru it. It is VERY difficult the first few days but once you make it thru week 1 the cravings pretty much go away. The food will also begin to taste better, however its best to try everything because not everyone like everything. I personally just do the shakes and brownies sometimes the scrambled eggs. They also have a great community site for advice and support and you can get great ways to doctor it up the meals too. The weight definitely comes off quickly and you see results weekly on the scale on with a measuring tape which is great motivation. Of course it has its downside like every diet the weight can come back quickly and more, but only if you don't go into the transition stage and gradual reintroduce foods back into your diet and maintain a healthy balanced diet. - Izzy 5/17/11
The Medifast diet consists of five prepared meals and one "Lean and Green Meal." (L&GM) known as the Medifast 5 & 1 plan. Your L&GM will consist of a lean protein (a seven-ounce serving of chicken, turkey or fish, or a five ounce serving of beef, pork or lamb) with a tablespoon's worth of condiment like ranch dressing, ketchup or mustard. You will also choose your side dish, which can include a salad, or raw or cooked vegetables. You will always eat at least three servings of vegetables in your L&GM.
The Medifast program encourages you to keep your metabolism high and avoid hunger by eating every three hours. It also recommends that you stay hydrated by drinking your choice of calorie-free beverage, preferably water, consuming at least 64 ounces each day. While your Lean and Green Meal and beverages are up to you, the rest of your meals will be chosen from the dozens of low-calorie, high nutritient meal-replacement items that Medifast delivers directly to you. With options like puddings, oatmeal, shakes, and scrambled eggs, it's hard to get bored.
At the beginning of the program, you will remove high carbohydrate vegetables from your diet like corn and carrots, to jump start your weight loss. You'll slowly introduce these items back into your diet over time and they can be a part of your diet in the maintenance phase, if you wish.
While on the Medifast program you don’t have to worry about counting anything; calories, grams of fat and carbs are all controlled and you can expect to lose between two and five pound per week. The Medifast meals are made with 24 different vitamins and minerals to keep you full and satisfy your nutritional needs.
A typical day of eating on the Medifast program looks like:
- Breakfast – Spiced Pancakes with Sugar-Free Syrup
- Snack – Chocolate Crunch Bar
- Lunch – Chicken & Wild Rice Soup
- Snack – Cinnamon Pretzel Sticks
- Dinner – Baked Tilapia Fillet; Sautéed Sugar Snap Peas with Mushrooms, Carrots
- Dessert – Coffee Soft Serve
The Medifast website offers an exercise guideline document, but there is specific workout program. Medifast recommends getting daily exercise, but your intensity, mode and duration are left completely up to you. They suggest running, jogging, swimming, dancing or walking, but with such a low calorie, structured program, getting your daily 30 minutes reccommended for health should be enough for you to successfully drop weight.
Medifast recommends waiting two to three weeks before introducing exercise if you do not already exercise regularly. You should also consult your physician if new to exercise. Start slow, and gradually increase you time and intensity as you feel things become easier. If you have been exercising consistently prior to starting Medifast, it is recommended that you reduce your intensity and duration of exercise for the first couple of weeks so your body can adjust to your lower calorie levels, and do no more than 45 minutes of vigorous exercise each day during this time period.
Medifast suggests, as do we, that you find something that you enjoy for your workouts so you are more likely to stick to them. The gym isn't your only option. You can take up jogging outside, dance classes, swimming, or biking to get in some exercise while finding a new activity you enjoy.
Common questions asked about the Medifast program by our community. Click each to see the full answer.
Does anyone experience an early plateau on Medifast? - NB 6/21/11
Is there any medical supervision on Medifast? - KJ 6/10/11
What is the cost of 3 months on Medifast? - Jeannie 6/8/11
Will my body adjust to hunger at the beginning of the diet? - Lisa 3/7/11
Ask or answer Medifast Questions now.
For more than 20 years, Medifast has been the answer for many people's weight loss struggles.. It’s also helped people with pre-existing health conditions, like diabetes and hypertension, lose weight safely. The taste and quality of the meals have gotten mostly positive feedback, so if you want to take out all of the guess work, Medifast may be the diet for you. You'll learn how to eat proper portions with balanced nutrition, while eating consistently throughout the day. Most programs and diets cannot boast the doctor recommendations, positive clinical findings and glowing testimonials that Medifast can. It's worth a look if you have weight to lose and are looking for a convenient, all in one approach to eating.

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Medifast Testimonial on Good Morning America
The Cost of Diet Plans on Today Show
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by Brandi Koskie
User Feedback
(Page 16 of 22, 438 total comments)J J the jet plane
My parents did this diet. They lost weight, but they said that the taste wasn't good. all it is is a powder diet.
posted Jul 28th, 2010 7:34 pmJaedor
I've read that soy is not a good choice for folks with hypothyroidism. But I need to find something that works since thyroid complications make it tougher to lose weight.
posted Jul 27th, 2010 6:17 pmDoes anyone know about the thyroid - soy connection?
Jennifer Tillery McElroy
I thought the food was a nice change from previous diet plans that I had tried. I lost 83 lbs between June 09 and March 10. I've kept it off for the past 4 months :-)
posted Jul 24th, 2010 8:12 pmAims
hey .. i want to try this ...
posted Jul 18th, 2010 1:26 amjust tell me one thing !
if i use medifast food and stuff
for about 3 weeks .. lose weight and then leave
it ?? will i just gain the weight back ?
