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- Established: Parent company Kellogg’s in 1906
- Founder: Will Keith Kellogg
- Stock Symbol: K
- Headquarters: Battle Creek, Michigan
- Accessibility: Online communities, book
- Diet Type: Low-calorie, two meals per day replaced with cereal
- Gender: Female
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You've probably seen the commercials - excited women dancing around with bowls of Special K cereal. You probably don't get this enthused after your morning breakfast, but does yours help you lose weight?
The Special K Challenge says that if you'll follow their simple dietary guidelines, including two bowls of Special K cereal each day, you can lose up to six pounds in just two weeks.
The Special K Challenge promotes a community effort, by partnering with Yahoo Health. There you can join the Special K Challenge group, to participate in forums and chats with other challengers and access weight loss tips.
You're advised to visit with your doctor before beginning the Special K Challenge.
- A simple approach
- interactive online community at Yahoo Groups
- Fast approach to weight loss that is relatively healthy
- High fiber diet
The Special K Challenge is much like a meal replacement diet. You'll begin the day with a bowl of Special K cereal for breakfast with skim milk and fruit. Then replace your typical lunch with a bowl of Special K cereal. You'll then enjoy the dinner of your choosing - the healthier the better. Throughout the day you should consume plenty of fruits and vegetables to replace unhealthy snacks.
Special K has a variety of cereals and snacks to help you stay committed to the program. There are six cereals including Red Berries, Vanilla Almond and Chocolatey Delight. There are also many flavors and varieties of snack bars, protein meals, diet shakes, cereal bites and bars. Plus, the recent addition of Special K2O Protein water in refreshing flavors like Strawberry Kiwi and Lemon Twist. It should be noted that some of these food items, like the protein bars, contain partially hydrogenated oils- which means they are a source of trans fats.
There is not any guidance provided from Special K regarding exercise.
If you're looking for something to jump-start your weight loss, maybe you can try this for a week or two. Maybe it will be a physiological boost for you to continue. Otherwise, the idea of an obviously temporary eating plan seems like a losing proposition. Be sure to read the food labels of all of the Special K items as you'll want to avoid the ones that list partially hydrogentated oil in the ingredients, as this is a source of trans fats.
Special K Deit, Special K Diet, Special K Challenge Diet, special k diets
- Special K Challenge
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User Feedback
(Page 7 of 10, 191 total comments)Heather
I've been on it for two and a half weeks now, I'm planning on being on it at the most up until Christmas. I don't know how much weight I've lost as I don't believe in weighing myself (waaaay too scary!) but I know I have lost a LOT of weight. The day I started it I tried a pair of trousers on that wouldn't even pull right up, let alone fasten - and I am now wearing those trousers to work. I don't feel very hungry, and I thought I'd get bored but as I never used to eat during the day anyway I'm just having the cereal instead of the two meals I skipped - and I don't think I could ever get tired of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes!! I swap the cereals round so I don't have the same one twice a day and that helps a lot. I'm doing a bit of light exercise too - and I must say I've not felt this good in ages. Just hope I can keep it up till December!!!
posted Aug 7th, 2008 5:48 pmjennifer
i dont like milk either, but eating the cinnamon pecan special k cereal the milk no longer has a bad taste. i have been on the special k diet for 2 weeks now. i am glad i decided to do it. the flavored cerealss are not bad nor are any of the snack bites or bars. i dont even usually get hungry. my only question is does anyone know if its ok to have a "cheat day" once a week? i have really been craving a something real food in the afternoon.
posted Jul 31st, 2008 1:01 pmlesley
i dont like milk. would it be ok to substitute this with low fat yoghurts?
posted Jul 30th, 2008 9:47 amm.t coffen
my sister-in law lost 200 lbs on this diet and died the only ones happy about it were the pallbearers
posted Jul 7th, 2008 7:06 pmsteph
i put four stone on while pregnant, so i hve been on this diet for a week already lost 5 pounds and dont find it hard at all cause i normally have special k for breakfast anyway so im only changing the lunch. i havent over done exercise just started walking instead of using the car, its easy to follow if you keep yourself busy and try not to think about the diet. my partner also did this diet with me but gave up on second day as he was thinking about foods he could have been eating instead of special k.just try to think positive. everyone could lose weight if they put there mind to it. good luck!
posted Jul 4th, 2008 11:01 pmTilly
I tried the diet last year and had the runs. That's NOT a good way to lose weight. I was also going through stress at the time so I don't know if the 2 were related.
posted Jul 4th, 2008 11:01 pmAnonymous
I'm starting it today!
posted Jul 4th, 2008 9:13 amtata
I'm starting the special K diet today and I feel great about it! I really hope I can loose these 30 dreadful lbs that have been haunting me ever since I turned 23 yrs old, (I'm 26 now) I have lost it and gained it back 3 times, but my friend tried this diet and it worked for her and she looks great!! Wish me luck, and good luck to everyone who is trying to get those extra pounds off!