+I've been doing Medifast for 4 months and have lost 30 lbs. I have to admit, I've cheated and that's why it's only 30 lbs. This program does work .. it requires some self-control and the hardest part i have found is the fact that I have to cook for my family which can be tempting for me. The program does work, and the food which tasted bland and had that 'sugar free' taste to me at first, is now delicious. I especially love the Medifast brownies. I would recommend this diet.
posted Jul 13th, 2010 2:25 pmPJ
+I lost 85 pounds on this diet TWELVE years ago, and have kept it off. They have a maintenance program that is very helpful. I disagree with the doctor's comments above. I have not paid for it at all - oh wait, I have! My cholesterol is lower, my self esteem is higher and my energy is back. Considering that I have a thyroid disease and have gone through menopause - not bad! I get a physical every year with a complete blood workup. There have been no problems. If you like having chocolate shakes and cookies for breakfast lunch and dinner - this is for you. By the way - I'm not connected with Medifast other than being a success story.
posted Jul 12th, 2010 5:15 pmTracey
-I couldn't get past the taste. I found that I don't do well with soy based products. I was on it for 3 weeks. I will say however, YOU DO LOSE WEIGHT! That is the truth. So if your stomach can tolerate soy products I would suggest this progam for quick weight loss.
posted Jul 9th, 2010 8:17 pmstephanie lewis
+You can't judge the food after one day or one week. I was so upset after the first week I thought I wasted my money. The food is soy based which most of us are not used to. Once you get used to it in about a week or two at the most you will crave the food. Honest!
posted Jul 7th, 2010 8:57 pmBest and easiest diet I ever did. If someone had said I would have said that after the first week I would have said they were nuts. Give it one to two weeks to get used to soy!!!!!!
-It was grosss! I can pretty much eat anything, but this diet put a screeching halt to that! The oatmeal(which I usually looked like a horror movie.I am sure Freddie Kruger was waiting for me at the bottom of that bowl! People probably lose their weight on this diet from losing their appetite!!
posted Jul 3rd, 2010 11:11 amSelina
+Awesome plan! I have just had my first week's weigh in and lost 14.7 lbs.!!! The first week was tough, but the payout was well worth it! Try this for yourself, you won't be disappointed!
posted Jun 30th, 2010 2:23 amjENM
posted Jun 27th, 2010 2:06 pmAlexa Fleckenstein M.D.
-No bought, ready-made diet ever can have the nutritional value a self-cooked meal has.
posted Jun 21st, 2010 8:33 pmYou might lose some pounds now - but you will pay a price for it.
Alexa Fleckenstein M.D., physician, author.
Eric H
This program works. Period. I watched as a co-worker of mine dropped over 80lbs in 5 months. I myself just started this program on June 1st, 2010. It is now June 15th and I have lost 28lbs. That's almost 2lbs a day!! Granted I have a lot more to lose than the average Medifast participant but still, in just 2 weeks I have lost over 6% of my total starting body weight. My wife started with me at the same time and while she has much less to lose she has already lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks. If your are sick and tired of being fat, sick and tired then give this program a try. IT WILL WORK IF YOU PUT THE EFFORT IN.
posted Jun 15th, 2010 12:41 pmSandy
+Takes self control-but if you stick to it, the weight melts off. I have lost 73 pounds in 7 months. No loss of energy. Helps you to re-evaluate your eating habits esp. portion control and healthy food choices. I have more energy, less aches and pains, and I am able to spend better quality time with my children!.
posted Jun 7th, 2010 9:14 amWendy
when I first bit in to blueberry oatmeal as my first meal it was quite awful as all I could taste was sweetener but now that I have used the products for 5 full days (on my 6th) at this writing everything is tolerable if not tasty. Normally I'm hungry not long after I have eaten but now I am eating these products instead. I have my LM&G meal every day and look forward to 'real food'. I have made the choice to use the product so I will continue to give it a go. I'm hungry I won't lie but I drink water and kind of look for the opportunity to eat the next 'meal'. I have lost size in the last five days right off the front of me. It's a great feeling! I have also lost 5 or 6 pounds....maybe more (my scale may not match the doctor's).
posted Jun 6th, 2010 2:53 pmAnn
+I've been using it for 12 weeks and lost 28 lbs to date! I am so excited.I've tried every diet and nothing has worked. Medifast is the best thing I've found.
posted Jun 6th, 2010 1:36 amrachelateam
+I like they shakes they are yum!
posted Jun 4th, 2010 6:24 pmShila
-This diet is okay for anyone who can live on shakes, faux candy bars, oatmeal and soup. I need some real food so this junk food diet doesn't cut it for me. Taste is average - if you want the same type of diet with better results just do slimfast. It's pretty much the same prepackaged bars & shakes with the luxury of a meal other than oatmeal or soup at less than half the price of medifast.
posted Jun 3rd, 2010 2:47 pmfab5lucy
+Easy peasy dieting. That is my kind of dieting. Delivered to my door. Just tell me what to do!
posted Jun 3rd, 2010 12:19 amruairi
+The food is better than the food back in Ireland! and I am losing weight done and done...
posted May 29th, 2010 8:38 pm