posted Jul 1st, 2008 10:49 pmzara
hi why would u want to eat special k for ur main meals
posted Jun 3rd, 2008 9:05 amAnonymous
ok first of all the one who is 73lbs doesn't anyone think she LOST 73lbs not weighs it? Second I started special k 4 days ago and lost 2lbs already. I love cereal and there is no problem for me eating it twice a day. Just follow the serving sizes and you'll be fine. shrinking your stomach sucks but so long as you have small meals every 3 hrs you will survive... i have my cereal in the morning, and ceral bar 3 hrs later then another bowl of cereal 3 hrs later for lunch and then depending if i want the protein water or another cereal bar 3 hrs later... then i have my normal dinner. Timed eating schedule 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, and 7pm. try it, it works, hard at first but its will power.
posted May 30th, 2008 8:40 amstephanie
I've been on the Special K diet now for almost 4 weeks, I've lost about 8 pounds. I eat two portions of the cereal each time. I think it's great. I don't crave sweets or junk food anymore, just regular food. So when I eat my regular dinner each night, that craving is satisfied. If I get hungry, I just have a fruit salad, since you can have unlimited fruits/vegetables on the diet
posted May 22nd, 2008 3:08 pmhott babe
I've always been skinny, and eat special K just because it tastes good, for breakfast lunch and dinner, now I know why I'm skinny! Yippee.
posted May 22nd, 2008 11:50 amSilwendo
Hi all, and congrats to those strong people who have lost some weight. I have been on a no starch and carbohydrates for the past month and have lost 5kg but now I am bored with this diet and I am so happy that just today I came across special k and have to loss another 5kg so I will try it and see what happens in the next two weeks.
posted May 19th, 2008 10:44 amTrinity
OMG!!! I am so excited about starting my Special K Diet. I bought the blueberry and vanilla crisp cereal bars and the cinnamon pecan cereal. I really really want to lose weight. I want to lose about 30lbs. Imthink this diet, taking my hydroxycut and exercise would get me 30 pounds in no time. I'll keep you posted on my weight lose!!!! Wish me luck!!!
posted May 17th, 2008 7:47 amsar fielding
BE WARY!!! - I have just finished 3 weeks on the special K diet with a bowl for brekkie, one for lunch, and a proper dinner. I am slightly overweight with a BMI of 26.7. Yet really feel yuk after doing this diet! The last few days I actually put weight on as I was really badly constipated! It is a man made food and my body has had a hell of a time trying to break down the rough flakes! Plus I felt dizzy and light headed, and have come out in a really bad outbreak of spots on my chin - which must be the chemicals and additives from its ingredients! In all I have not lost that much weight - going to the gym has toned me up - I lost the most amount of weight this morning when the laxatives I took before bed worked (sorry to be so graphic!) Overall this diet has not worked for me - I was hoping it would be the cheaper way to diet - but it has made me realise that fresh fruit, veg, chicken , and fish, nuts, pulses, and seeds - combined with the gym - Are the only way forward when it comes to losing weight! Many thanks Sarx Ps Kelloggs better not take this blog off!
posted Apr 28th, 2008 8:31 amMorgan
I have been on this diet for about a week now and it is truly amazing... im only 16 about 147 and i want to get to 130 thats 17 pounds i hope that this diet will work i have tried so many and they all fail me! i do though feel hungry throughout the day for lunch i eat the 10g protein special K bar and it doesnt last me throughout the whole day i suggest also adding in the 5g protin water to help keep you full!! good luck!!
posted Apr 19th, 2008 10:08 amkathy
I want to try this diet but I am afraid this will be a flop like all others. I enjoyed the comments that I have read. Do you really think this is a healthy diet? Looking for any comments you might have. Good Luck to everyont that is doing this diet.
posted Apr 17th, 2008 8:48 pmcorey
i can't wait to start the special k challenge i am trying to reach losss of ten or five pounds wiish me luck
posted Apr 17th, 2008 1:55 pmCin
That person didn't mean 73lbs. they meant 173lbs. People on the news don't live under 80lbs. it was TYPO!!! I started the special k diet and it works great! 10lbs in 2 weeks was no proble :) The feeling of hunger will kick in for the first few days, but then your stomach will shrink and eating small portions will fill you up-fast! I eat a bowl for breakfast with fruit, 2 hours later I eat half of a special k bar with half of a special k water for a snack, a bowl for lunch, the rest of my remaining snack 2 hours after lunch and then a healthy under 500 calorie dinner. Sometimes I flip lunch and dinner depending on my schedule. I walk for 30 minutes on the days that I can and I remember to drink lots of water, because most of the time we think we're hungry when we're just dehydrated. The special k diet is not a fix all diet, you still need to eat a healthy blanced diet once you lose the weight you want. Good luck to you all !!!
posted Apr 15th, 2008 11:52 amZack
I started doing this diet a week ago and have lost 6lbs already. I do get sick of just Special K all the time so I replace it with other cereals that are similar in nutrients. i.e. Rice Crispies, Cheerios
posted Apr 12th, 2008 4:37 pm